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Everything posted by Shaddie

  1. FYI. 30 tickets. I passed since I already had some artery closed cloggers.
  2. Might be wrong but I think TO’s game plan requires too much “thinking”. Remember _iaz was all about multiple assignments and seemed to leave dudes over thinking. Also If I never see a fucking 3 man rush or 3 man dline I could die happy.
  3. That shoots your entire argument down. NFL is NEVER going to pay for something they get free. Damn they won’t even hire full time refs for their multi-billion $ enterprise. If college football dies tomorrow then you have a 10% chance of this working.
  4. Brotherton in Pville. Brisket was good. Awesome crust. Not a smoke ring but not worried about that. Ribs were ok. Almost candy sweet and not as tender or as big as Hutchins in McKinney. Give it about 85. Pickles were 110% percent though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 1=fastball 2= curveball 3= I got no idea. Sounds pretty damn complicated to me.
  6. Selective stats are the aggy security blanket.
  7. Dude wake up. We will never forget aggy trying to burn down the house as they left. Sure we like to make fun of them as they walked out of the house with toilet paper stuck to their ass. If you can’t see CDC is doing one big troll on them then you need get some coffee and wake the fuck up.
  8. I can't decide if this is good or bad. Help!!
  9. Had a company car a few years ago and was brand new. Started having transmission issues. 3rd trip to dealer and they finally found some bad connections in some of the electronics going to transmission. Mine was a dodge but sounds exactly the same. Turn it off and it would start working again after a little while.
  10. I was going to say same thing. (As I Google wtf hexahedron is) Will say Maginot would be very impressed though.
  11. Good god. I never post over here or do much reading cause of the derka curse but Jesus you Kansas fucks sure come off very aggy with your “everybody else does it” shit. Facts ( that luckily NCAA is not a court of law) is you scums cheat like crazy. Deal with it.
  12. So. I have a connection that has a connection with season tickets. I have lots of miles and and cost is cheap for me. Is Fenway worth it?
  13. Here in Phoenix this week and local radio is saying (I haven’t watched so don’t know) o-line sux. Some expert said he agreed that watching film KK is making ok adjustments but talent isn’t there. I just wish he would get crushed and ask Oakland if offer still stands
  14. Almost like ones that talk shit don’t have it usually.
  15. Read some stuff the other day and originally Jesse was supposed to be written off by episode 9.
  16. WTF? You sir need to go play pool volleyball for a couple of hours and get slapped in the head so you can realize all Surly is true and unadulterated.
  17. Hopefully get to see baker get a helmet driven down his throat. Not the porno kind either cause he would like that too much.
  18. Multi billion dollar industry is controlled by fucking part time employees. Fuck you NFL.
  19. Can some explain time management at this point. If you call timeout early (and don’t let them get 40 yd strike) you have more time with no timeouts. When you have the ball you can stop it much faster. I am so confused by this.
  20. So a ? for those that follow this closer than I do. Does Jimbo basically running out clock and not making an effort to win, have much affect on the 21 guys?
  21. Shit man. If a coach make an RB great, who was Barry Sanders coach? We should go get him.
  22. Jumbo is a dumbass. Don’t try to win the game but still risking players getting hurt.
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