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Everything posted by twosheds

  1. And it didn’t seem she was scared going up. Only going down. Weird.
  2. This is the world we now inhabit. What a time to be alive.
  3. Actually beat two opponents. With one election. That’s historic.
  4. I can’t buy bacon?
  5. I don’t even trust my penis. He’s a real dick.
  6. Can’t get prior authorization unless it’s a referral from your PCP
  7. We’ve got an over the air antenna and hogans heroes is on nightly from 9-10 on MeTV. Just after the Beverly hillbillies and green acres.
  8. Katie George. I would….
  9. On a short pier? Make sure Nicole isn’t around
  10. Austin might try to pay for it, but the legislation will be worded so that all Texas counties are eligible but only cities, with populations over 750,000 that the Colorado River flows through, are eligible for reimbursement.
  11. And half of those hours were probably when AEP SWEPCO cut all transmission lines out of NW LA. We also are behind the pine curtain and lost power for about 10? hours. And yeah, the copter/chain saw trimmers are bad ass
  12. It happens over and over. The early models have landfall at Tampico and then 7 days later Morgan City is staring down the barrel.
  13. We get calls from the “Feed Foundation” all day long at work. Some are local numbers. Others are out of state. We usually just ignore them at this point.
  14. Over 2” of rain in the last 30 minutes in Shelby County. Bring all your tankers and get our water.
  15. I ended up turning off the timer to the Polaris Creeper. I had amassed free Amazon points from a vendor and found a knock off Robot for less than $500. We are going on now about three weeks and it seems to be doing a pretty good job so far. It picks up most of the small debris, leaves, etc. I like the way it climbs the walls and "scrubs" at the same time. It is rechargeable and the battery seems to last about two hours. I have been running it mostly every other day. I wish there was a solar option so that I could leave it in the pool all day and it would recharge while it vacuumed. And I am not sure how it will work in the fall when the acorns start to fall. That seemed to be a big issue with the Polaris as well. Overall, I am pleased with the purchase so far. Thanks for the help and input.
  16. We have a 9 year old Hayward 6060 0.5 HP Booster Pump for the leaf crawler. It has been whistling for a while and yesterday it finally gave up the ghost. Am I married to the Hayward Pump, or can I get a generic pump and just re-align the fittings if the input/output doesn't match the current piping?
  17. BU's Isaiah Austin signed up to enter the 2014 NBA draft but didn't pass the physical because it was discovered he had a mild form of Marfan's. I think with a diagnosis and awareness of the possible physical limitations, it is a manageable syndrome.
  18. Unfortunately, we don’t anymore.
  19. I am technically on a UT campus today at MD Anderson (Mrs Twosheds is receiving treatments), and I can assure you that everyone here is also wearing masks.
  20. and no Coke, Pepsi.
  21. Two months later and this is till accurate. Toledo Bend Dam currently has five gates open at a foot each. After this week’s 8”+ event all the standing water around the hood has this sheen that is seeping from the ground.
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