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Everything posted by twosheds

  1. They can hear you. That's what the smart tv webcams are for.
  2. This will serve as a placeholder until Thursday evening. 3 day weekend and such.
  3. If I have a box simply for the ease and cost I end up drinking much more than one glass a night after the kids are asleep.
  4. It’s warming up now. I need to get the garage space cleaned out for a proper drinking area.
  5. I’ll be close to 60 in ten years. If I’m still playing on message boards instead of sit in on an exotic beach somewhere, please delete my account.
  6. Are chola tites really that desirable?
  7. If youvmake the draw from the NCAA lottery all three sessions are 225 each. After that I would guess it is what the market will bear.
  8. @twosheds I don't understand this. Just to get someones attention? edit- and I can't even do it correctly. dumbass
  9. So does your mom, but I'm not broadcasting it on the interwebs. Oh wait, I just did.
  10. We have a motion and a second. All those in favor let it be known by saying Aye.
  11. You should get your TSA precheck. Things go much smoother.
  12. I chortled enough to wake up mrs twosheds. TexArchee. lulz
  13. Already have Def Leppard/Journey tickets for Labor Day in Houston. And a room booked at the Marquis for some hanky panky with Mrs TwoSheds. No pics.
  14. Do the concerts at the HSLR count? If so who knows. Probably some tired country act in the late 70's with the parents when I was 9 or 10. Anne Murray? Crystal Gayle? First solo concert was Billy Idol at Astroworld before it was called Southern Star. And the first Stadium concert was U2 The Joshua Tree in 1987 at The Summit.
  15. Don't you think the employees of Eskimo Ice realize they have hit rock bottom without taking prank calls from a bunch of middle aged assholes? But if you do call, post the hilarity and I will give you a smiley face heart.
  16. WIfe, dumper, rain, Italians
  17. I just finished again Jim Lovell's Lost Moon. I couldn't find my copy so I ordered a new (to me) copy off of Amazon. When it arrived I opened and what do you know? It was a signed copy by Jim himself. I don't know who the hell Sam and Sabrina are, but I'm not giving it back!
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