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Everything posted by Godzillatron

  1. https://www.kut.org/austin/2023-02-10/austin-city-manager-spencer-cronk-ice-storm-response
  2. Sargent should go over this current crisis. Cronk should go because I cannot same a single sector of city government is functioning at a competent level in Austin.
  3. It’s Aggy’s fault? I can get behind that.
  4. I’m a big Lucchese fan, but their square toes are either too narrow or too wide for my taste.
  5. AE has statutory power to clear vegetation that could impact their lines. I’m fucking lucky they exercised this power in my neighborhood last month and came in and stripped vegetation on the ROW that was impacting the power lines. We didn’t lose power, and every house in my subdivision has significant tree damage. But nothing hit a power line. If AE was doing their job this would be happening proactively across their service area.
  6. I’ve been on the list for an F-150 Lightning for almost 2 years. Got the notice I could order one this week. $88,900 for a Lariat with extended range battery. Before TTL, before installing a charger. So a $100,000 investment. I’ll pass.
  7. Huggy is a whiny p**** who is used to getting his way
  8. WTF is going on with this game?
  9. That is how I feel at this point. I gave away about 20 bottles of relatively hard to find stuff to friends over Christmas - I travel a fair amount and can find things that others cannot, but rather than hoard I’d rather share the wealth. My new year resolution is to drink and enjoy what I have, and not worry about what I don’t.
  10. Sark lives and dies on the passing game. RBs are incidental.
  11. Ewers kinda sucks. Prove me wrong.
  12. Sark doesn’t play the back-up. Moose out front should’ve told you.
  13. The store on the west side likes museum pieces based in their prices. The store on the east side used to be a little over MSRP but is usually overpriced now. The store on the south side rarely has anything but sells at MSRP.
  14. Big 12 supply the refs tonight?
  15. Plus you get Costco bourbon unlike those of us in Texas where we can’t have nice things…
  16. I’ve got a couple I could trade for a Weller FP. Send me a dm and we can figure out details.
  17. My theory: they brought the corrupt ref crew in to guarantee a TCU win, but after Dykes’ incessant complaining they said Fuck This.
  18. Some of y’all that are closer to the AD, any truth to the rumor that del Conte wanted Dykes but the BMDs didn’t think he was a big enough name?
  19. Is it too much to ask for consistency in how the rules are applied? Because, based on evidence, there is no acceptable standard on what the fuck the rules mean.
  20. https://communityimpact.com/austin/northwest-austin/dining/2020/03/31/family-run-wallys-burger-express-enters-fifth-decade-of-serving-northwest-austin/
  21. Why is Ewers still in the game?
  22. Sark didn’t make him forget how to throw a wide open screen
  23. Heading to Nola after Thanksgiving, staying in the French Quarter. Wife is a vegetarian, where should we eat?
  24. I’ll second this. Installed these in enclosed cans in a closet where the LED bulbs kept burning out. Cheap, easy install. I am gruntled. Plan to replace the rest of the cans in the house when I run through my stockpile of bulbs.
  25. Coburn said the explanation he received for his delay of game penalty was that he "moved too fast."
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