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Everything posted by Godzillatron

  1. Holder's departure ensures Gundy remains at OSU for the rest of his career.
  2. Also PAC refs agreed to not call offensive holding on SC as a condition of the hire.
  3. What is it with people named Kirk being insufferable pricks?
  4. Need a gif of Sooner pounding sand after he missed the catch
  5. Picked up a flag and denied OU a new set of downs! The world is upside down!
  6. Sooners confused - two offensive penalties actually called!
  7. Half of OU points off of State mistakes.
  8. He certainly accounted for K-State’s first touchdown today with that horribly underthrown INT
  9. MWND has dropped in Texas? That’s a white whale for me, never even seen a bottle.
  10. The story I always heard was that, post WW2, the BMDs in Oklahoma wanted a winning football team for state pride. They went to Iba first, because at the time Oklahoma A&M had the stronger athletic department, had a nationally known basketball team and a strong football program and offered to finance one. Iba refused their money and said he wouldn't buy players. So they went to Norman instead and were welcomed with open arms. After Iba retired OSU rethought this position but were really bad at cheating, and got caught multiple times through the '70s and '80s, culminating in the "near death" penalty in 1992 after Hart Lee Dykes ratted out the program.
  11. I'm a lifelong Poke and graduated there before coming to Texas. I hate ou with the fury of a thousand suns. State's best chance is if Gundy gets Covid protocoled and can't coach. He shits the bed against the sooners every. damn. time. Hope I'm wrong.
  12. So you're saying this team has something to play for? Guarantees they'll fuck it up. Need to let this season die.
  13. LG C1. 65" 4K and all that. Bigger than the 1080p set I bought when we moved in 10 years ago with amazing upgrade in resolution etc. Seemed like a good balance of features, size and $$. Tempted by 77" but felt too big for the room plus $1k+ premium over 65".
  14. Thanks for the opinions - pulled the trigger on the OLED. Y'all convinced me to spend money and not be my usual cheap ass self.
  15. So what's the opinion of the Surly elite - Samsung QLED good enough or spring the extra for LG OLED?
  16. We can't defend Kansas!?! I may be out. Can't watch this shit.
  17. Dang, remember Aaron in the trailer days. Just a guy with a passion for cue knocking it out of the park. Plus, you could walk up at 11:15 and get a plate by noon.
  18. Riley postgame presser complaining about refs and about Baylor running up the score
  19. Just picked this up from Hye. Debating whether to drink or hang onto. I'm assuming it's pretty standard GB fare inside the bottle, so might just put it on a shelf - was a special bottling to support Team Rubicon on Hurricane Harvey relief from 4 years ago. Anybody cracked this open?
  20. At first I thought this was part of THE University. More from one of the founders https://bariweiss.substack.com/p/we-cant-wait-for-universities-to
  21. In my industry - infrastructure design - you have to have a 4 year stem degree. Starting pay in the $60s. It’s the same regardless of school, so you should pick the cheapest school with a good 4 year program.
  22. When we run Bijan every play they know we're running Bijan every play. Just doesn't work.
  23. Foes with the missed double- team hold that sprung Purdy on the mast play. But I'm done complaining about the refs, because we don't deserve nice things
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