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Everything posted by Jograves

  1. Damnit. We had some chances in this. Unfortunate.
  2. C'mon, Gomez. We don't need that.
  3. Bye, Phil. You were shit.
  4. Fucking nice play. Put it in the corner, Milner.
  5. Milner and Robbo have both played a couple of passes that didn't have enough zip. C'mon, boys. Let's go.
  6. WTF are they whinging about? It's a fucking foul.
  7. I'm of the opinion Nash does this for free.
  8. He's what we're missing. Gini is no threat and he's not on Sadio and Mo's wavelength when it's in close quarters. Salah tried to get him the ball around the D for a couple of give and go's but Gini was drifting forward. Bobby doesn't do that.
  9. He's not going to like the reception he gets at Anfield.
  10. Didn't know you can drag down a player on a corner but apparently that's ok now.
  11. Damnit!! We've got a goal in us.
  12. I'm ok with the ref keeping the cards in the pocket as long as he does the same when we foul Messi.
  13. That's never a handball.
  14. Was that not a foul on Mane?
  15. Gini in Bobby's spot?
  16. I'm sitting so my knees may be weak. Can't really get a handle on things at the moment.
  17. I'm not sure my palms have ever been this sweaty.
  18. Biggest match since last year's final. Let's do it, lads!
  19. We switch up so much. However we start won't be how we finish. captainobvious.pic
  20. That's my guess. Keita at the tip.
  21. Butterflies creeping in. I can't wait to watch this game. Up the fucking Reds!
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