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  1. Saw this on TFP, may try it out, not sure what the noise output will be.
  2. Awesome!! I too was about to start replacing shit. Thanks for the tip!
  3. This is the way. You can get the seal\o-ring kit on Amazon. It’s a fairly simple job, I have the same pump and have had to replace it twice. Few videos on youtube to help out.
  4. Haha!
  5. UV Filter.... pool builder sold my wife on it.... https://www.1paramount.com/ultraviolet_ozone_sanitizers/ultra-uv2/
  6. Was able to get my heater and actuator fixed. Replaced heater manifold, and pipe from heater return to a broken actuator that Tee’d to the pool and spa. Was worried about removing actuator, but it came off pretty easy. Sawed as close to it as I could, and cut the old pieces off, used a hot ass 3” rigid coupling, glue released. Got a little close on one side with the saw. But it didn’t go though. All in about $600.00
  7. Was able to get heater bypassed til a new manifold comes in. Have a friend that owns a water well supply house. Got the hook up on some parts. Lot of stuff out of stock due to COVID and now the freeze, called companies all over the country looking for the manifold, all said, “you must be in Texas, good luck”...
  8. Tied going the JB weld route on my heater manifold.... didn’t work. Started splitting back open as soon as I started torquing the 10 bolts that holds it on. Going to bypass my heater so I can run the pump until I can locate another manifold. Kicking myself in the ass for forgetting to drain it, plug is sticking right out in the open.
  9. Tomball here, pulled plugs on everything once we lost power, it was off for about 20hours, so just left it until today. New pool, and trying to do all that at 2:30 in the morning\freezing ass cold I forgot about the heater plug... busted manifold. Pentair Mastertemp 400. Seems they are no where to be found online... Will try and “temp fix” it or bypass the heater. Until I can locate one. Also have a cracked actuator tee. Fun times. Could have been worse. Good luck to everyone thawing out. IMG_1071.MOV
  10. That’s an awesome pool/view!! Hope everything is well when it thaws. I’ve had my equipment drained since Monday early am when we lost power... Hope that was enough to not do any pipe damage.
  11. Christmas All Over Again, all time favorite. Heard this today. Moving up. SIAP
  12. Joe Dirt, that sucks. I know I’d be going crazy too. Our dig started 7/27 and we were in the pool 9/19. Those weeks I was on edge b/c my mess of a yard was out of my hands. Can’t imagine 4+ months. Our build has turned out very nice, still fighting with the pool company as some valve is out of whack, in floor cleaning or something else, as soon as the pumps turn off, the spa slowly starts to empty, every night.... And someone up thread mentioned about the lights not syncing up, yep. The wireless controller throws them (relays) way out of whack, I think. And the in floor cleaning, maybe it’s a bit early or something isn’t dialed in, but something isn’t right with it. Pool company is aware of everything, but they are definitely moving slow to get things to 100%...
  13. What I meant, if we had a big yard it would have been a huge free form pool. We have a pretty big easement, and maximized our space with the modern look. I love the way it turned out, no doubt, just wished we had more yard.. But what do you do. Great minds on the tile, we saw it and that’s what we had to have. Even though it was on the higher tier.. I like the spillways in your old set up. We should have worked some in on our “pillars”. But hey it is what it is.
  14. Very nice, wish we had the space for a free form pool. Enjoy!!
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