I have a friend who is a 20 something Latina from East Texas and we talked a bit before the election a few times. She was intending to vote for Kamala, and in August was pretty excited about it. But the closer the election got the more tired she and her friends and family got of it. They just wanted it over.
She texted me yesterday and now all the sudden they are all worried about being deported. She was born here, but her parents and most aunts and uncles immigrated in, and she was kinda vague on if they were all legit. What worries them is not being pulled off of some list, but one of them getting sideways with any local law enforcement officer, or school official, or all the red pill fucks monitoring the schools and hospitals. Employers are going to take even more advantage of them, make them work longer hours for less pay. If they give anyone trouble, then at any moment any one of them, or the whole damned family can be packed on the county bus and shipped to Mexico. I would imagine there will be those making money as immigrant bounty hunters.
I know mass deportation is fairly unworkable without using the military, but for just keeping the general population in line, it has to be a nightmare.
I'd never thought about it that way, but now I do. Have y'all seen anything on any groups beginning to build up resistance to fight this, like ACLU or LULAC?