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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. The problem the Republicans have is how to educate our populace enough to work hi tech jobs, but keep them dumb enough to keep pulling the lever for the R's.
  2. The problem is that bowl atmosphere is quite different from a playoff game that has to be won to advance. In bowls, there is no real pressure to win or lose, unless it has to do with final rankings. But all of that goes away with the playoffs, rankings don't mean as much. The bowls were used to throwing these week-long parties for both teams. But that is much harder to do when so much is on the line, and coaches don't want distractions. I at first was a big proponent of rolling in the bowls into the playoffs, but didn't figure this angle. I'm now behind the highest seeded team be home host.
  3. Well, why not? He's also getting the benefit of writing off the expense of installing that labor reducing equipment and taking depreciation on it for years to go, right?
  4. I think Sark is using Arch to set up other options for Quinn down the road. Everytime he trots Arch out there reinforces in peoples' minds that "Quinn isn't a running threat. If they want to run, then UT will put in Arch." Like someone said in another thread, tendencies can work for you when you know when to break them.
  5. Somewhere along the line, I read he graduated from Baylor or at least attended Baylor for the bulk of his undergraduate work. Seems it was the same place that listed his affiliation and possible employment by different churches.
  6. Hearing A&M or Oregon. But that's not directly from him, just click bait.
  7. So, no one has any tales of poor sportsmanship being shown by drunk Ags towards UT fans? My brother is saying he's been reading some on the site he 9.95s.
  8. On days like today, when I was younger and before the internet and living in Austin or Houston, I would go out and buy all the major papers from across the state to read the articles about the game. That was back in the days of some pretty good sportswriters who did it for more than clicks. Then sometime later I'd look for the DKR or Fred Akers show to hear the coach's perspective of the game. A lot of my sportsmanship lessons came from listening to UT coaches after big games. I know there are plenty articles on the net, but they pretty much all run the same drivel or try to drum up some controversy for clicks. Just not the same. So, I suffice with you blowhards instead. Today it's a good option.
  9. I would say he probably spent a little too much time squeezing tonight, from the looks of the careful walking. Maybe he already finished and got back to posting?
  10. 2) Fred Akers, 1938–2020: A Remembrance – Texas Monthly
  11. I think that the ultra-upper class is convinced the way forward is with less humans, way way less humans. They dream of the world as basically a huge theme park and only want enough minions around to keep the park secure, tidy and running. The less humans, the more food, the less consumption of natural resources, less trash, etc, and after 100 years like that the earth is reset into some idyllic place. The fastest way there would be nuciear, but that would be too damaging to the planet and leave lingering radiation. The next fastest would be to go for global economic collapse leading to something akin to Mad Max. And those bands can be taken out in time. This thought was put into my head by a guy who used to be pretty liberal and now is full blown Trumpkin thanks to Q-anon. He might have this one right, which would be the first one ever. But it does make sense. And it's doable to a certain degree, especially if you can pull it off Wizard of Oz style, so no one ever sees it coming until it's here. What would be your first move if you were them? Pit the lower classes against each other?
  12. I also think the deportation thing is smoke and mirrors: 1) Rattle swords about deportation 2) Develop a set of for hire bounty hunting organizations that would be manned by a lot of oathkeepers, etc. 3) Restructure the private pay prision system into "holding facilities" and now and then gradually deport someone 4) Private prison investors win, Trump turns oathkeeper assholes into his own brownshirts 5) Taxpayers foot the bill 6) No one really gets deported, but simply held. In fact, probably see the return of renting out work details like the TDC used to do. 7) Democrats are blamed for using laws and courts to block these mass deportations.
  13. Can't he issue an executive order that would overrule the law in the event of an "emergency?" Didn't he try that with the Muslim ban that got struck down eventually? and...... Anything that interrupts supply will increase demand, and prices will go up. And corporations have shown in the past few years how bold they are about placing their price gouging inside these market adjustments. Even when the market levels out and the emergency is gone, the prices stay the same, the profit margins increase. It's like another pot of water gradually reaching boiling point. Another part of this equation is home repairs due to more and more extreme weather events, and yes, homeowner's insurance going up to compensate. See price gouging.
  14. this thread has become officially pronghorned.
  15. Sark has taught this group to embrace the hate. It's part of the culture now. They will use that hate as fuel. I thought the vid last week of the cheerleader in Arky mockingly rating the horns down wasn't something born or arrogance, but more of confused humor as to the popularity of the gesture. That's the kind of culture Sark and Co is building here, humble but ass kicking. I think it put a lot more stress on them to prove last night was a fluke, which will only increase the pressure they'll play under.
  16. This man is the leader of the free world and pretty much has every avenue available to him to make all kinds of money. Yet he chooses to huckster cheap knockoff guitars. Does that point more to his infinite greed or his lack of creativity to actually pull something off that would line his pockets. I think when you look back on all his other attempts and eventual fuckups, you begin to see the latter assumption as the proper answer. That is partly why I have hope all this goes down in flames just like all his other attempts, his ego and small mind will get in the way.
  17. Personally, I'd like them to breeze past Auburn this coming weekend. Increase their overconfidence. Raise that roller coaster to new heights. I refuse to be overly confident about this game like I was with UGA, but I have seen aggy choke so many times when they get into games like this, and it always seems they went into each of those games feeling they had "this one, this year" locked down. Only to be dashed on the rocks again. Wonder if listeater's kid was in that ticket pull line.
  18. Hopefully it's not CTE related.
  19. "We don't need no stinking global influence!" -most MAGA (likely)
  20. All you have to do is turn on the TV, pick up your smartphone, watch something streaming on your computer and realize just how woeful your life is because you don't have the latest fast fashion item, or newest kitchen appliance gadget. It all goes back to us being turned into a nation of consumers and not producers. And if you aren't leading the edge on what's cool, your life just sucks. I bet he's getting his military parade this time around. It'll cost millions to repair the damages done to the streets of DC, but he won't pay them, just like he doesn't pay his security bills. Performance art. His whole intent was to say that word and draw that attention. That anyone would get that worked up over a law that prevents carrying a weapon into the state capitol is fake. Here's your 10 seconds of fame. Now go away.
  21. I have a friend who is a 20 something Latina from East Texas and we talked a bit before the election a few times. She was intending to vote for Kamala, and in August was pretty excited about it. But the closer the election got the more tired she and her friends and family got of it. They just wanted it over. She texted me yesterday and now all the sudden they are all worried about being deported. She was born here, but her parents and most aunts and uncles immigrated in, and she was kinda vague on if they were all legit. What worries them is not being pulled off of some list, but one of them getting sideways with any local law enforcement officer, or school official, or all the red pill fucks monitoring the schools and hospitals. Employers are going to take even more advantage of them, make them work longer hours for less pay. If they give anyone trouble, then at any moment any one of them, or the whole damned family can be packed on the county bus and shipped to Mexico. I would imagine there will be those making money as immigrant bounty hunters. I know mass deportation is fairly unworkable without using the military, but for just keeping the general population in line, it has to be a nightmare. I'd never thought about it that way, but now I do. Have y'all seen anything on any groups beginning to build up resistance to fight this, like ACLU or LULAC?
  22. Until Trump decides you need to go for just about any reason. And Rubio doesn't even have to do anything wrong. People will just plant ideas in Trump's head that Rubio is unfaithful, and he's out. Most of these cabinet positions probably won't last a year, except for Miller. Then Rubio doesn't have a Senate seat or a cabinet position. I was kind of hoping Trump would take Paxton off our hands, but like some of you said, Trump can deal with ugly, but not wonky or disabled.
  23. They do love playing with fire. Bonfires, Brayton fire schools, turbo charged Tiki torches.
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