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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 24 minutes ago, LTtxfan said:


    As it relates to Urban Liar and the word "classy" this statement is..... 



    Snyder and Meyer are on the opposite ends of my spectrum when it comes to class in college sports.  This really fucked with my sarcasm meter.  All I could get was a zero sum gain out of the thing.

    • Like 2
  2. 14 hours ago, retread said:

    No way he came up with that. I wonder who's been whispering in Hannity's ear.

    Hugo is right.  Hannity is full blown on the Q train.

    11 hours ago, SKJ said:

    I really do wonder...

    If Trump goes to prison, does he still get secret service protection?

    Is it possible to give the commander in chief a dishonorable discharge?  Would he then lose all the perks of being a president, like a state funeral and such?  My god what an embarrassment that will be if it happens.

    • Like 2
  3. Here is a good article about how a guy found his niche writing fake news articles and how it begat a whole new industry.   No apparent russian tie, but his clicks could have been easily upped by russian bots. 

    It goes into both sides, the guy who lies and the fact checker halfway around the world from him.   I can't cut and paste it, because it's in a very splashy format, lots of movement.


    • Like 1
  4. Yeah, he is counting on his base to scare everyone into letting him off.  He should know he can't win in court when real facts come out.  But at the same time, I don't think he knows a real fact from fiction.  He fully is sold on himself as faultless, it is everyone else who is wrong.  I truly believe that. 

    He thinks everything else is fake if it isn't supporting him.  He just ignores those who can't see the real truth, that he is being framed.  I have to think this is some sort of mindset he took on years ago to defend himself, and he is stuck in it. 

    Those pics of him at G 20 alone and all the flubs he has done there, that is not a guilty man knowing he is cornered.  It's a man who sees himself as innocent and is wracking his brain to figure out how to get the poor saps to realize this, how to overcome the "fake news."    I also think he feels they are all laughing at him, some in public.  He feels abandoned by Americans for not coming to his aid in admonishing these foreigners for disparaging the greatest American president ever.    That just adds to his anger at the MSM.  And sends him deeper into the arms of his base, which he can only rouse with hate and fear.

    His idea of innocent though is not true innocence. He figures until someone actually catches him at something, he is innocent.  He thinks he is clever in using burner phones, ripping up memos, not using emails, etc. to not leave any evidence.  He figures no one associated with him will leave a trail either.  He is too smart to hire people who would do so, who would lie to him about doing it.

    Now he is reduced to the crackpots, his family and those who are riding the gravy train as long as possible.  He just can't figure out how he can be so popular with his base, and have so many others turning on him. 

    • Like 2
  5. I wouldn't be surprised to see Ivanka use the "dad was a creeper and groomed me" defense.  Throw him completely under the bus while walking away the blameless victim.   Though honestly after legal fees, fines and asset forfeitures, whether anything will remain to inherit. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    No worries, the Republican legislature in Michigan is also trying to force some changes.  Such as granting the Legislature the power to intervene on legal proceedings involving the state. Since they don't own the AG position anymore.

    And moving oversight of campaign finance law from the SOS to a commission with both parties.  Because now they don't own the SOS position anymore.

    Yeah I read the Wisconsin article.  The move to intervene seems to be a preemptive move because I am sure the ACLU and others are going to take this to court.  Being able to intervene would give them a leg up.  It will be interesting to watch, and watch how the Ds react to all this, what their strategy will be.  I hope these kind of antics are kept in the public's view and keep fueling the blue wave.   They lost several seats in each state, while red flipped none.  That is a sign that people are coming out of their voting lethargy. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, horn4life said:

    I wonder if Trump will be invited to the funeral?  If you were the Bush family would you invite him?

    I don't know who the hell beyond the many, many people in his group legal cooperation agreement that would have any interest at all in having Trump at their funeral.  Actaually I take that back.  If a person in the massive group legally cooperation was dead there would be no need to have Trump there, as there would no longer be any need to keep the chance of a Presidential pardon in play...


    Yep, Trump only attracts those who want something out of him or his connections for things of this world.  You really have to wonder if the man ever had a real friend.  Not some suckup sycophant, but a real friend.  Two classes of people in his life:  Those he uses and those who use him. 

  8. 22 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    i think the mental signs are already there. he can barely communicate coherently.

    The umbrella episode was when I figured he was beginning to crack.  That was a sign his mind was so full of shit he couldn't automatically perform a task that for most everyone else is child's play.  That was truly an "Aw, fuck it!" moment when his actions betrayed the facade.

    • Like 1
  9. So let me try to catch up per the Trump Tower meeting

    1) Did not meet with Russians

    2) Maybe met with  Russians, but Trump didn't know it.

    3) Met with Russians, but about adoptions

    4) Met with Russians, but about a real estate deal?  

    Seems I missed an excuse or two in there.


  10. 6 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    i saw a clarification the other day where he said it was basically just increased money for border security, not a wall per se.

    Makes more sense.  But then common sense coming out of DC is an outlier anymore, not the norm.  It's sad we tend to look first for the answer that lines the politician's pockets.  But then we are dealing with politicians and not statesmen.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Oh, so it's like the Fonz's kids in Parks and Rec.  Yeah, I'm not ok with that.


    Oh, I am not saying it's a good thing.  Just trying to come up with why schumer would even be offering anything.  Yeah, spending any kind of money on something that is foolishness is dumb.   Now if they approve the money, but put stipulations in that makes sure it never gets spent, that's another way this could be coming down. 

  12. 24 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    If Schumer gives ANYTHING for a border wall he's a fucking cunt.

    All the money Schumer is offering is probably tied to prep work like surveying, planning, design, legal wranglings and organization.  He probably has people in those professions encouraging him to go along with the initial studying/planning portion so they can benefit, full knowing said plans will never be carried out.  Also, this shuts up the dotard for a while.

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