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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 4 hours ago, Chooky said:

    Going bankrupt and having property foreclosed to own the libs.

    How many of those going under farms do you figure are going to be bought by the Chinese?  

    China Is Making a Major Play for American Farms and Farmland

    Companies backed by the Chinese government are making Big Ag acquisitions in the U.S.

    The American farmer is revered in our culture. He—the mythical American farmer is invariably a man—is in many ways a professional embodiment of values, such as individualism and hard work, that are considered part of the national identity. With their backbreaking work, farmers settled the growing West through the 1862 Homestead Act. It’s not a stretch to say that farmers, riding the wave of manifest destiny, built the United States. Today, they continue to feed it.

    But the days when anyone could pick up a pitchfork and become a farmer are long gone. Farmland can cost an average of $4,000 per acre in the United States, and most farms have roughly 1,100 acres. Some of the biggest crops, such as corn and alfalfa, aren’t even grown to feed people. Thanks to globalization, food grown in the Midwest might end up feeding someone half a world away.

    In an effort to cut out the middleman, foreign buyers are trying to circumvent the American farmer. Instead of buying food from farmers who work their own land, some foreign buyers want to own and operate these American farms themselves—as well as the livestock barns and slaughterhouses. Between the 2013 purchase of pork processor Smithfield by a Chinese holding company and ChemChina’s pending $43 billion offer for the agrichemical company Syngenta, the world’s most populous country is making a major play to buy the proverbial American farm—and U.S. politicians are lending a helping hand.

    lot more in this article
  2. 11 minutes ago, Lurch said:

    But her emails!



    He never mentioned deleting and acid washing emails until he realized Corsi and Manafort had done it and Mueller had ways to get around it.  Now when this comes out, he's already planted the 'whatabouthillary' seed in his base's small brains.


    Flashback: Recalling that time we traveled to Norman to learn why Sooners seem have a year-round fixation on Longhorns



    This story appeared in the Oct. 9, 2004 editions of The News:


    Staff Writer

    NORMAN, Okla. - Mack Brown might as well have planted a noogie on Bob Stoops' impeccably groomed noggin and thumbed his nose at the entire state of Oklahoma.

    Texas' football coach lit a firestorm last summer when he noted that whenever Oklahoma beats Texas, Sooners fans tend to talk about it all year.

    Conversely, according to Brown, when Texas beats Oklahoma, "We just go on to the next game."

    Well, the dissenting howls resonated clear 'cross the Red River. And one has to believe Brown's words will serve as incentive today when No. 2 Oklahoma squares off against No. 5 Texas in the Cotton Bowl.

    But in Brown's defense, the ensuing months seem to have validated his point to some extent. Sooners fans do seem to have a year-round thing about Texas.


  4. I know this isn't Texas related, but it is close.  How much longer before we see an article like this about public education in Texas?

    Republican Party in an Oklahoma county makes clear its opposition to public education


    The Republican Party in Canadian County in Oklahoma has expressed its desire for an end to public funding of education.

    The party in Canadian — the fourth-largest county in the state — is sending a letter to the Oklahoma legislature calling for swift cuts in education funding. It says, “If public education shall continue as a state institution, we should move towards reducing its dependence on the tax structure by funding it through such means as sponsorships, advertising, endowments, tuition fees, etc.”

    An earlier version of the letter, according to KFOR News 4, was more explicit: “A better pathway would be to abolish public education, which is not a proper role of government, and allow the free market to determine pay and funding, eliminating the annual heartache we experience over this subject.”


    Maybe vouchers would work in larger markets, but how do you handle the rural kids?   One of the things that I discovered in home schooling my son was that not all these private schools adhere to the same accreditation system as the public schools.   That becomes a problem for universities and other higher education centers when it comes to who and how to accept.  Same for scholarship awards.  These people don't want to pay, but they also refuse to recognize the need for standardization of curriculum and how it is judged. 


    Another good report in a different vein was done on ESPN Friday on Gumbel's Real Sports program.   It went into depth on how communities are defunding parks and rec budgets that previously fielded things like soccer, basketball, baseball, etc for youths.    It is a real disadvantage for those who can't afford the fees to join the private leagues.  I see this as a sign of where some people would like public education to go as well.  The rich get richer kind of thing. 



  5. 2 hours ago, hayden_horn said:

    i cannot help but put on my tin foil and think this as well.

    how many took nra money? that nra money is dirty.

    i think we will never understand the depth of the problem, but i simply cannot understand why republican reps and senators are still lining up to tongue this president's asshole.

    I've been thinking this for some time too.  They either took the NRA money, trusting the NRA it was clean, OR they took it figuring the NRA would never be suspected of being in bed with the Russians. 

    For instance Graham's about face.  His team didn't do the due diligence on the NRA (and possibly other?) funds.  Trump told him playing golf about it and basically blackmailed him into getting full on the dotard train, it being the only way to save himself.  Maybe they also used some hooks besides the money, who knows?  Cruz and Cambridge Analytic come to mind.

  6. 4 minutes ago, DixonHur said:

    If Trump we're to close the border to asylum seekers that would be illegal.  He's talked/tweeted about doing so, but he hasn't.  San Isidro was closed for 5 hours because a 500+ mob tried to force their way across.  

    They closed it after the "mob" reacted by trying to breach the border.  But what no one is reporting is what was going on before this group made their run at the border. 

    It is not like they walked up to a normally functioning border crossing.   Our border patrol and military were adding barricades and shutting down lanes early in the morning hours before these people broke through it.  Do you not think with all the talk trump and co has been tossing around, that they might perceive the added barricades, concertina wire and such as a closed border crossing, or in the midst of being closed?  You come that far to be treated fairly by the country, in spite of the rumors you hear that begin with trump and his followers and you too might go a little crazy and storm the fort when it appears that you have been dead ended. 

    So to say that these people came up and assaulted a normally operating crossing is a bit disingenuous.    But no, instead of sending a team of interpreters into the caravan to explain things, we just keep adding fuel to the fire. 



    SAN DIEGO -- All northbound lanes at the San Ysidro Port of Entry were closed early Monday morning to allow border agents to add more protective barriers, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials.

    At about 3:15 a.m., the San Ysidro Port of Entry could be seen lined with members of the military blocking many northbound lanes.

    "[We] have temporarily suspended vehicle processing for northbound travelers at the San Ysidro port of entry Monday morning to position additional port hardening materials," according to border officials. "After the materials are in position, CBP will resume processing northbound vehicle traffic in select lanes at the border crossing."


    Southbound lanes leading into Mexico and the Pedestrian West facility were not affected by the closure.

    As of 6:30 a.m., lanes reopened and traffic was slowly moving into San Diego.

    "CBP is again processing northbound vehicle traffic at San Ysidro with select lanes remaining closed. The San Ysidro Pedestrian East facility is also open for northbound traveler processing," according to CBP spokeswoman Jackie Wasiluk's release sent at 7:20 a.m.

    The lanes were closed to install additional port hardening materials at the port of entry, to include jersey barriers and concertina wire, to prepare for the potential arrival of thousands of people migrating in a caravan heading towards the border of the United States, according to CBP spokesman Mike Niezgoda.

    "In the early morning hours, CBP officials received reports of groups of persons from the caravan gathering in the city of Tijuana for a possible attempt or attempts to rush illegally through the port of entry instead of presenting themselves as required to a CBP officer," Niezgoda said.


    People stand around at the San Diego Ysidro Port of Entry early Monday, November 19, 2018 as border officials "position additional hardening materials." (Photo: Maggie Ruiz-Hernandez)

    Pete Flores, director of CBP Field Operations, said his agents will not allow unlawful entry into the U.S. and they needed to get ahead of a potential flood of people coming to the border.

    "Waiting until a large group of persons mass at the border to attempt an illegal crossing is too late for us; we need to be prepared prior to when they arrive at the border crossing," Flores said.

    Tensions remained high in Tijuana and at the U.S.- Mexico border Sunday, where thousands of members of a migrant caravan began arriving in the past week planning to seek asylum in the United States

    About 2,400 migrants, mostly from Central America, have arrived in Tijuana since last Sunday.


    People stand around at the San Diego Ysidro Port of Entry early Monday, November 19, 2018 as border officials "position additional hardening materials." (Photo: Maggie Ruiz-Hernandez)

    On Sunday, two dueling demonstrations were planned -- one demanding the migrants not engage in protests that can close roadways or confrontations with American officials that can cause the closure of ports of entry, and the other criticizing what some perceive as discrimination against the migrants.

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents have slowly filtered through asylum claims, accepting roughly 100 each day and some from as long as six weeks ago. It is unknown how long the majority of immigrants will have to wait to have their asylum claims managed.

    The key point is they were preparing for the mob they thought might come, not reacting to it.  Seems to me they incited what they feared by their actions.  Could it be they got their desired result for making this much larger than it was. 

    I wouldn't put it past this admin to have infiltrated the caravan and planted the seed about the border rush.  Planting agents is pretty russian, right?

    Has there ever been such a border rush on the US before? 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Unpopular opinion: If you can't settle it in regulation, it should be a tie. #oldschool

    I really have no issue with that.  At least all aspects of the team got 4 qtrs to do their thing, win or lose.  If you lose a game because of ST play, then you concentrate more on that in the future. 

  8. 19 minutes ago, lemonlime said:

    We don't have to do anything. We choose to treat the children the way we do.  A choice you apparently support (while trying to claim moral high ground).

    We choose to treat the children and families like this as a means of deterrence.  So before they even start, they think about what they are going into.  Says a lot about what they are trying to escape.   America and the way they know they will be treated is still the lesser evil.   So they try.  What should they do?  Leave their kids behind?  Who takes care of them then?  Will they even survive?  Say they get in and accepted as asylum refugees, how long are they going to have to work to pay the travel costs of bringing their kids here to them, not to mention the legal and governmental fees for doing that?  So yeah, they don't have much choice on bringing them into this mess or not. 


    Then you have this group who denies what they are escaping, or claims others are jumping into the caravan for an easy entry, not really asylum seekers.  Maybe there are a few.  Take them in and figure out later through due process who stays and who doesn't.

    I think it is damned sad that the whole country of 300 million people is at each other's throats about this group of 8,000 unarmed people trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.  It shows a total lack of self awareness for us to be willing to gas them, instead of fixing the system that handles this.  We are no longer the nation of problem solvers. 

    Nobody sane wants open borders.  Background checks, character references, personal interviews to determine education, skill, and health levels should be done.  But then I find it ironic that those who fear immigrants also fear background checks and other measures to insure responsible gun purchases.   But they need those guns to protect themselves from the immigrants, right?   MS 13 and all. 

    Sorry, but it blows my mind how this admin stirs all this shit up and doesn't even attempt to find a long term solution.  Just shut the borders down, fuckall the people who make a legitimate living trading or working across the border.   No, we need to set up a spectacle so we can look strong, while Putin fucks over his neighbors.  Red herrings are this admin's specialty.

    Not to mention the Russian oligarchs sending the wives of their henchmen here to have anchor babies.  But hey, they pay well, right?

  9. I like the OT idea of the last team to score kickoff, then play til someone scores.  I don't like any OT system that takes the ST play out of the picture, be it kicking or punting.  For some teams ST play is a big part of their game and shouldn't be taken out of play. 

  10. Before the holiday there was talk about 3 word chants like Lock Her Up.


    Got me to thinking about 3 words to describe trump that are simple enough even his basest base would get the inference.

    I came up with Liar, Traitor, Conman. 

    But I am pretty sure surly can improve on that.

  11. 2 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    There's never going to be a wall, mainly because of all of the private property on the border, particularly in Texas. It would take decades to condemn all of that property.



    Right now, the federal government is working to pour billions of your tax dollars into building a wall between the United States and Mexico, despite the fact that walls have been militarily obsolete since the advent of gunpowder.

    Last month, 150,000 people paid us $15 to save America with six days of incredible stunts and surprises. For Day One, we used some of the money to purchase a plot of vacant land on the US/Mexico border and retain a law firm specializing in eminent domain to make it as time-consuming and expensive as possible for Trump to build his preposterous wall.

    The whole legal process can take quite a long time who knows, maybe longer than the current president will be in office? For however long it takes, we are ready for a protracted resistance to any attempts by the government to build a wall on this land.

    Our lawyers at Graves, Dougherty, Hearon, & Moody


  12. On 11/9/2018 at 5:02 PM, pyrohornIII said:

    So I guess the question that raises in me is will Russia throw Trump to the wolves somehow, maybe by forcing him into some localized armed conflict that could bloom into something more significant?  Something so outrageous everyone would expect the US to counter, forcing Trump to waffle, thus brewing even more dissent in the US?  

    Just seems to me they bet a lot on Trump getting the sanctions lifted and now they aren't.   It wouldn't surprise me if they threw him under the bus in a way that causes even more discord here at home.

    Either way, the veil has been lifted, their long game using Trump has been outed.  Will be interesting to see their next move.  I just hope it won't be fatal to a lot of Americans. 

    This whole Ukraine thing is what I was trying to explain might be a Putin move.  And I agree that the border shut down is a planned distraction from this aggressive move by Russia.  Dotard hopes we don't notice until it is too late to do anything, I guess?  He's going to say he doesn't have time to worry about Ukraine.  Let them take care of their own borders.  He has his hands full protecting our own borders from 500 of the bloodthirstiest migrants you ever saw!

  13. I wish someone would write a book on all the crappy officiating over the years, across all sports and leagues.  I tried to find something about the 74 Baylor game and all I could find were baylor posted articles about the miracle on the brazos which of course didn't mention any bad calls.  A few comments in threads like this spread across the net. 

    Point is years from now, this will by and large be forgotten, and the OTs and final score will be remembered.  It seems to happen time after time this way.  We shrug it off as simply horrible officiating.  It is only a game,  right?  Some chronicle that cites credible sources reporting on the events would be pretty powerful in pushing towards a better system of officiating. 



  14. 12 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    “Remember when we were in Sunday school as kids and taught the important stuff in life?  Things like don’t be mean to others and love your neighbors?  America needs to get back to Sunday school so we can show our children how adults are supposed to behave.  We need to elect leaders that listened in Sunday school instead of just calling others names.”


    Democrats can totally dog whistle to Christians with rhetoric like that without alienating their voters.

    This type of mindset is what made America great.  That speak softly and carry a big stick mantra Teddy pushed.  We expanded that overseas with The Marshall Plan and Peace Corps.

    Now we have a dotard that tweets brashly and flicks a mushroom dick.

    12 hours ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    She has nice tits so she gets a pass from me:


    10 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

    This was better than anything else that entire night. 

    Got me to follow her, they did.


    10 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    Y’all think those are real?

    The one on the left looks real but the one on the right however.....

    I know I’m female but I don’t have a whole lot of boob viewing experience. Other than my own. And I’ve had them for years so I don’t really stare at them.

    I'm confused a bit, you don't stare at your own, or any tits at all?  Just asking questions.

    10 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    There are some people completely void of a normal sense of humor.  They just don't get the jokes.  My dad was a joker and my mother is the opposite.  She would get so pissed when everyone else was laughing and she didn't get it.  Then when she felt she might be the butt of the joke, she really went ballistic.  I don't know if that is a narcissistic symptom, but I do know it is closely tied to insecurity.   As we see though on the cartoon and meme threads, the Rs have a vastly different style of humor.   Kind of like paint by numbers vs Da Vinci.  Simpler, less subtle, in between the lines.

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  15. 10 hours ago, Zavala said:

    Hugo is mainsdream medior now

    while i enjoy seth and maher and all the other pundits who run 15 minute "closer looks" or monologues, they should now and again chuck their own stuff and just post videos like this.  It would be the only way a lot of their audiences would get this sort of information. 

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