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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. My first thought on number 4 was immigration/racism.   Another way to say depleting the strength of the "lesser" people.   Not sure why that came across that way, but it did.


    However if you have a preexisting condition, doesn't that legitimately disable you in one way?   Removing those people from the healthcare rolls is virtually sending many of them to an early death?  That would be eradicating, right?  Same goes for mental health care.  That gets a lot of lip service, but little movement. 

    It's not as immediate as Vlad Tepes or Hitler and death squads.  But if you ignore the people who need some sort of healthcare to the point of not helping them get that care, then it will be just as effective. 

    Statement 4 brings to mind firing squads, but in effect, by withholding government aid for those who need it, refusing to fix the healthcare system, we are talking death panels manned by those who make such decisions.  

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  2. 49 minutes ago, BigOrange1 said:

    the one thing i wish beto didn't do is wear the hat of whatever college/professional sports team of whichever city he is currently in while campaigning.  it just comes across as pandering/a total politician move.

    Yeah, but think of the hat collection his presidential library is going to have!

  3. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/chinese-intelligence-officers-and-their-recruited-hackers-and-insiders-conspired-steal

    Department of Justice
    Office of Public Affairs

    Tuesday, October 30, 2018

    Chinese Intelligence Officers and Their Recruited Hackers and Insiders Conspired to Steal Sensitive Commercial Aviation and Technological Data for Years

    Chinese intelligence officers and those working under their direction, which included hackers and co-opted company insiders, conducted or otherwise enabled repeated intrusions into private companies’ computer systems in the United States and abroad for over five years.  The conspirators’ ultimate goal was to steal, among other data, intellectual property and confidential business information, including information related to a turbofan engine used in commercial airliners.


  4. 18 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    This thread alone is opening my eyes to the number of Rs voting Beto.  I don't know if it is just educated Rs, but even still that is a huge group in the 'burbs.  I don't think anyone can tell how many new voters mainly because of that.

    Any more stories about these suburban soccer moms who are silent  beto supporters?  

  5. Trump could trap himself with his own stupid EO.



    Though Fred Trump, the president’s businessman father, was an American citizen at the time of his birth, his Scottish mother was not.

    It’s unclear what the proposed policy and legislation would do with children born to one immigrant and one citizen, but were it to be zero-tolerance and only allow the children of two citizens to become citizens themselves, a child born of parents like Trump’s may not be granted the same citizenship he was at birth.

    Using that same logic, they say Cruz also would be deported, since his father was a Cuban immigrant. 

  6. 7 hours ago, F250 said:

    This might be considered heresy but the crispy chicken sandwich from Bill Millers is a damn good chicken sandwich and I prefer it over Chick-fil-A.



    Freddy's makes a good knockoff too. 

  7. Has anyone else got the mail out letter Beto sent through the Texas Democratic party?   I have been unable to find it, but I would post scanned images of it if anyone was interested (though I would have to find another host, since Imgur is dead to us now).  It's a good letter.  I've looked for it online, but haven't had any luck yet. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Yeshua fucking Christ, even the fucking DOTARD knows how to fold an umbrella. What you saw there as he was boarding AF1 was a display of narcissism. He just didn't give enough of a shit to bother to try and fold it. Just drop it and let some toadie pick it up.

    (I would say too bad it didn't get sucked into an engine on takeoff, but I'm not yet at the point where I want everybody on AF1 to die).

    Yeah, he knows how to close an umbrella.  But to me that moment was one of this "aw, fuck it, I got bigger fish to fry!" moments when our minds are too full of other shit to concentrate on a simple task.    That is what I meant by him cracking, not that he has forgotten how an umbrella works.  And you are right about the narcissism, but I think that kicked in after the fact.  So amend that to "Aw fuck it, I got bigger Fish to Fry.  Let some Peon deal with it!"

  9. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    We're almost 2 years from the 2016 election.  NOTHING has changed yet.  I think you're being optimistic.

    Obviously, the Mueller investigation holds some promise of breaking some news that is currently not known (but largely suspected) by the general public, but until that point, I'm going to remain skeptical that anything will materially change before 2020.

    When he took office, even HRC was willing to give him a chance, considering the fact that he was an outsider who made big promises.  I think in spite of his shady past, the media (and the public in general) gave him a pass and shelved a bunch of stuff they could have been running.  A lot of the things he is being charged with are tied to his running for and then obtaining office.  Now as it becomes more apparent he is approaching his presidency as crookedly as he does his private life, a lot of his past dealings are finally being brought out and folded into the overall assault on this con man.

    We aren't even a full 2 years into his term yet and Mueller is going quicker than normal pace in his SC investigation.  That investigation has indicted over 30 and the majority stateside have already either plead or were found guilty, with more cases to come yet.  It takes time to build cases, and this guy has them all over the place, in all kinds of courts, about to explode on him. 

    So to say nothing has changed is a little false.  What hasn't changed is the man and those in his family are still in power and seem unfazed.   I think more to the point is the corruption of the GOP powers that be has really come out of the shadows.  They have been forced to show their hands.  This whole solidarity between Graham and Trump is mystifying.  Regardless, Graham is his lackey for whatever reason.  So the second part of the equation that hasn't changed are his defenders and enablers.  I guess you could say we've seen a change as more of their underbelly has been forced into the open to line up behind Trump.  Kavanaugh hearings come to mind. 

    I'd say the biggest thing that has changed is the public mood.  More and more are feeling emboldened to stand up for themselves, which usually is related to doing something hateful to another human.  That has changed for the worse.  And sadly, even after trump and his band of morons leave the WH, we will still have that insecurity and hate to deal with as a country.    That is the scary part.  We should be trying to figure out the basis of that hate/fear/insecurity and address that.  Because until we can, we won't progress very far.  Even if it all crashes down while Brisket and his buds watch from the ledge, unless we have an idea of how it went off the tracks, we won't ever know how to keep it from reoccurring. 

    So yeah I think things have changed, and I believe that Trump and his entitled crooks will pay.  But like JJ and Brisket and others have said, will that change anything?   I'm sure it will, but will it be enough and be soon enough, I don't know. 





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  10. This is like a 12 ring circus.  You don't even get to fully appreciate an act before they have pushed a new one at you.   Say what you will about the dotard, to keep juggling all this in the air at one time is pretty impressive.  It does seem to be his business model though, so he has had years of practice in floating lots of shady shit simultaneously.

    I do think though, like with the umbrella, we are seeing signs of cracking.  I personally can't see him lasting much longer, certainly not long enough to make a run in 2020.  The law will catch up to his ass, and his childrens' asses by then.  They will be drowning in their own swamp.  I think he figures his ace in the hole is the power of the pardon.  And while the pardon can keep him and cohorts out of jail, it won't repair the damage done to their reputations as "very smart people", it can't erase the grifter label they will all be wearing their whole lives. 


  11. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    A big increase in over-65 voters makes me wonder if that includes the Democrats who faded into the background in the mid-90s.  

    Good point.  You can see them at any Beto Event.

    First time in a long time they have had a good candidate to back. 

  12. This is a good synopsis article on all the legal issues facing Trump and company, not just the Mueller investigation. 


    1) Russian Conspiracy

    2) Obstruction of Justice

    3) Michael Cohen Fallout: Tax Evasion, Fraud, and Campaign Violations

    4) Non-Disclosure Lawsuits by Stormy Daniels; Defamation Suit Dismissed

    5) First Amendment Violations by PEN America over Threats to Bezos, Amazon, CNN, and Others

    6) Emoluments Cases Brought by Maryland and Washington, D.C., and by Democrats

    7) Self-Dealing and Mismanagement of the Trump Foundation

    8} State Tax Law Violations by the Trump Foundation

    9) Racketeering Lawsuit Alleges Duping Vulnerable Investors in Exchange for Secret Payments

    10) Defamation Lawsuit Related to Sexual Assault Allegations by Summer Zervos


    And those are just the greatest hits...not all the ones that center around his property operations, like personal injury and failure to pay for goods or services.  Nor does it get into anything international. 


    Two things come to mind:

    First, how delusional or stupid does someone with all this baggage have to be to go into the White House and feel they can get out unscathed?   And it wasn't just Trump, it was Cohen, Stone, Manafort and all the others moving in as a group.  You would think if you have a pretty comfortable life, why risk it going under the microscope that comes along with the Executive Branch?  

    Second, how the hell do any of them sleep?   Seriously?  Are they so stupid to believe they can skate on ALL of this?  



  13. 7 hours ago, Blanton said:

    Why are aggy's so god damn infatuated with this university loyalty dick measuring contest? Who gives a fuck? In an era of big time college football, trivial things like graduating from a particular school in order to root for them is idiotic. 

    Would you give somebody shit who is a UT fan but graduated from Princeton University? There are so many god damn Aggies (and a hell of a lot more on the way according to enrollment #'s) that graduating from the school really isn't anything special. Kinda the same for UT. Of course, it's awesome to graduate from UT, but you're still one of a shit ton of other people out there in the world with that diploma. Just my opinion...


    It's called status anxiety.  If the big boys won't let you join their club, you start your own.

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  14. I'm sure liking how all this is breaking before midterms.  I see little downside to it.  You aren't going to fire up the trumpkins anymore than they already were.   Maybe it lights a fire under some others to get out and vote.  At some point there has to be the straw that breaks the camel's back. 

    He's going to deny and deny, and call it fake, but it really is getting to be like chicken little now, repeating the whole "Enemy Press" bullshit.    He used to get away with that when he was in private life because something else would come along and push him out of the news.   Now he is the news every day, and he won't be able to juggle this crap much longer without a breakdown. 

    I wasn't around during McCarthy's red scare, but I would think this is somewhat similar.  I hope we can recover from it as a better nation than we were when we were when Trump was elected. 

    • Like 1
  15. Also Gardens of Stone.  Another great cast. 

    Gardens of Stone is a 1987 American drama film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novel of the same title by Nicholas Proffitt. It stars James Caan , Anjelica Huston , James Earl Jones , D. B. Sweeney , Dean Stockwell and Mary Stuart Masterson .

    The Old Guard is responsible for Arlington Cemetery.  This is a story about them during Viet Nam. 

    Also has Lawrence Fishburne in it, but he is credited as Larry, not Lawrence. 

    It's part of Amazon Prime right now.

  16. 5 hours ago, Your Mom said:

    I'm not a basketball fan at all, but Lebron is a better citizen and has done more to make the world a better place than just about anyone on this board.  

    He has gone beyond the normal celebrity/superstar in enriching the world around him.  I commend him for that, but he also gets a huge amount of press attention, that points out every little thing he does.  To say he is a better citizen than others who do things outside of the spotlight is a bit over the top.   I'd say he is an exemplary citizen and sets a great role model for others.  People might disagree with his message, but he comes across as sincere and educated in his delivery.  Not self serving.  


  17. 3 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The appeal of Trump is he gives his supporters absolutism.  Whatever shortcomings or hardships they have in their lives isn’t their fault or responsibility.  It’s someone else’s fault.  It’s the democrats, the Deep State, the MSM, George Soros.  The Mexicans, Muslims, and Globalists are to blame and they believe it because the President of the United States says it’s true.

    True, but he plays up those shortcomings and hardships.  He makes their plight seem worse than it is, to drive them deeper into the point of needing said absolutism.  He sets them up to knock them down kind of thing.

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  18. The LA Times has an op-ed article that centers on the term "status anxiety" which is new to me, but seems pretty apropos.    It addresses the mindset of a lot of Trumpkins, this sense of not being enough in one way or another.   It doesn't address those Trump supporters that are college educated, however.   It's an interesting read, but it really could be expanded more as to how Trump not only shows signs of these insecurities, but uses them to advance himself by working on the insecurities, fears and pride of his followers. 



    Now you can see something of the same sort of status anxiety feedback loop in the “Apprentice” host, and in his voters. (College graduates voted for Hillary Clinton, 52% to 43%. Those without a degree voted for Trump, 52% to 44%.)

    Trump is the president of the United States, as he often reminds himself. And yet his status anxiety — about his intelligence, his competence, his attractiveness, his health, his net worth and his victory in 2016 — is deafening. Perhaps his voters, because they fear they lack education or small talk or grace with hors d’oeuvres plates, also feel left out of some mythic cocktail party. Maybe they identify with his impulse to overcompensate.


  19. 21 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    The owner/occupant of that van probably spent a lot of time waiting for somebody to vandalize it so he could bust out of the side doors looking to exercise his version of castle doctrine.  

    beat me too it.

  20. 21 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

    We've all seen similar vehicles in Texas that are covered in that kind of shit. Usually the occupants also live in the van.


    The fact that his van could cruise around for who knows how long without being vandalized is crazy. Maybe we aren't that politically charged.

    You can't see through all the shit on the windows to make sure he's not sitting there with a bazooka ready to "stand his ground" if someone approached and started messing with that rolling piece of political art.

  21. I had one who played Stratomatic football and baseball ALL the time.  He had a lucky cowboys polo he wore to every test he took, and seldom washed it.  Left Austin every weekend to go home to see his girlfriend.  Never went to a football game or campus event at all.   Always amazed me how he treated the place like some sort of commuter college.


    My first roommate in an apartment had a weird diet.  He only ate three things.   1)Frozen mixed vegetables (that would be the whole meal, a huge plate).   2)Frozen french fries fried in a fry daddy and 3) Safeway thin sliced ham on white bread with mayo.   He took those to campus every single day for lunch.   Odd thing was an architecture major.  You would think his tastes would be a little more varied.  Oh yeah, only thing he drank was that red Hawaiian punch you made from a powder concentrate.  His breakfast was cheerios and milk.   We did not speak to each other the last 2 months of our lease.  Would leave messages about bills and such on the fridge.   He was not a bad guy, he just was a lot different than I was. 


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