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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 2 hours ago, JBJ said:

    1) CJ9 blocked really well.  To be fair though, I think he always been able to get to safeties on run plays.   It's the WR screens he struggles with.

    I came to post this.   He did much better on the screens.

    I disagree about the middle of the field comment though.  We have seldom hit any crossing or slants.   Maybe they are holding off on that? 

  2. Quote

    I don’t agree with critics who say that capitalism is fundamentally incompatible with democracy—but unregulated, predatory capitalism certainly is. Massive economic inequality and corporate monopoly power are antidemocratic and corrode the American way of life.

    To me, this is the root of all of it.

    • Like 1
  3. 32 minutes ago, Mdhorn said:

    it sure didn't help that both candidates were being investigated but the FBI only went public about Hillary...with the second time coming right before the election.  That's a strong wind aided victory for one. Throw in some campaign contributions when they were broke and hell, Trump was carried over.

    I think the Bernie and Super delegate thing hurt her more than anything.  She came off as condescending and arrogant towards the upstart Sanders. 

  4. 34 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    ( this is a little cross-topic pollination, but )  I think the proof of the overall system’s stupidity is in the cruz campaign.  Ted Cruz is it legitimately smart person, but he absolutely forgoes the smart person vote and only panders to morons. Because he knows that more morons exist than smart people. And a moron vote is worth just as much is a smart person vote. 

    I see where you are going, but at the same time I think there is something there in the ranks of us who feel the need to stand up to those who want to fuck everyone over so they can get theirs.  Enough of us have realized how greedy people disguised as corporations have pushed aside many social and moral standards in service to the almighty dollar.   

    Yes Cruz feels the morons will carry him, and maybe they will.  But the morons aren't the majority.  Up until now they have been the majority of voters.  Until now we haven't had many alternatives on either side of the aisle.  Beto and those like him are offering fresh ideas and plans, and Cruz simply can't accept that people might rise up and over vote the moronic status quo. 

    Maybe those new plans and ideas won't work, but at least they are better than the old "stalemate things while i stuff my pockets"  we have grown accustomed to.  

    Cruz is like Trump, he has no empathy, he only sees himself as the smartest of the batch and will not adjust.  He has no ability to make in game adjustments.  Whether that is out of hubris or lack of optional plays on his part (like not slinging mud and actually talking progressive platform ideas) I do not know.

  5. 47 minutes ago, 77horn said:

    "Erase ______ from curriculum" has an entirely different connotation than "not require".  I'd say the idiot author of the OP's twitter post either doesn't realize that or was trying to elicit an emotional response, which is exactly what the OP had.  And then he races over here to post the outrage du jour.

    But seriously, people who quote a twitter post as "reliable", are not looking for the truth.

    That twitter link Pancho posted was tweeted by TheHIll, which is the organization that published the article it links.  That is all it does is draw attention to the article.  

    And yes, they did erase (remove/wipe out/expunge) Hillary Clinton along with Keller and others from the required curriculum.  I mean seriously...right from the headline itself.


    Texas State Board of Education votes to erase Hillary Clinton from history curriculum

       But anyway.  Go on with your outrage about his outrage.    Not ironic or anything. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, 77horn said:

    never get your news from twitter.....

    the voted to not require Clinton and Keller be taught, from the Statesman:

    They are not prohibited from teaching about them.  There are only so many hours of classroom teaching, yet every year there are more historically significant people.

    but go ahead. Go by what twitter says and be all butt hurt.



    I'm pretty sure most of us realize this.  By removing it from the requirements basically brushes it under the rug.   The Texas State Board of Education has a history of being run by conservative fundamentalists.  They have been appointed by R governors for years now, so they can't help but reflect that type of thinking.  

    This is a much better article on it. 



    The board also voted to add back into the curriculum a reference to the “heroism” of the defenders of the Alamo, which had been recommended for elimination, as well as Moses’ influence on the writing of the founding documents, multiple references to “Judeo-Christian” values and a requirement that students explain how the “Arab rejection of the State of Israel has led to ongoing conflict” in the Middle East.


    The original Dallas News article lists a lot of the changes, beyond what the dailyrepublic one does.  But it is paywalled since i read it yesterday.


  7. I don't think it's the Russians he needs to worry about upsetting his apple cart, it will be something started by Estonians, Georgians, Ukranians or any other country he decides to overthrow using his active measures method.   And he keeps wanting to retake more and more of the old territory.  The "Active Measures" documentary lines out a lot of this. 



    President Vladimir Putin privately threatened to invade Poland, Romania and the Baltic states, according to a record of a conversation with his Ukrainian counterpart.

    "If I wanted, in two days I could have Russian troops not only in Kiev, but also in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn, Warsaw and Bucharest," Mr Putin allegedly told President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, reported Süddeutsche Zeitung, a German newspaper.

    If true, this would be the first time that Mr Putin has threatened to invade Nato or EU members. Any threat to send Russian troops into the capitals of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and Romania would cause grave alarm among Western leaders.


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  8. I wonder how many other specialized boards Beto is being represented on as he is here at Surly?   He nor his staff planted any trolls, it is just pure enthusiasm for the guy that as so many of us engaged and supporting him.    That is how social media should work, not like TC relies on Thunderbolt, trolls, bots and other Cambridge Analytic crap to influence people. 

    • Like 3
  9. 32 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    Was she one of those "park hosts"? Retirees who are allowed to live in their RV at at the park in exchange for dealing with late arrivals and such? Because I've never had a pleasant encounter with any of them. Although I've also never encountered one who was that far gone into batshit crazy land.

    Yeah, they are always building crafty shit out of discarded plastic bottles.  And usually have a purse dog in their RV that has painted nails. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Chooky said:

    If Mueller completes this investigation leaving no doubt of criminal activity from this administration while at the same time paying for %80 of it with seized cash from Russian money laundering schemes, he should be anointed as King to a newly formed department called the Pimpingest Pimps Who Have Ever Pimped So Fucking Hard.


    The forfeiture in this plea is both criminal and civil, meaning DOJ will be able to get Manafort’s $46 million even with a pardon.

    So, what does this mean?  what can he do to forfeit the plea, like refuse to cooperate?   And if he doesn't forfeit, does he keep the 46 mil or part of it? 

  11. 2 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    While we are on the subject of hypocrisy let's talk about the American voter.  You know the American voter that always bitches about their politicians not being honest with them.  Voters do you know why your politicians feed you bullshit?   Because you would rather eat bullshit that looks like it would taste good than have to swallow nasty looking truth.  

    Here is Politician A who the voters should hate because he is feeding them bullshit--"If I win everyone will get free health care, free college, free child care, and none of it will ever come out of your paycheck or bank account."

    Here is Politician B who the voters should love because he is being honest with them--"If you are relying on Medicare and Social Security to help ease the burdens of your life a decade or two from now you are fucked.  If you think the budget deficit can just keep growing and growing without some generation down the line taking it in the ass when the rest of the world finally demands the money our country owes them then someday you or your descendants are going to be fucked."


    Which politician is going to win an election between these two?  You don't want honest politicians.  You want politicians that will tell you what you want to hear.

    First point:  Can you give me examples of actual candidates that are proposing this, exactly this way?    Or maybe some of their original messages have been hijacked and re-worded to say these pie in the sky things?  I think it's in the definitions, and people like you play loose and fast with them. 

    Second point:  So you are suggesting politician B is the correct choice here.  But isn't DC being run right now by these B types?  The ones who keep paring down Medicare and have pushed through a tax bill that has now increased the deficit at a record rate, all during a booming economy?  Shouldn't the deficit be declining during boom times?  But instead it's already at the mark they didn't think expect to hit for another 2 years.  Why is that? 

    I agree that we should be concerned about the deficit and saddling our kids with that.  What did these Bs do when the the bank/Wall St bailout came around?  Did they say no?  Did they punish those who swindled the country?  Nope, they didn't even increase any watchdog regulations.  In fact they stood by while Trump rolled back even more and installed the foxes on his cabinet to guard the henhouse.   I don't need to cite any of this with links, it's out there. 

    So yeah maybe the A's are talking some things that could be wordmongered into outlandish propositions.  And people twist their messages to keep others from voting for those As, thus taking away power from the Bs.

    But at least the As are looking for solutions for all and not just screaming hide your gold, hide your guns while doing (or allowing through inaction) the very things you fear, like bloating the deficit and saddling future generations with it.  

    And what would those future generations see as a result of the type of spending by the Bs?  Bigger military?  More income disparity?   I am sure the As' plans would increase the deficit too, but I would think the gain would be spread more evenly, allowing more people to gain educations, access affordable healthcare, etc, thus contributing to the country, the economy.  


    So yeah, your talk about spreading bullshit is just what it is, bullshit.  It is ironic that the thing you point out as a a negative talking point is something the people you obviously support have been doing, and continue to do. 

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