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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 1 hour ago, Huckleberry said:

    What will be interesting is the election battle at the State level starting in 2020. What the GOP is really worried about is gerrymandering. They need to be in charge of the next map.

    By then aren't we going to be able to vote open ballot and not just along party lines? 

  2. 3 hours ago, chainsaw said:

    Hell he might even do that out of habit without even realizing it.

    I think Trump screws over Ted just by being Trump.  Whatever he says will be about himself, not Cruz.  If he does say something it will come off as hugely disingenuous.  Trump will screw it up for TC, just because it's his nature to screw everything up.

    3 hours ago, Mack Tripper said:

    I don’t see Ted on the list. There must be some mistake.

    Sarcasm, right?

    1 hour ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Yeah. But I don’t pretend to be Mexican to dupe gullible voters.  

    I also haven’t gotten away with being a burglar or drunk driver due to white privilege.  

    Cruz is not a Mexican.  He is of Cuban descent.  But the biggest word on the majority of his campaign paraphernalia is CRUZ.    I don't see him trying to explain to the voters he's really not a Mexican either. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Mdhorn said:

    Pumpkin head wouldn't type this much, too many sentences.  Even if there was a transcript in front of him, he wouldn't put in this much effort.  

    And no Random caps.  


  4. 49 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    One of the more bizarre facts about the Trump presidency so far is he hasn’t gone overseas to visit any troops deployed in a combat area.

    Former presidents and current senators do it all the time. 

    It improves troop morale and usually a great PR opportunity for the visitor.

    Trump should be all over that. 

    Because there is no fighting going on close enough to Trump property to allow him to make $$ off secret service, press, etc housing there.

    • Like 1
  5. https://www.wonkette.com/ted-cruz-knows-dildos-are-slippery-slope-to-banging-your-sister




    A bit of the article:

    In 2004, companies that owned Austin stores selling sex toys and a retail distributor of such products challenged a Texas law outlawing the sale and promotion of supposedly obscene devices. Under the law, a person who violated the statute could go to jail for up to two years. At the time, only three states—Mississippi, Alabama, and Virginia—had similar laws. (The previous year, a Texas mother who was a sales rep for Passion Parties was arrested by two undercover cops for selling vibrators and other sex-related goods at a gathering akin to a Tupperware party for sex toys. No doubt, this had worried businesses peddling such wares.) The plaintiffs in the sex device case contended the state law violated the right to privacy under the 14th Amendment. They argued that many people in Texas used sexual devices as an aspect of their sexual experiences. They claimed that in some instances one partner in a couple might be physically unable to engage in intercourse or have a contagious disease (such as HIV), and that in these cases such devices could allow a couple to engage in safe sex.


  6. Back to Kavanaugh.   How recent is this move to have a handler/manager to help someone get into the SC?  I think if someone needs coaching on how to say what, then they aren't good enough for the job.   When did your image become more important than your body of work for this position?  

    If needing this sort of support mechanism isn't a huge sign of how these appointments have become politicized, then I don't understand the reasoning behind the image coach.

    To me, whether he gets appointed or not, this should not be the only point the press and others should be making.    Those in the senate in charge of vetting someone for the highest court in the land should be turning over every rock to find the wisest,  not trying to hide shit that might bring their side's nominee down.

    With everything going on with Trump and his disregard for law, this seems a perfect place to point out how far astray we have come from the original concepts in all three branches.

    • Like 2
  7. I think we have had some serviceable QBs.  Just not superheroes.  Our inadequacies at OL and OC have certainly hurt the production of our QBs.    I am not saying they were all adequate, but some of them never stood a chance by being round pegs forced into square holes.  The whole team having to learn new schemes and systems every other year leads to poor blocking, poor communication and timing.  Chemistry never gels.  Add in the piss poor coaching and you have the recipe for crappy play. 

  8. 3 hours ago, alphahorn said:

    any injury report beside Ingram?  Shack or Hudson back?

    Anything on Kirk Johnson?    I thought he was healthy last I heard, but can't see why they haven't worked him into something 3rd down at least.  I guess i keep hoping for another Shipley ghost to reality situation on this one.



    Beat to the punch...sorry.  Should have read the whole thread.

  9. 5 minutes ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Maybe Brennan Eagles?

    that looks like a single digit.  Eagles is 82.  By the height I would go with CJ too.   Which is good to see..just needs more like that and less whiffs.

    • Like 1
  10. I think he might be giving Sam some adversity to grow up against.  I'm not saying this is right, but I get the idea he justifies leaving him in there by leaning on the old "pull him too soon, you burn all his self confidence" reasoning.   But isn't that exactly what he did to Malik last year? 

  11. 1 hour ago, Mdhorn said:

    "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5     Straight from the scripture-- pretty much 100% eliminates Trump and his ilk. 

    They counter this with "God helps those who help themselves."     Thing is that line is no where in the bible. 

    • Like 1
  12. 30 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Prepare your anus for daily calls from whoever your party affiliation is.

    This is not true.  They send a text now and then, or an email every few days. but at least with the Beto bunch, it's not harassment.  And I started volunteering nearly 3 months ago.


    I got off my complacent ass after i watched a few Beto vids on Youtube, which were linked from this very thread early on. 

  13. 8 hours ago, Treefidy said:

    I was checking out the Mond Heisman thread on txaggy for lulz and came across this.  Preface, you know how 6th street always talks about fucking people moms and how it's caught on around here?  Welp, aggy obviously lurks here and this is their version.

    "who y'all got?"

    "I got your mom, I was trying to watch the game and she kept trying to have sex with me.  I was like 'stop if benfiascos mom, I'm tryin to watch the game.  No, I will not have sex with you again."  


    Brevity being the soul of wit won't play in CS, when you have to explain something 6 ways to Sunday...

    like to kindergartners..

    slow people, you know?

    don't ever get it the first time...

    'whooshing jet over the head signal'

  14. 2 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    I don't buy into the idea that spending money on a race that should have been a blowout hurts either party these days.  We can't afford schools or decent roads, but political campaigns never have a problem spending money.

    This fucking right here!   I don't mind the money being spent on talking to people, discussing plans or laying out potential solutions.  But all that money being spent just to smear someone or something else...having no real value beyond spreading fear.  That is weak and pointless. 

    Simply saying someone is the answer without putting up credible or logical doesn't wash.   But unfortunately many don't care about facts.   So here we are.

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