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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 1 hour ago, Dark Horse said:

    Here are our offense S&P+ rankings over the years

    99 in 2017 (Beck)
    30 in 2016 (Gilbert)
    64 in 2015 (Watson year 2/Norvell)
    90 in 2014 (Watson year 1)
    49 in 2013 (Applewhite)
    24 in 2012 (Harsin year 2)
    84 in 2011 (Harsin year 1)
    88 in 2010 (Davis year whatever)
    4 in 2009 (Davis year whatever)

    That’s a lot of terrible offense in a state known for it. Bryan was good, Gilbert did well with one year. The rest is shit.


    how many new offenses and blocking schemes did our team have to learn over that stretch?  Four systems?    Five?  

  2. 1 hour ago, Message Board User said:

    On election Day, all the Cruz supporters and all the Beto supporters compete in a battle royale for 10 minutes.  The candidate with the most supporters left alive wins.

    I'm gonna guess the Cruz side is gonna have a lot more AR-15s than Beto's.  But also they will be mounted on Rascals or golf carts.   They don't move too fast. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Born to Run said:



    No he’s correct. Plenty of normal guys I fish with. Don’t follow politics, don’t read long-form journalism, maybe a bit of Fox News etc. They aren’t cruel or hateful either. Just enjoying the F250, house on the West End/ or POC and the deer lease. Millions of willfully ignorant out there.
    Unfortunately Democracies require a well informed electorate.
    In that regard we are fucked.

    I have a lot of family exactly like this.  They have a comfortable life.  They figure everyone else who is not enjoying a comfortable life is not trying, is lazy or whatever.   But in their defense, getting your own was drilled into a lot of baby boomers by the golden generation.  I am talking white, mainly.  So in their minds they did it right and don't understand there are other sides to the story.    They don't consider themselves racists.  They consider themselves as people who worked hard to get ahead.  All the others of different races that didn't do that, well, they are just too lazy or were brought up wrong.    You mention white entitlement, then you get affirmative action and welfare queens tossed back at you. 

    They are dug in hard,  and are in dread of losing what they worked so hard for.  That the government is going to take all their stuff and redistribute it.  They refuse to see that they are already doing that, just upward, not downward.   But like BTR said, they are too busy living the American dream to slow down and really open their eyes.   Lot of them are too busy making payments on things they really don't need.  

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  4. 12 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    Popular vote - your vote counts as much as any other vote. Let me know if you aren’t registered and can’t find a place to do it.

    I'll drive you if need be.

  5. On 9/3/2018 at 1:55 PM, Nicole44 said:


    Yeah, his denials are pretty thin.  To be this self proclaimed Mensa and then supposedly not know what "smell test" means, that's kind of stretching it.  Same for his argument that he just asked for facts when he asked Nick if he were what? 19? 

    You just have to wonder how that plays with his staff, his players, the parents after a bit. 

    I never felt CS was conning us.  I think he just got into something over his head, and was hoping the answers would start to fall into place. 

    With Herman, I get this con vibe.  The first it really came up was during the Horny hiring.  The binder with all the smart answers. 

    Then you throw in the bling on top of it, the grill, the bat, the sledge hammer, it gets a little too Harbaugh-esque for me.  You just don't do that shit, raise people expectations before you prove you can meet them.  That always backfires.  So far the only thing he has done that I really think is great are the facility upgrades.  Plus, it does seem the kids aren't getting into so much trouble off the field.  Some of that might be attributable to his 'family' atmosphere he is going for. 

    Like in another thread, I think he is trying too hard in the wrong directions.  Maybe some of it is to connect with recruits, the kids, or fans.  I don't know.  But I do know making competent coaching decisions will go a lot further than the bling and gimmicks in the long haul. 


  6. 46 minutes ago, Born to Run said:

    I have had my yard sign stolen 3 times over last two months. Ordered 5 more. Got my friends house too.

    Party of Law and Order and Civility!

    Really upset my son. Some petty chickenshit fuck Head is going to make that boy a hard core anti republican for life.

    Had the exact thing happen, but it has just happened once.  The replacement has lasted 2 weeks, and 2 spares in waiting. 

  7. 16 minutes ago, BrickHorn said:

    We caught “Active Measures” last night.  It’s basically “Hugo Stiglitz: The Movie.”  So if you’ve been paying attention here, you won’t learn anything new.  But there are a ton of Americans out there who aren’t paying attention, and the film packages the info in a way that’s easy to digest while still inspiring a sense of overwhelming dread.  

    I came away feeling like Rowdy Roddy Piper in “They Live.”  There’s Russian propaganda behind every divisive story.  We’ve got to get as many people as possible to wear the glasses and see this shit for what it is.

    I fully agree with your assessment of that program.  I do my best to keep up here, but there are so many pieces and parts to this puzzle it gets pretty confusing fast.  Especially for me when I get hung up just trying to figure out how to pronounce a name.  But yeah, this did a good job in laying it out and connecting the dots.  

    One thing I came away with was we (as Americans) are not the only ones who despise Putin.  There are many in his own country that do as well, not to mention the Ukraine, Georgia and probably all of the EU.  We are not alone in this battle.  Now that it has been proven that Russia has meddled in our politics (and how) we should be taking up this cause and leading the rest of the world against Putin and his ilk.  But we are doing the exact opposite, or Trump is stalling any attempts along these lines.  He is fully compromised.

    Putin is not unstoppable.  And I feel what he has done and is doing in the US will be the beginning of his downfall.  If we have to stoop to mob-ish tactics  to accomplish this, then so be it.  The Georgia offensive they pulled off was effective in showing how weak their military is.   We need to fight him using these new tactics.  Hell, we made Twitter and Facebook, we should be able to beat them at this game of social media manipulation as well. 

    But FIRST, we need to come together as a country.  We need to be smart enough to overcome these divisive tactics.  That has to start with us and our neighbors. 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Who is pushing them away? Trump voters that recognize they got duped are not an issue. It's the people who still fervently support him. 

    And honestly, the number of people that have publicly admitted they made a mistake by voting for Trump is extremely small. 


    Because of pride.   To admit their support of Trump was a bad thing on their part is a double whammy, because then they are basically admitting they were too lazy or brainwashed to look at anything else but Trumptalk.  Which flies in the face of the definition of a good citizen.  

  9. On 9/5/2018 at 4:33 PM, Chuckie Finster said:

    You know who our president is, right?  As soon as Mueller hits "print" on that initial report, Trump is going to strip Mueller of any and every sort of investigative power.  It's a miracle that he hasn't done it already.

    I have a lot of confidence in Mueller's intelligence and that leads me to believe he has a lot of contingency planning in place for possible or unforeseen incidents.  For example, what if he were to have a stroke or some sort of cardiac issue that incapacitates him, surely he has some very close assistants who could step in and carry the investigation forward. 

    Another example is having someone higher up shut down the investigation.  I imagine he has enough to divulge which would compel a push for the reopening of the investigation.  He likes to keep his cards close to his vest, but if push came to shove he would divulge enough to keep the thing alive, even if it meant losing some of the surprise factor. 

  10. 9 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    One more thought after seeing him in person last night. The only negative things he said about Cruz were that he takes PAC money and says negative things about Beto. That Stark contrast with Cruz's Atwater special has to neutralize the effect of the attacks.

    I'm statrting to believe Beto wins comfortably. If he loses, he goes straight to Iowa.

    This.  There would be a lot of howling about inexperience, but that didn't stop them from voting Trump.  'But Trump is this ultimate businessman!'

    Nope, he's the ultimate con man. 


  11. On 9/5/2018 at 2:26 PM, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    It's so refreshing to hear someone not using a lot of CYA speech and hem-hawing around a subject.  Dorsey owned up to things, discussed how they had already began to address improvements and are looking forward to prevent this from happening again.  

  12. 3 hours ago, Post Oak said:




    And only Cruz's base will take this for real.  You have to wonder how many of these things are balloons his crew floats to see just how stupid, gullible or afraid his base is.

  13. 35 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Stick with me here . . . if the end game was always SCOTUS seats, tax cuts, immigration reform, etc., why is it so important that DJT is the one in the Oval Office?  Why couldn't it be Pence?

    If we're truly to believe that this NYT op-ed is legitimate, then there is a reason 25A has not been invoked.  Somebody tell me that reason isn't "Pence is just as dirty".  Somebody tell me that they aren't dirty all the way down to God knows how far in the chain of succession.

    I think Putin comes into play here.  He has something on all those who are blocking impeachment.  Maybe they got into bed with the russkies knowingly, or it was unwittingly, like through the NRA or other foundations.   When Putin has no use for Trump, then things will flip.  

    (Can you tell I just watched Active Measures?)

  14. 15 minutes ago, Jive Turkey said:

    the timing of this op-ed is interesting.  it drops during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, which was the big story.  now this op-ed is stealing its thunder, or more appropriately, burying the Kavanaugh hearings.

    Kavanaugh will be confirmed.  it's the main reason a lot of non-racist people voted for Trump.  SCOTUS will have a solid conservative majority panel for years to come.  the powers that be will have gotten what they wanted from Trump - to appoint Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

    now that they've used Trump for his SCOTUS appointments, i think you'll see them start to abandon Trump.  i think this op-ed was a trial balloon.  and with Woodward's book coming out, as well the Mueller investigation/lawsuits digging deeper into Trump's family and money, and the November slaughter, the end is coming for Trump.  and many will jump off the Titanic.  he'll be left with the QAnon/white supremacist crowd.

    This.    Pence is playing along because he figures enough people are finally saying "anyone but Trump!"  He and the rest like Ryan and the turtle are hoping the country will let this all subside once Trump is ousted.  There will be no investigations beyond Trump and his group. 

    I just hope Mueller has enough to hang the whole filthy disgusting bunch of them, and won't stop until every one of them is exposed.

  15. 2 hours ago, Tony Soprano said:

    Why do you hate class? Get you some.

    I don't hate class.  Well, not all of them.  Coach Jaime was horribly boring in civics.  Maybe you should go back to a class.  Perhaps language arts?

  16. 6 minutes ago, Foosters said:

    That whole Op-Ed reeks of a bunch of handlers who got the changes they wanted, i.e. tax breaks, defense contracts, deregulation across the board, etc.  And now that the rules have been changed, they want to get rid of the puppet, because he is daily becoming more a liability.  And if he goes down in ridicule, then they fear a complete reversal of those changes.  So to protect their ill gotten gains, they are about to throw Trump out.  Hopefully get him to resign.  And they bolster their greed by showing people that certain parts of Trump's agenda was ideal, which is best for the country.  The smart people who advanced those ideals now realize how dangerous he is, and once again are rising to protect our country.  At first it was from silly regulatory laws, but now from the demented man who would be king.

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