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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. 13 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    I just have to wonder how many people like her know so much really dark treasonous shit that has gone on and is continuing to go on.  To not speak up for fear of hurting the country maybe?   Trying to take the high road while hoping that the DOJ does the job it is tasked with.  That at the completion of that job these fools who think they can play the American system will be diminished to nothing by America itself, awakened from it's lethargy.  Fools that laugh in the face of men like her father.  Fools who bait others to do the same.

    To have to live with that, be that close to it as Meghan and her family is, it has to be hugely frustrating.   I don't think I could do what she just did without flying into a rage.  And it wasn't political, it was sincere, based on what she has been taught about America and civility since birth. 

    Props to her


    • Like 1
  2. And while they yell about hillary, deep state, pizzagate, this goes on in Trump's camps:



    SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) — Three minors from El Salvador separated from their parents after crossing the U.S. border were sexually abused in shelters in Arizona, Salvadoran officials said Thursday.

    Liduvina Magarin, deputy foreign relations minister for Salvadorans overseas, said authorities had received reports of the abuse of the children ages 12 to 17 by workers at unnamed shelters.

  3. On 8/22/2018 at 2:28 PM, Ghost of LL said:

    There is literally nowhere he could park without being near someone's bulk trash.  Every one of my neighbors has something out.  And there are going to be a lot more cars and a moving truck on the block.  So once he told me what was going on, I figured out pretty quick that the bulk-trash ship had sailed.

    And regardless--that wasn't the point of the story.  The bulk-trash issue is simply to explain how he came to my attention--neither I nor Mrs.LL sit there in the mornings peering out our front windows to see who is passing by.


    • Like 4
  4. There are two other signs next to that one.  My son took pics one day and i will get him to send them.  They aren't as hateful as this one.  Surprisingly there isn't a huge MAGA sign alongside.  

    They are actually outside of Paige on 21 just east of 290.   Since the property adjoins the Whoop Stop, I am assuming the same idiot family got some sort of oil windfall and started all this shit.  The Whoop Stop was built about 5 or 6 years ago as a stop and rob for aggy headed to and from college station.  It has a little bonfire out front.  I kid you not.  Had some weird pagoda thing I guess for people to stop and muster or eat sausage under.  But it collapsed after just 4 years of standing.  Place was shiny when it was new, but now it looks like a 2 bit whore on the side of the road.   I've never stopped, but probably a shrine to the orange turd on one end, and a wall dedicated to Qanon with pics and maroon yarn stretched from point to point. 

    Those signs stand in front of a little par 3 course that has been under construction for like 2 years.  Truly cow pasture pool.  Not a tree on the course.  You can see some of the pins in the background under the sign.    They are also raking it in selling those portable storage buildings.  "Murica.   

    I try really hard to accept that these people have the same rights as I do, but that is hard to do when they apparently do not practice the same tolerance. 

  5. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I'm surprised that an outside, Beto-supporting group isn't creating billboards of Trump's tweets with Cruz insults.     The billboard wouldn't convince a Trump-loving voter to vote for Beto but it may convince some to not vote Cruz.  

    I think maybe that would be a good thing to do outside whatever rally trump shows up to in texas.  I have a feeling the beto crowd would easily outnumber the cruz/trumpkins.    Like 5 times as many silently standing outside the building as what are inside.  I could join a siege like that. 

  6. Spoiler



    2 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:


    Damn. It's a beating to watch that.   But now and then we need to be reminded these guys have been smarmy fucks for a long time.

  7. 8 hours ago, deech said:

    I'm a huge fan, but I'll believe he can win when he wins.  I mean everyone remembers Wendy Davis, right?



    Honestly I do not remember much about Wendy Davis.  I never listened to any of her speeches, or read anything about her.  I sure didn't donate to her campaign.   I was in a state of complacency figuring Texas Dems were up to their old tricks of running some  shocking "in your face female" to wake up that side of the vote (Lupe Valdez?).  I was in that state of complacency because both sides seemed to be approaching politics the same way, with hand extended to the PACs.   My vote did not matter, so whoever Wendy Davis was didn't matter either. 

    I do know who Beto is, and I was aware of him early on.  Because he was different, he seemed to be doing things the right way.  He was positive and was reaching out to the people all over, of all shape, color, age or class.  He reawakened the idea in me that we are a government of the people, not over the people. 

    So no, I didn't know much about Wendy Davis, and I would bet that I know so much more about Beto is because he broke rank with the Texas Dems and is doing things his way.  I think there are a lot of people just like me who are being rejuvenated and feeling their voice and vote can matter.  And I think it will be enough too.


    There was talk back up the board about the outside money coming in, and making Beto seem like some sort of plant by the SJWs and Hollywood.   I think that Texas should wake up and be proud that we have the chance to be represented by someone who the whole country would want representing them.  That Texas can provide a senator that can lead the way out of this morass our government has fallen into.  We whine about PAC money, Beto doesn't take any.  We fume about lack of debate and compromise across the aisle, Beto is throwing down the gauntlet there, pushing for discussion and movement on critical issues.  There is a country out there thirsty for someone like Beto.  We have our own Mr Smith we can send to Washington and we should be damned proud to do so.  To start healing this country by sending the best people we have to represent us. 

    Yes outside people are recognizing him, and donating money, because they want to see more leaders like him in DC. 

    • Like 6
  8. 9 hours ago, NowThis said:

    the young female vote 18-35 is going to give Beto the victory, if he wins. He's Justin Trudeau, youngish good looking rock star who is a good listener and the hugs/kisses are real. They love him. 

    So what you are saying is that young women in that age bracket are swayed by looks and emotions?  That they couldn't have a thought in their head that might concur with any of Beto's platform planks on education, health care, immigration, teachers, vets, women's rights, and on and on?  Maybe it's time we stop looking at younger women as vapid airheads that trend to every new shiny object that comes along.  Yes, there are plenty of Kardashians out there, but I think we should recognize there are plenty who aren't and give them credit for being capable of intelligent thought. 

    • Like 3
  9. 41 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    And for the record, for the most part I think Beto has done very well at avoiding land mines and coming across decently to people who might not agree with him down the line on all issues, but I think it’s going to get more difficult for that to continue.  You look at his website, and his positions on economic policy, free higher education, healthcare, immigration, guns, etc., are all in line with the national Democrats.  He’s already put himself out there pretty firmly on gun control, and eventually he will be forced to dig in on the specifics of his policies on the other issues in more high profile settings.  

    The “I’m just a nice guy talking in generalities about being civil and positive change” portion of his campaign will end at some point, and he is going to say things that rub a lot of Texas voters who might be warming to him the wrong way when pinned down on policy.  If those are his true beliefs, then good for him, but tactically it’s a problem in Texas.  Not insurmountable, because people are way more flexible on ideology and way more drawn to personality than we like to admit, and he crushes Cruz there, but it’s still a problem.

    However, Cruz seems determined to act like a Trumpkin in this campaign, so maybe it won’t matter and they’ll just debate Colin Kaepernick until November.

    Yes, the problem here is Cruz doesn't have any speaking point but KEEP TEXAS RED scare tactics.  Beto is speaking out on his policies and will do so more.  While that may or may not help him, at least he is putting stuff out there for discussion, whereas Cruz isn't.  So hopefully if they keep asking Beto on position stances, they will do the same for TC. 

    But Beto hasn't bent.  Cruz is coming along like the senior in high school, feeling entitled to doing things his way (debates are a great example) but Beto is having none of it.  He is clearly stating why he isn't debating, not cowering from Cruz's arrogant approach.  And he is able to do this in a way that keeps him on the high road and keeps Cruz on the low one.  I think the word is aplomb.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Another vote for Scarlet Ts.  In the style of Inglorious Basterds.

    Just turn their red X sideways a bit, paint it a deeper red?  It's not like they aren''t already close to this already.   Too bad that red X is only on their social media and not on their foreheads.

  11. https://mr-hamburger.com/


    This place is in Huntsville and kills it.  Been around since 59 and right across from the Walls it took on the prison flair for naming burgers.   I've been eating there since the late 80s and the place is legit.  Going to try the one in B/CS soon. 

    I love these old school places that have really good food.  Thanks for the suggestions on others.

    • Like 1

    4 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    Imagine waking up every single morning just angry and miserable as fuck. You’d think it’d take a toll at some point...

    He's been this way his whole life.  He has never cared what people thought about him, as long as they considered him a billionaire.  Because to him billionaire means you are a success in life, no matter what steps you take to get there.   I think he is happy as a clam sitting in his corner lashing out on twitter.  

    • Like 2
  13. 12 hours ago, BrazilHorn said:

    Need the refs to stay the fuck out of game as well. 

    No defensive holding 10 yds downfield 

    no miracle qb fumble recovery 

    no bumping the head coach to get a flag

    etc etc etc

    Did the truth for that horribly botched OSU game come out?  I could understand why the refs screwed us so badly on the Teaff farewell tour, but other than some gossip about uppity coaches or Pickens paying them off, never did understand why that game in particular we were so targeted.  Especially at home. 

  14. 52 minutes ago, TornACL said:

    We live in a world where it is cable television, and not the law, which administers justice? 


    A large part of the world around us believes in Q, deep state and flat earth.  So yes, for them they will put more stock in what Fox tells them than the facts the FBI presents. 

    Trump is the scab on a deeper festering wound in our country.  What is causing that infection won't be cured by anything the "deep state" presents, sadly.   

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  15. 7 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    LOLwut?  The idea that there is about to be some coordinated hero revolt is fucking idiotic.  Come on.  You're listening to Tom Arnold, which is roughly as smart as listening to Roseanne Barr.

    Well maybe...but the thing is that Murdock is part of the uber rich.  He doesn't run Fox or any of his companies for the good of the country over the good of his profit line.   He is going to do things that make him money.   They have spent too much on getting these lackey lawmakers in place to let them all go down with Trump.   But the thing is they are all covering for the orange piece of shit.   So if or when Fox does turn on him, then it will leave a lot of Rs looking stupid for not having done the right thing before that.  

    I do think that Murdock turning on Trump is the only way to really bring this to an end.   Otherwise he will always be held up as a martyr by a large group of Americans.  Even if Mueller gets his convictions, even if Trump is impeached and sent to jail, until all of the country finds him guilty in the court of public opinion, there will be discord.  Murdock can change that by turning on Trump.  

    Now how they go about throwing out Trump without ousting a lot of his enablers currently holding office, I don't know.   I still think there will be some who go down with him for either being implicated or covering up/obstructing.


    You are right, Tom Arnold is a blowhard...it really wasn't him i was pinning this on, but just the idea that Murdock and Fox could do serious damage.  Then taking that a step further to maybe figure out how they might think they could take Trump down and retain their sweet spot in manipulating our government.   This is the first talk I have heard of it.    Might be why he keeps Shep and Cavuto around?

  16. This will be Trump's downfall, and they will have to coordinate it with all the R's  in the senate and house, in order to make them the heroes that brought him to heel.  There will be some who take a fall for collateral damage, and the money people want to have their replacements ready in the wings.

    Fox turning on Trump will cause a lot of consternation among his base and the Tea Partiers.  It will be seen if Murdock and cronies do it to generate fear and violence to make news money off of, or will do it in a way to further advance their financial agenda.  Will Sinclair join in on the Trump feasting?  Gonna be fun to watch. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Yes, this video is legit. Fact checked via Snopes. 

    Great line about 2:30.  Paraphrasing: 'When we are young we are afraid of the dark.  Then we grow up and the fear goes away.  All it takes is one big lie to make us kids again.'

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