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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. On 8/27/2018 at 3:52 PM, Js1 said:

    That movie confused me.  The main character/middle daughter looked 100% Asian.  The youngest looked half-Asian.  The oldest looked Latinx.  And she looked 30 fucking years old.  I thought it was like, the stepmom at first because she looked nothing like the other 2 sisters.



    I agree.  Overall the movie was not bad.  My son enjoyed it, as he is in high school.  Had a bit of a Can't Buy me Love vibe to it.    However I do get tired of these teen movies that have them all going to Beverly Hills High, driving new Lexuses when they are 16 and stuff. 


  2. 58 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Cruz isn't going to bring in any new voters, and is not exactly igniting a fire under his base.  Plus, the last time he ran, he benefitted from a Presidential election.

    Cruz's tweets/ads, and the Texas GOP's ads/tweets, tells me that neither one is very organized.  Not a good thing at this late stage.

    No way was Cruz expecting this to be any kind of serious race.   It's a little like Herman treated Maryland last year.  He was looking past this race,  more worried about how to handle Trump  than he was winning Texas again.  They got caught with their britches down and all they can do is fling mud. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I'm skeptical that these types of voters really will vote for Beto when it comes down to it.  They will soon be bombarded with messages that it's important to keep the Senate red so that Trump can nominate more Gorsuchs and Kavanaughs to the Supreme and other federal courts.  Voters will hold their nose and vote Cruz.  

    I think more likely they will just "forget" to vote that day....

  4. 39,996.   And honestly, I think this is going to backfire on Cruz.  I think every PAC dollar they spend trying to shore up his base will stir up the undecideds and younger voters who are tired of politics as usual.   I feel Cruz is going to wake a sleeping giant with all this outside money.  It is playing right into Beto's hands. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Relating to this perhaps?


    The Club for Growth?  Seriously?   What are they growing but their own bank accounts and waistlines? 

    • Like 1
  6. Three thick cut boneless chops,  spinkled with Garam Masala and salt.  Browned 2 minutes on each side in ghee on the saute/brown setting.  Had some Fredericksburg peaches in the freezer.  Thawed and poured about a can's worth on top of the chops and then pressurized all of it for 18 minutes.   Damn juicy and easy chops.  

    My fave so far is the butter chicken, but the chicken in red chile sauce is pretty kicking. 


  7. 23 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:

    Nuuuu York is where I'd rather stay

    I get allergic smelling hay

    I just adore a pent-house view

    Dahling I love you but give me Park Avenue



    That might be Melanie.  But Trump will never be Oliver Wendell Douglas.  He actually knew what being an American stood for.

  8. 18 minutes ago, Mack Tripper said:

    Houston Chronicle Editorial Board: Cruz Floods Texas Airwaves with Muddy Harvey Ad



    That is a good article.  Thanks for posting.


    Yes, Cruz was out there, like many politicians, mucking houses and meeting with local Galveston area officials. His name was on the Cruz-Cornyn-Rubio tax relief bill, which added tax deductions for hurricane-related expenses. But when it came to the essential, and politically risky, responsibilty of passing a robust multi-billion dollar recovery bill, the credit belongs to Cruz’s Republican Senate colleague, John Cornyn.

    Cruz was mostly AWOL in the fight for Harvey recovery dollars. Cornyn, on the other hand, put himself on the front lines to force a bill through the Senate.

    Texas’ senior senator caught plenty of flack in the process.


    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Bucket of cold water 

    5% chance is all he will give Beto

    Interesting line from that article: 


    Four, polls suggest around one-third of likely voters still know very little about O'Rourke

    Odd, because lately I have been wondering what we know about Cruz?  Once you get past the fact that he is the red candidate, what can he point to that he has done for Texas, what bills can he be proud of that he sponsored or supported.  Pretty much what I know about the guy is he actively blocks legislation and ran for POTUS.  


    To me he isn't running on anything, he is just running on being Red...at what point do people realize how hollow that is?   I don't know a lot about Beto, but he is out there talking about himself, his ideals and ideas.   On the other hand we have Cruz over here doing what?  Making a huge deal about the kneeling thing?  So I sure as hell know more about Beto and what he intends to do about trying to help this country, this state than I do about Cruz after nearly 6 years in office. 

    • Like 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    Uh oh, Beto getting some olds. Ted's really in trouble now.

    A good 40% of the crowd in Huntsville was old AND white.  I thought the same thing. 

  11. 1 hour ago, troph said:

    Best line from tonight ...


    “We know separating parents from their children who traveled 2000 miles and risked everything for their kids and sending them back to the country they came from and locking the children in cages is inhumane and unjust ... the only question that remains is whether that’s American or not.”


    Guy knocked it out of the park.





    Criminal justice reform

    Race relations




    The guy is the real deal.


    And we homos can party like rock stars. Made a Monday party look like a Thursday night place to be. Had probs 125-150 total.


    Campaign was duly impressed and I had a fantastic time with an amazing team at HRC Austin getting this guy some serious scratch.





    That's awesome!  It's so great to see so many people engaged, instead of just sitting around reiterating sound bites.  Mad respect!

    • Like 1
  12. 4 hours ago, Message Board User said:

    Beto was interviewed today at the Texas Disabilities Issues Forum.


    Beto's comments about the debates come from this interview.  Starts @ 23:00 mark.  The way he says it, it is like he is playing with house money and it's fun!

  13. 58 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Russian lawmaker, who described McCain as an enemy in his statement on his passing was more respectful to McCain than Trump.  That’s remarkable.


    Trump has no idea what respect is.  He's been searching for self respect his whole life and hasn't found any.  Never will, so he just lives on falsehoods that make him feel important.  And those falsehoods are as mercurial as the wind.  The thing that stays constant is his insecurity which he shores up with racist and classist remarks. 

  14. 10 hours ago, troph said:

    Our fundraiser is tomorrow night I can’t wait. I get the mic to introduce this bad mofo. Might not be able to sleep.

    You go, Rabbit!  Good on you!

  15. 5 hours ago, RPM said:

    Beto knows how to connect with a crowd on an individual scale. You really feel he's talking to you from the heart not just spewing talking points to drown out the opposition. Im feeling more confident the closer this gets. We've yet to see the final medial blitz, but if the best Cruz has is Beto in a dress playing guitar or the NFL protest, Beto has the momentum to win this. His positive, common sense message and his dedication to visit every county in Texas and listen to anyone that had a question proves he's worthy of support. 

    Ted was flown here. Beto was grown here.

    Not only answer every question, but he stood for 20 minutes to shake the hand of anyone who was interested and to let them get pics as well.   At least he did in Huntsville, I am sure he does it other places too. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

    I still think a lot of it is just trolling. 

    It could be, but I know 3 very strong supporter of all this.  Two are huge into conspiracies, and Q takes advantage of that by encompassing pretty much all conspiracies.   The other is an old lady who is reasonably well off and all her white kids and white grandchildren are set up pretty well for the good life.  She supports Trump for trying to preserve that world, even though she despises a lot of what Trump does.  So she justifies it by believing in Q shit...telling herself she is choosing the lesser evil. 

  17. 24 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Ted Cruz does not know or care what net neutrality is. He seeks higher office and everything he says and does is a tactical position taken for that purpose. 

    And that means kowtowing to big corps for PAC money.    What is funny is ironic is Beto is outraising him fund wise.  I think the issue is raising the kind of money Beto is getting takes 2 things, true enthusiasm for representing ALL people and the willingness to prove it (256 county tour).  It's much easier to go to one source (NRA) to get 3 million than it is to get that via grassroots.  That is the course TC always took.  He doesn't know how to do grassroots because he has no interest in representing anyone but himself. 

    Even if he doesn't win, Beto is proving there are still people who believe in the system and are willing to put their money and time where their mouths are.  This is going to be a gamechanger, I hope. 

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