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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I just got back from the Sam Houston State town hall meeting.  This guy is awesome!  He spoke for 30 minutes then took questions after that.  A fantastic orator.  I think maybe in the whole hour he said "uh" one time.  No "you knows" either.  Very energetic without being overwhelming.  If you get the chance to hear him speak live, I definitely encourage it.  He's got charisma out the top and a platform to back it up.  Well organized event through and through. 

    Topics he brought up were immigration, military and VA, teachers and retired teachers.  All the messages were about how we as a whole country were at a crossroads to make changes for all, not just for a select few.

    He fielded questions on climate change, 2nd amendment, women's rights/equality and student loans/higher education.   Not a word was heard about the kneeling, which was good.  While TC is trying to smear with that, Beto is lapping him with real issues real people are interested in. 

    He spoke knowledgeably on all the topics and repeatedly said it was ok to disagree, but if we never started talking, then we would never reach a solution to anything.  And he had some ideas or potential plans for programs on all that that were logic based. 

    He did call out Trump on immigration pretty hard.   He also said something about our country voting out of fear and not potential anymore. 

    It was a very mixed crowd.  Even with the students there I would guess half were "olds" like me.  Not sure of the numbers but 6 to 700 there.

    • Like 4
  2. 14 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Ok, there's no way those dipshits actually believe that right?  Aside from the one Q guy from youtube, who surely is doing it just for money, Comedy Central paid the other 3 right?  

    I know a guy who has been in on this from the start.  He's smart like an idiot savant.  Reads voraciously and remembers everything.  Good with computers.  He talks just like these 4, absolutely convinced he is right.  Nearly arrogant about it, but in a way that subtly says "I pity you for not being as bright as I am and ignoring the facts I so plainly see.  Grid going down tomorrow."  

    So yeah, they are sincere.  And while they have diverging opinions on certain fringe conspiracies, the two things they all agree on vehemently is Trump is God and Dems are demons.   Tell me this movement hasn't been manipulated by Russians over time.  Too bad they didn't call it Ranon. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    People who get their undies in a wad over the kneeling stuff were never going to vote for Beto.

    Edit: Also, its a sure sign that Ted has nothing in the tank if that's the best he can do.

    110% agree.  It's deflection away from Beto talking about real points and Cruz has no platform.  Simple as that.

    We just need to bring that up every time someone mentions this as a negative about Beto.  That post Born to Run made is full of ammunition to use against TC.

  4. 4 hours ago, Born to Run said:


    Here’s what the campaign sent me:

    Not only was Beto on the ground as Rockport, Victoria, Goliad, Port Arthur, Beaumont, Port Lavaca, and Houston recovered from the greatest amount of rain ever recorded in the continental United States but he has consistently voted for robust Harvey funding. This includes working with bipartisan members of Congress to pass disaster relief packages totaling $15.3 billion (HR 601), $36.5 billion (HR 2266), $81 billion (HR 4667), and $90 billion (HR 1892).

    It's also important to note that Senator Cruz voted against over $12 billion for FEMA, including $7.9 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund. He also voted against $250 million for pre-disaster mitigation grants, $260 million for flood mapping, and $700 million for firefighter equipment and staffing grants. While Cruz refused to support this funding, Senator John Cornyn and Congressman O'Rourke both voted for it.

    Really enjoyed meeting you the other day.

    That's great!  Thanks for sharing that!

  5. This is a good read into what I feel Trump has been hitting on to get his base so strongly supportive.  It's a bit of psychology behind what is fueling the white supremacist movement that is coming out of the woodwork now.  Trump not only has unleashed it, but is fanning the flames. 


    ...But ordinary people’s well-being depends mainly on their immediate surroundings. If you are an autoworker who loses your job in Massena, N.Y., when G.M. closes its local plant (moving some jobs to Mexico) and who spends years out of work and who watches as schools shut down and shops go dark and young people flee — for you, the fact that America’s big coastal cities are doing great, or that more than half a billion Chinese have been lifted out of extreme poverty, merely rubs salt in your wounds.

    Second, all happiness is relative. Although moral philosophers may wish Homo sapiens were wired more rationally, we humans are walking, talking status meters, constantly judging our worth and social standing by comparing ourselves with others today and with our own prior selves.

    According to the Brookings Institution economist Carol Graham, poor whites are far more unhappy and pessimistic than poor blacks, even though, in absolute terms, they are better off. That would not make sense if absolute standing determined subjective well-being. It does make sense, however, when we look at relative standing. Less-educated whites (especially men) have seen their relative standing decline sharply, both compared with their parents and with rising nonwhites. Blacks, by contrast, have seen themselves doing better than expected and closing the economic and social gap.

    Absolute standing is not irrelevant, and people will tolerate and sometimes even embrace inequality if they believe the system is fair and lets them get ahead. Still, the witticism (frequently attributed to Gore Vidal) that “it is not enough for me to succeed; others must fail” is uncomfortably accurate. In a striking experiment, certain households in Kenyan villages were randomly chosen to receive large financial windfalls. The lucky beneficiaries were pleased, of course, but their increased happiness was much more than offset by the increased unhappiness of other households, which lost nothing in absolute terms but suddenly saw themselves falling behind. Pondering the accumulated evidence, the British happiness economist Richard Layard concluded, “These studies provide clear evidence that a rise in other people’s income hurts your happiness.”...


    What it doesn't point out very well is how much our society pushes this competition, to get people to buy more things in order to look better than someone else. 

    • Like 3
  6. And our senator is johnny on the spot with a bill to help secure our elections! 



    GOP Senators Stalling On The Secure Elections Act

    Yahoo News today reported that at the request of the White House(read Trump), GOP members of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee that overseas federal elections today stalled a bill–Secure Elections Act–that enjoys bipartisan support and would have significantly shored up election system defenses against the threat of Russian hacking in the  midterms and beyond. Listed below are the shameful GOP Senators in the Rules Committee who don’t want to secure our voting machines. Notice the list includes two of the most despised U.S. Senators–Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell–truly deplorable!!


    I know I already posted this in the beto/beta thread, but it irks me how the really important shit like this gets no pub because everyone is going on about kneeling.   That is Cruz's gameplan and we need to wise up.  Every time he fans those flames, we should ignore that and ask questions about topics like this, or healthcare or education.  Bring the attention back to what type of man he really is, one who puts himself and his trajectory over anyone or anything else, including his wife and family.

  7. 1) Notice how Cruz is keeping the anthem/kneeling thing alive to distract from the fact he has no actual platform than keeping Texas scared and red? 

    2) He doesn't use the Tough as Texas slogan much anymore.  Didn't test out as well as CA thought it would, I guess.  Funny how people want more from a senator than being a Ford truck.

    3) He's got this in the bag as long as the russian puppet keeps at bay any real attempt to secure elections.  http://grassrootsdempolitics.com/index.php/2018/08/23/gop-senators-stalling-on-the-secure-elections-act/


    GOP Senators Stalling On The Secure Elections Act

    Yahoo News today reported that at the request of the White House(read Trump), GOP members of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee that overseas federal elections today stalled a bill–Secure Elections Act–that enjoys bipartisan support and would have significantly shored up election system defenses against the threat of Russian hacking in the  midterms and beyond. Listed below are the shameful GOP Senators in the Rules Committee who don’t want to secure our voting machines. Notice the list includes two of the most despised U.S. Senators–Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell–truly deplorable!!

    4) Bolded part fits in with the talk about the rest of the country's view of Texas political acumen if we allow this guy to be re-elected. 

  8. 39 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Latino is what shocked me about that chart.  Does the name Cruz carry that much weight?  Why are they supporting him so much?

    That poll is for registered voters.  I wonder what the ratio of registered to unregistered is for the minorities?   Or think they are registered, but aren't.  I think if they move to another precinct without re-registering then they fall off the rolls?  

  9. I'm thinking Cohen has more to worry about than going to prison if he flips.  Prison is probably his safest place right now.  But his family and vengeful Russians are still out there.    He might be hoping that not talking will squelch any retaliation and Mueller can still use all the evidence gathered off of Cohen without Cohen collaborating. 

  10. 55 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I really like Warren.  She's smart and she has America's best interests at heart.  She's also old and unfortunately unelectable for POTUS.

    I like her too.  I hope she keeps this up.  She is doing it with taste and facts.  Will give Ds a new face and voice to rally behind.  Her and Beto.  She can override all the Pelosi animosity.

    • Like 2
  11. 13 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This is actually something I learned in the Dirty Money episode I talked about earlier: that there are a shit ton of people who just want to be told something, anything, to make them feel better about their wretched existences.  I think growing up in the bubble of Austin insulated me from a lot of realities about living in rural America.  A whole lot of our country is void of opportunity and full of extremely poorly educated people.  I'm convinced this all stems from a lack of education and I'm not convinced that it isn't by design on some level.

    Don't forget television programming.   They didn't call it the idiot box for nothing.

  12. Yes, I see that, but I also think that it will run out of steam before it does irreversible damage.   It might even lead us to shaking our complacency and taking a look at dismantling some other things already in existence that infringe on our liberties, such as the Patriot Act.    Or at least I think that is where you are headed, to use the Trump experiment and its outcome as reason to start even more stringent Orwellian policies? 

    I have had the idea for a long time that there are those on a higher level of control than I that are pushing us to some sort of civil unrest or revolt.  I am not convinced that it is completely Russian driven, though they have played a big part in driving wedges in our country. 

    I just think that Trump might have been too much.  He hasn't been subtle enough to move us closer to the edge.  He doesn't have the skills that other fascists leaders had in keeping all the people in lockstep.  I think we are seeing the opposite.  And I think there are enough numbers are waking and rising up to overcome these actions and hopefully right the ship.  I appreciate Brisket, but I am not quite ready to step on the ledge yet. 

    Its just going to take some time to get organized.  Like I said, the Beto campaign seems to me a microcosm of response, not only in the grassroots part of it, but the growth.  If he can activate the vote and win, then that will go a long way to help people feel they actually do have some control over their government again.

    • Like 4
  13. 51 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    They are not acting as a group.  That’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried about more lone shooters, bombers, incels, and domestic terrorists.   They  are really hard to detect/prevent when the population of crazies is significantly larger than it once was.

    When people get that detached they have a tendency to latch on to some really destructive stuff.  Then the bad things happen.  The tragedy is much of it would have been preventable with the good leadership.



    36 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Those types of folks have always been present.  Q and Trump are not creating new ones out of thin air.

    Their heroes are being booted off of social media, NBC is running exposes on their movement, and they aren't doing jack shit to the social media networks or NBC or the NY Times.

    In short, they are losing their platforms, and their beliefs are starting to be exposed to the mainstream, and they do nothing but bitch about having to live with their parents who watch the History Channel.

    I don't doubt there are going to be some isolated instances of violence.  A lot of those people have bought up arsenals and set aside all this doomsday prep stuff just for this new revolution they see Trump leading and them being the boots on the ground.  However they are more bark than bite, they are too soft and too cowardly to stand up in this new revolt for long.

    We will see some of it, I am sure, but it won't last long and they will be shunned and dismissed while the rest of the country moves on, in whichever direction. 

  14. 32 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    This to me is the scariest thing. Everything he does now is the new normal. There is no outrage about things that before would have been headlines. We've just come to accept it, which means he can just become more outrageous and we'll take it in stride.  I'm not trying to be overly dramatic, but this is how things like Nazi Germany happened. 

    I don't think so.  I think he is trapped and has nothing else he can say without incriminating himself.  I agree with Tom that he is putting this out there for it to be accepted as truth, but in the mainstream the bulk of Americans are growing weary of it and are just waiting for someone or something to bring this all to an end.   Nazi Germany is still fresh in enough minds for us to recognize both the social aspects that drove Germany towards Nazism, and the way Hitler and his henchmen pulled it off. 

    Yes there are a lot of his base that are not going to be changed, but there is a significant groundswell of people who are waking up and starting to take their country back.  We just don't see as much of that because the Trump administration is always on the news, and there is little news out there for these small pockets of resistance that are growing.   Case in point was the alt right rally last week or so.  What, 30 participants and 300 protestors?    And we have those protestors camped right across from the white house, whose numbers grow every day. 

    It will take more time for this to gain steam and become organized, but it is coming.  And I do think it will translate into votes and not just bluster.  The way Beto is turning things around is bringing us back to the times when we felt our votes mattered.   I think that is happening in pockets all over the country. 

    What is scary to me is where is the big money in all this?  Which way are they pushing their bought and paid for lawmakers?  Are they still believing in America, or have they already given up and are pushing us towards a new future, more one worldly?   Trump and his band are a side show.  The question is what will it be after he is gone.  And that big money is going to have a lot to say about that.   And we know above all else they will push and support only those things they will profit from. 

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  15. 2 hours ago, Message Board User said:


    That's just allsome!   It's so fun to watch all these people poke fun at Cruz and his base without ever saying anything deliberate.   At the same time they are self deprecating while confident. 

    Gotta watch that vid just for the skateboarding and tequila comments.

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