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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. So is this Figurelli version 4.1?
  2. This cannot be repeated enough. Leander is another. They are full on coming for the school boards all over the state. State Board of Education races need to be voted in as well.
  3. There are instances where the touch screen if not properly calibrated will register a vote for a candidate unintended. The machine then does issue a ticket with what it thought your vote was. Check it. It's not widespread, but it has been happening. I apologize if it seemed I was spouting some conspiracy bunk.
  4. This is real, in spite of the SoS office saying it's nonsense. We've fielded several complaints on this. Seems to be effecting the ES&S machines. It's not every machine but it's been reported from a variety of counties across the state. You choose Dems and somehow it reads your vote being cast for the Republican candidate in that race. Just be careful and double check your machine and the reciept before you turn it in.
  5. Parker and Wise County have some great Democrats. I know both those chairs and they are smart, hard working, feisty ladies. And they are up against formidable odds. So if you do decide to nuke those two counties, give me some warning so I can have the evacuate? Thx.
  6. Texas oil billionaires invest big in Lina Hidalgo's challenger Tim Dunn and Farris Wilks, the West Texas oil magnates behind a conservative push to gut public education in Texas, are among Alexandra del Moral Mealer's most prolific benefactors, campaign finance records show. Dunn and Wilks should be on everybody's lips just like George Soros. MAGA Mac and his wife have donated at least $178,000 by the August report. Here's a pretty good breakdown on the August report for both candidates: https://communityimpact.com/houston/bay-area/city-county/2022/08/01/mid-year-campaign-finance-reports-for-harris-county-judge-race-show-288m-in-contributions-to-hidalgo-del-moral-mealer-since-february/
  7. I don't think Herman could ever have the humility Sark seems to possess. Too much of Herman was smoke and mirrors, and I've always felt Sark was understated and knew himself. I agree though that Sark's trials and tribulations probably made him a better coach by making him relatable to his players and help them improve themselves, because he does it for himself daily. And he seems to do it in the right way. After Tech, he could have gone off the wagon, or threw players and others under the bus, but he didn't. He shouldered what was his responsibility and moved forward. I just can't imagine the amount of pressure he has to be under and the temptation must be so high. It just makes me admire him more and wish only the best for him.
  8. Susan Hays knows her shit. Did y'all see where Stogner endorsed Warford? Pretty good article actually. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/09/26/texas-republican-sarah-stogner-endorses-democrat-luke-warford-for-railroad-commission/
  9. Yeah, that's pretty much the basic GOTV strategy now. If people take the time to plan something out, the more likely they will follow through. "Do you know where your polling location is? Do you need any help finding out when they are open? Who are you going to vote with? Maybe go have lunch afterwards, or run down some shopping," etc. The good ones will toss in a little "good chance we'll contact you after the election, to see if you had any problems casting your votes." Kind of puts a little extra social pressure on folks in a good way. And we do follow up, particularly in areas we suspect intimidation and other nefarious bullshit going on from the right.
  10. Great idea Eddie. I have reached out to Collier's staff to see if they can put some talking points on this together for us. So we can state facts with citations when we talk to teachers or retired teachers.
  11. Beto and his crew are sending out signs to counties for free, but they can't seem to get enough out. Collier is sending signs to folks for a donation as small as $4. Collier is building a big following in North and East Texas, btw. This yard sign thing has been an oddity for sure. Especially the lack of republican signs on a statewide basis. A few Abbotts out there but haven't seen one of any of the down ballot R candidates. Waxahachie drive through sampling was about 8 houses with Beto and 1 with Abbott. Nice neighborhood too. I know my friend and I have dispersed over 2000 Beto signs so far throughout mainly rural Texas. Beto signs, like 4x4s and 4x6s as well as yard signs get targeted nightly. They leave the Collier, Garza and the others pretty much undisturbed. There is a lot of intimidation going on concerning signs and people who put them up. We had a Dem candidate tour come through our county, and I put up a sign in this little town that basically said "Dem meeting this way ======>" It was in the right of way right by some self storage sheds. Within the hour, the owner was messaging us through facebook we better come take it down. Three people had already called him and harrassed him for being a Democrat. In a town of like 500 people. It's fucking ludicrous. It's reached KKK levels of unabashed harrassment in some areas, so that might be why you don't see more Dem signs, even in the suburbs. We've got a lot of these out, wanted people to start thinking team, not just Beto. I'm hoping the lack of R signs is an indication of over confidence, or a general lack of interest.
  12. This cycle has been different than any other in recent years. We have a strong slate and some personable, qualified people running. They are all over the state campaigning and organized fairly well. Beto doesn't show up without another candidate with him and there is a lot of push to present them as a team, not just Beto and some other people. They each have their own campaigns but they often join up on the road for one or two day multi-candidate tours. That includes the judges too. It's a diverse group. They aren't all older white guys. There are white, hispanic, male, female, older and younger. And each is out stumping to their strength and reminding everyone it's not just Beto, the whole ticket needs to be elected. Right now Beto is doing his college swing and my son went to the one at Sam and he said the ballroom was packed. Only a handful of weak Abbott supporters. I think Patrick isn't even on that bus half the time, it's just an expensive rolling billboard. One of the big issues in rural is schools, and teachers are noticing. I have a couple of devout R lady teachers who are voting Collier, because of his message. Every county Beto drops into he has the exact figure that reflects how underpaid the teachers are in X County, versus the country. Add to that the lack of COLAs for retired teachers. Those people talk a lot. We have phone banking and texting programs using relational databases which is fairly new, and it's effective. We also have better data from more points of contact driving some of those programs to approach and interact with better defined bases of those who lean blue but don't always vote, particularly in mid terms. And lastly, we have all these groups like Mothers against Greg Abbott, BabiesforBeto, and It could have been Worse. Those groups are the ones doing the messier work of casting aspersions, which leaves the candidates hands fairly clean. Though they aren't ever afraid to speak the truth and point out weaknesses in the current administrations while they are campaigning. So things are different this time, and polling might be missing some of this. I do hope like someone said earlier, the GQP feels confident and sits it out. Anyway. All this gives me hope that we win at least a couple of offices.
  13. Mike Collier worked as a landman for Exxon after graduating UT. He went back later for an MBA and went to work for PwC in auditing and eventually moved into acquisitions and made partner. That's just part of his resume. His book "Out of Comptrol" is a great read. I've had the pleasure of engaging with he and his staff numerous times this cycle and he sincere and affable, like Greaser Bob stated. He said he's been after Patrick to debate, but Patrick said this: Or we could have this:
  14. Don't count on DPS and SoS to communicate data well. Check online to see if your address is right, if not, call your Election Administration Office and ask for assistance. This is a link to every EA office in the state, by county: Election Administration Offices of Texas. At this point, time is of the essence, particularly for registering. Best not to put off checking and making any necessary corrections. If you wait until the 11th to turn in your application, you might not be able to vote in this election. We ran into this in 2020, where they sent in postmarked the deadline, but they go by the day the application is processed, not postmarked. It comes down to the definition of "to register." It's a fairly short hike across campus to the city hall, and I have heard that the young Dems there and other groups are going to try to make going to vote, to make that hike, a fun event. I have a feeling it will end up biting that red county in the ass. That is good advice, but I wouldn't go through the sos at this late date. Call the Travco EA at (512) 854-4996 Or Harris Co at (713) 755-6965. Or find your local county office from the link above. If you have questions or need help with anything voting related, call the Dem Party voter hotline. It's open from now until 5 days after the election (for curing provisional ballots). 844-TX-VOTES. Also remember if someone is registered to vote in one county but can't get there to vote, they can vote what is termed a "limited" ballot. That is a ballot that only has races on it that the counties share in common. Usually that is state races only, but sometimes you have overlap with SBOE or congressional/state district races.
  15. If you would like to join the forces to fight this at the polls, you can get trained as a poll watcher or work in other voter protection areas using the following link https://secure.ngpvan.com/bCiC6Qh_9E-HFo7osU7x9w2?emci=6a9574cb-823e-ed11-a27c-281878b83d8a&emdi=6bc0caca-a43e-ed11-a27c-281878b83d8a&ceid=6875074
  16. Eggs said in the post game interview that the atmosphere of the place being hostile took them a bit to get adjusted to last night. Could have caused some serving yips.
  17. I have to put Baylor ahead of aggy. Aggy is rarely competitive and they are just laughable dullards. Whereas Baylor will jump up and bite our ass and then act all holier than though, being God's Team over the heathen horns. Not just football, but roundball (both M and F) and baseball. I have some very insufferable Baylor grads as relatives, and they are tons worse than aggy, in my opinion. TCU and Tech are further down the list of rivals.
  18. We played March Grandioso and Texas Fight when our high school band marched in Dolph Briscoe's governor's inaugural parade. Those songs stayed in our repertoire for a long time, with the addition of Jalisco and Rancho Grande. That assassin was Pat Thomas, right? I was there too. It was also APO, not ATO. Didn't Earl block a field goal that game as well? Seems he and Tim lined up as linebackers and he got his hands on one.
  19. This is like the red scare in reverse. But that list will get you honored and hired by 40% of the country, not blacklisted.
  20. We look faster on defense because they know more where they are supposed to be and the angles they should be taking, instead of running to catch up a lot, or cover someone else's screwup.
  21. We have some teachers who have been loyal republicans who are quietly saying they are voting for Collier. I imagine that also means they will vote for Beto, but they just can't bring themselves to say it out loud. Each of these seven candidates are beginning to pull support from the red side with their tours of town halls. Even Warford has his own group of folks fired up about voting for him because he's taken the time to get out and meet them.
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