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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Acho was doing his best Capt Obvious impersonation. At least 3 times he explained how 3rd and short is better than 3rd and long because it opens up the WHOLE playbook. Way too many cliches. They finally got around to identifying players by name, but never by number. LHN couldn't be bothered to put up a screenshot of the starters for either team. You'd think first game of the season that might be kind of nice to see. And yeah the incessant dumb nicknames, that's very aggy. I keep hearing shark and think Edorian McCollough. But I guess since he didn't stick, then they can recycle his nickname. Too many cutesy stories and not enough reporting. I wonder if they even have spotters? The only sport I can stand with Galindo is baseball. Usually the pace is slow enough to fit his inane banter.
  2. That demographic is surprising to me. Maybe there is a lot of white flight from the inner city to the suburbs, because when we were there, seemed a pretty equal split in races we ran into. Jackson itself is worth a visit. They have a state park inside the city that is pretty decent for camping or RVs and the two Mississippi museums on history and civil rights are worth a day each. Primos for breakfast and Roosters for anything else. My son agrees with most of you after visiting that civil rights museum: Mississippi is the worst.
  3. Abbott hiding behind the constitution on raising the age of purchase for ARs. How does that mesh with 21 being the legal age for alcohol? That was 21, then 18, then 21 again.
  4. I would add that the fire Chris Beard has brought to campus, along with the other programs all being upgraded brings a new positive energy to the program, and Sark seems to be fitting in well, without making it all about him. I'm glad you took the time to counter all the Sark negativity. I have a good feeling about this one. We are due.
  5. This is truly turning into a race between big money and grassroots. Social media is leveling the field some. I had read somewhere that he was in the $100mil area on his chest.
  6. Not surprisingly, that's been a thing in the corp at aggy for decades. But with hotdog wieners, and races in the dorm halls.
  7. Most of those you mentioned are walking around because TFG either pardoned or commuted sentences, right?
  8. Thanks for starting this thread Stassney. I've been thinking about one for all the downballot Dems, so this is a good start. I am not sure we want one for each race as there are 7 (Beto, Collier, Garza, Dudding, Kleberg, Hays and Warford) and 5 higher court Justices (Maldonado, Reicheck, Nowell, Huffman and Johnson). Maybe we should have a 2022 Tex Dem slate thread and one for Republicans as well? I like Jaworski and he's a great speaker. I would be happy with either he or Garza, but Garza's gender and Hispanic surname are going to get her votes. There was a poll out last week that only had Paxton up by 2 pts. Plus she has a pretty new baby at home, so she's not as free to get on the campaign trail as the others are. For anybody in Central-East Texas, there are several events coming up Sept 10/11 that feature most of these candidates.
  9. I've been to 3 of his events in rural counties. County chairs tend to go to the ones close by because we usually have our own voters traveling to attend and we want to be present with them if they are making that effort. Anyway I made Milam, Madison and Falls. I didn't see many groupies or people who seemed to be a traveling following. I would say the bulk of the attendees were from the area he was in. Also our interaction with LEOs at all the events has been professional and courteous. Now some of their families might be in the crowd protesting, but they were taking their jobs seriously.
  10. Mike works non stop, but he's effortless in it. I would bet he'll make 3 times the amount of stops Patrick does during this election. He is affable and makes for an easy conversation. I'd urge any of you to go find him somewhere and meet him, shake his hand. He's also a proud Longhorn. CollierforTexas.com.
  11. What she is not saying is that they their small donors give it all to Trump, who won't share any of it.
  12. I like that tOSU, ND or Pedo State is not anywhere in this scenario. And newspapers/magazines for sale, but only in Spanish. And Canales gum.
  13. It's because these people have fully bought into the idea that America is broken, has lost it's way and they are going to get things back on track. Them and God. It's simple. Might be some blood spilled, but so what. Just like the rioters on 1/6, they filmed themselves during that historic event entirely convinced that come 1/7, America would be under a new, better rule thanks in large part to them. They are thinking their grandchildren will read this chapter in future history books and think: "that was my granpaw who was smart enough to know when to save 'Murica!" I don't know how much veracity there is in this, but anything is possible in this simulation.
  14. I know that most of you feel that Beto going into the rural counties is reaping minimal results when it comes to votes and everything should be focused on the big metro areas. However the Wendy Davis campaign (in conjunction with Battleground Texas) decided to completely ignore the rural vote in 16, as well as most of the white vote. She lost by double digits with that strategy. So while he might not win by turning out an additional 3% podunk vote, he'll certainly lose by not paying attention to what he already has there. And the other down ballot people are out there pressing flesh and making speeches, touring as well. Every one of these stops is getting local TV and print coverage, for free. The MAGAs showing up just make it even more appealing to the news people. He is getting tons of exposure on all the social medias as well. IG, twitter, TikTok are full of folks reposting his content, as well as Collier's, Warford's, etc. We can't fight the huge war chests for TV ads, but social media is a boon to cash poor but follower rich candidates. Plus the timing of this tour is good, because it's a period right before Labor Day when all the races really dig in and run hard. So he's out there working the smaller counties and saving his time in Sept/Oct for those larger metro areas.
  15. Did I miss the part where he raised enough to get his jet fixed?
  16. Now this makes sense. Pulling out incriminating evidence on himself. And for good measure some national defense stuff and nuke info he could sell. Thanks
  17. The times I saw him he had at least one other down ballot candidate. Luke Warford and Janet Dudding both were with him this past Saturday. https://thetexan.news/vouchers-are-for-vultures-claims-collier-in-speech-at-texas-democratic-convention/
  18. So my question is what types of documents exactly? I mean if it's all paperwork, why didn't they just make copies or take pictures spystyle? Why did they leave this gaping hole in the library of classified stuff that would immediately be traced to them? I could see thumb drives or ext hard drives with sensitive programs, but paperwork? Doesn't make sense. They are pretty stupid though.
  19. Here's a good thread on more big money donors into Texas politics. The whole thread is a good read.
  20. I wonder if he'll go through with the town hall type debate offered. Also where will be interesting. Beto has been sharpening his debating skills at these type events for 21 days now, with 28 to go. We went to the one in Rockdale, Milam County on Friday night. The hall was packed and there were probably 100 protestors outside, many open carrying pistols and several ARs. Lots of Abbott signs. During the Q&A several MAGAs came in and tried to agitate by asking questions like "Why are you taking our guns" and "Beeto, (some gibberish about freezing windmills)." I would imagine by the time of any debate Beto will have heard just about all the dumb sound bite questions and will have honed a good response.
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