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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Push him down the up escalator and just let him tumble like he's in a dryer for a while. Gotta wonder who is still on his detail.
  2. His spin will be he was running to the front lines to protect his patriot friends. To join the fray for the good side.
  3. Nah, hurricanes aren't a threat anymore. Not since Trump figured out how to neutralize them with nukes.
  4. Frog in the pot of boiling water.
  5. Incident Command Ops are built to transfer IC to more qualified leadership as it come on scene. Arrendondo could have tried to do that, but there might have not been a clear chain of authority here. I would have thought DPS or Texas Ranger at the very least. I doubt seriously he was IC through the whole incident. If he was, then that's a state failure to not have that handover training in place. I know our local school goes through this training every year and firm plans are in place as to first response through to the final ops. I'm not defending Arrendondo, but I can also see how this could break down easily with muddied communication and unsure of who has authority to issue commands. The problem with ICS is that it is cumbersome and intricate, and it's easy to forget where your spot is in the system as new personnel are added. Most of mine is based on firefighting and hazardous material incident responses. ICS is a great tool, but it's also something that takes a lot of time to put into place, and it is not a good situation for OJT or on the job refreshers. It has to be practiced often and in more than just one scenario. Not only gunmen, but dirty bombs, WMD, biologicals, etc. All those are threats.
  6. All that while being the 2nd largest economy in the US and the 9th or 10th in the entire world. Such a return on investment, right?
  7. b9f6af812366f2173bc17fbf764a44b5.mp4
  8. Add depression. My friend from ATL whose been battling this tells me the depression is so hard to break through. It's so tiring to just get up. But on a better note, she is better. She regained 25% of her lung capacity but she is still on disability but they are letting her drive Uber for a little side income without threatening the disability. It's not much, but she is still fighting. She's spent 30% of her days either in a hospital or some sort or convalescent center since she caught it back in Sept of 20. I hope she's past the worst of it. Seems to be, but still so far to go.
  9. great. Now this is gonna pop up on my phone for 2 weeks.
  10. I'm about 4 episodes in. I always figured these guys like Liddy, Hunt and all the other operatives were upper tier at their spy craft. Amazing how inept they really were. But it also points out the gradual evolvement of the hate that fuels the GOP above all else. Starting with Dean's neon sign about communism. This gaslighting has been going on for half a century.
  11. One Night in Miami is a good primer to those chemistries. Toss in Jim Brown and Sam Cooke too.
  12. So I watched Jasper Texas on Amazon last night. I was torn because it had Jon Voight in it, and I despise him. I was surprised the role he played and can not comprehend how any human can play that role in that show and still be a crazy Trump follower. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't horrible either. Had a different twist on it since it focused more on the outside forces and how the small town dealt with them. The second one I watched was "The Cotton Picking Truth, Still on the Plantation." It's older, and the production quality is not great, but it has some powerful messages and does a good job talking about reparations. Because it is so dated, it really points out what we were on the cusp of when it comes to civil rights, and how far we are being pushed back.
  13. You are right, but then this is the age of eagerly joining the leopards eating peoples' faces party. Acevedo came out pretty strong against Abbott and his open carry, no permit required shit. Here's a recent interview. Of course, he's like Kaepernick, unemployable because of his beliefs, but nevertheless: https://www.npr.org/2022/06/08/1103652959/how-law-enforcement-could-be-affected-by-bipartisan-gun-reform-laws
  14. ok. that's a very important point. somehow.
  15. They turned the place into a diploma mill to get more votes and increase political clout. Several side hustles to this, but mainly real estate. Apartments and duplexes/quadplexes all over the place and more going up as fast as they can swing hammers. The rich get richer. The dumb stay dumb. But hey, now they have a Hooters AND a Twin Peaks, but no scrip clubs, because they are good christians.
  16. The Texas Democratic Party has been led for 10 years by Gilbert Hinojosa. He's not white. Not sure of his wealth, but he's not a pauper. Otherwise you have it right. Time for a change in our state party leadership.
  17. Charter schools will be the white flight alternatives to public schools. Maybe a few charters will remain loyal to the minorities, but most of it's a way to get white kids out of public systems...give them a "safe" place to go. East Texas is so overrun by republican bullshit it's an uphill battle. Why our educators continually vote against their best interest and the best interest of the students is unfathomable. But it happens, and they are loading the school boards with lots of Karens and Bubbas. They use athletics to keep kids engaged, athletics and agriculture (FFA). The students of color that the school relies on for athletics need to stand up and say enough is enough. But that's hard to do when you've been groomed to be the next Hooterville "Big Star." NIL gets you a free membership at the local gym where all the old has beens gather to relive glory days. Yeah, Charters won't get into East Texas. Our public schools will just act like charters until someone stands up. This right here. Now, not later. Go see how many little 2A schools out there now have turf and 2 or 3 uniforms for both home and away. And their band has one beat up 20 year old sousaphone. Our school annually sends kids to state and national competition in FCCLA and they don't compete against the other little schools. They beat out 5A and 6A schools. But you don't even see that shit in the paper, because it's not athletics. My son was told after his first year of college majoring in psychology that he was wasting his time and the two measly scholarships they awarded him. Morons indeed.
  18. Necro bump: I'm interested in what others are finding. Here are a few of mine from recently. Netflix's Ron Howard documentary, Web of Make Believe. Particularly 2 and 3 from a current political standpoint. Amazon: Ukraine is not a brothel. The story of Femen and its unique fight against patriarchy, with a little twist to it. Amazon: Iraq's Secret Sex Trade (2019 version) and Kids Caught in the Crackdown (1983 version). This stuff is chilling and hits close to home as the US is pushed further towards extremist Christian Nationalism.
  19. Probably because they were thrown some bone that the SS guy was going to expose her as a fraud and destroy her credibility. Then whatever she reported to have heard first hand is in doubt. I just don't see the committee not having thought that out well before hand, and they've got some strong support from others for her statements. Might just be tossing out bait. While some people seem to think they are wasting time, I am with gandorf and others and say they had to do something, they couldn't just let it slide. They have exceeded and continue to exceed my expectations on the strategy and production of this. Not sure where it's going to end up, but they're doing a pretty damn good job laying it all out.
  20. Zindler was ok, until he went to LaGrange. Fuck Marvin and his patent leather white shit. I can't see them putting her up there to tell that without having at least one more corroborating witness somehow. It went towards showing his temper tantrums. Tailed onto the story about grabbing the wheel. Like a toddler. And that played into the 25A talk and cabinet members resigning, showing how many felt he was too close to the edge.
  21. Can they block people from working in administrations, or acting as consultants? Like Flynn, Rudy, Meadows, Bannon, etc.
  22. I picture him leading the charge up Capitol Hill in a lifted Camo golf cart, using his putter as a sword. I hope they come back and get her to clarify whether she actually requested to go to FL as part of the team, and have teamTrump show actual correspondence to back this up, or she sues the shit out of him for libel. Except they win a title now and then. This was exactly my thought when this came out. They'll shift blame to the deep state. Yeah, I was like "what?" What has he done that could be legislative accomplishments, other than the tax relief for the rich. Otherwise they got nothing done, it was all done by executive order. Hopefully some of the scales fell from her eyes.
  23. I've always maintained that the people against abortions aren't so much for saving lives, but for punishing young women for having sex. I know there's rape and other uninvited sexual aggressions out there, but by and large they are after those who are having sex when they aren't. They relate it to the hairy legged free loving hippy chick. They are supported by those guys like Cruz and Kavanaugh, who just didn't have it when it came to finding women to have decent sexual relationships with. Penis size, looks or other insecurities drove them to the misogynist side. This is a punishment to all those women they wanted and couldn't have. Those men often devote themselves to business or politics, make a lot of money or gain power, then find young women to have sex with. Then their wives sit at home with the pool boy, which is ok, until the sugar daddy is exposed as a philanderer. Then the wife becomes the woman scorned, and in order to save pride, they go after the 'homewrecker' and once in a while the cheating husband too, but always the side piece is attacked. So much porn is violent porn, nearly always against the woman. In an odd way, this is an extension of that. All of it has to do with punishing those engaging in sex for pleasure and curtailing it. Starts with the churches (rhythm, abstinence) and just grows from there. Next will be same sex relationships and then contraceptives. I'm not saying this is the full underlying reason for this vendetta on abortions, but I'd daresay it's more this than saving lives.
  24. This. I had a text first thing from the DNC to ask for $15 this morning. Oh that civil war is coming. You guys have been pushing for it for decades now. Gonna take all those beautiful 2A weapons and clean the welfare queen trash out of this country and take out the 'queers" as good measure. Put women back in their place, barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen. Oh it's coming. Dominionism. But I don't think all your compatriots will have the stomach for it. They actually have shit to lose...those they have worked so hard to impoverish, whose backs they have enriched themselves off of for years have little to lose. And every kitchen and bedroom in this grand new republic you are working to build will know there are better ways to live, that they aren't chattel or second class citizens. Who will you be able to trust? Nah, it will be a short lived revolution. Probably bloody for a while, but it will end like the last civil war here, with the greedy selfish fucks losing. Hubris will be your downfall. If the Dems were any good at messaging, this would be on the ground now. Predict that future. Raise that alarm. Even if there's no basis to the rumor, just use it to wake up voters.
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