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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. That Trump staffer who they mentioned MTG as having spoken to someone, not her. The smirk on her face that seemed to say "That loon? I didn't waste time on that loon. She had special handlers she went through."
  2. Rural cops are decent to people who they feel aren't a threat to their safety and are upstanding tax paying citizens (white). The rest are either feared or picked on. How many did Operation Lone Star add, being in the neighborhood and all?
  3. But you can only steal said pony from a poor or person of color. Because no one cares if they get to keep their ponies or not. In fact most likely if you don't get their pony, someone else will by the end of the week. They don't deserve ponies anyway.
  4. It was interesting to me to hear so much about prayer and bible carrying, bible verses and on and on. Aguilar actually asked Jacobs that and he went on about taking out his bible and reading that passage from the book of David. It's like they were giving them room to tell everyone they had God on their side. Seems to me the committee is somehow setting up a gotcha. Not only allowing but cultivating this line of questioning.
  5. I think that's his wife maybe? She looks like a republican wife. That's what I remember. That him actually leaving the capitol grounds was a game changer. I thought more they were intending to use the car to shelter in place, not leave. But he was fearful of the leaving.
  6. I can accept Trump was capable of acting out his part in all this, and I know where Eastman fits in, but I just don't see Trump being bright enough to put this plan together. Bannon? Flynn? I mean we can go way back on this, because he's been using the same tactics for years. Discrediting the media and even before 2016 he stated more than once how the only way he could lose an election would be because it was rigged. In his earlier life I would have figured Roy Cohn was the evil behind the throne, but I hope they know who it is now and will fully expose them.
  7. The "P" word. Nice job getting the context of this.
  8. https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=elon+musk&order=desc&sort=D The Little Elm address is most likely the registered voting address. I imagine the address of record is cloaked by the Secretary of State
  9. Anybody seen anything on this? Interesting if true. 7eb33a82a728bd7838f9ee2b72f2a206.mp4
  10. Little Elm is not in that district. Only way he could have voted for her would have been fraudulently. But then that's par for the course for the red side. Fuck Musk the Attention Whore.
  11. How does this happen in the home district of the Texas Democratic chair? I know the odds are that it will get flipped right back when the district changes, but still, the optics are just dingy.
  12. Imagine the meltdown if we played OU and Arky every year, but not aggy.
  13. Unless you have something against winning Director's Cups
  14. After he hit his homer they showed him pacing the dugout. His intensity reminded me of a bengal tiger pacing a cage, ready to get out and tear shit up. That's what I was remembering when he walked to the plate.
  15. Apparently so is a good deal of the United States. Early 19th century at that.
  16. Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey. Will probably get its own thread soon. It deserves it. Handmaiden's Tale crossed with Jim Jones cultism and tied tightly to Zionism and Dominionism sweeping parts of one particular political party.
  17. I am hoping that there is a strategy to the threat of exposure being used to leverage more testimony or even cooperation.
  18. Trump is way more pissed off about people thinking he's a loser than he is worried about being in power. I think we'll see a segment on the 25th issue. Exactly. Trump fucking told us in 2015 that he would not accept a result where he lost. Same way he told people his strategy for discrediting the media in that Barbara Walters interview. Thing is Trump just comes across as so outlandish that many figure he just can't be taken seriously. We are a country that literally bought pet rocks.
  19. Because those who are incapable of thoughts or plans to improve things are always capable of undermining others who try. If I can't fix it, then I'll do everything I can to insure that no one else has a chance. I will not be shown up. It's crazy, and somewhere along the line selfishness and greed became more acceptable than helping others. Until we start living by the Golden rule again, instead of the Rule of Gold, we're in for some shitty times.
  20. The Eagle today. Front page: Butchered AP article:
  21. This didn't age well: https://www.ncaa.com/video/softball/2022-06-03/miranda-elish-has-found-her-happiness-oklahoma-state
  22. I am really glad Mia Scott is a freshman. She's a natural leader and she always seems to have this intense optimism that drives her.
  23. I've found that in a lot of things, not just politics, that you don't know shit until you are at least 50 miles from your home. You can't sell snake oil or even a cancer cure to those around you, but if you go down the road, they are eager to eat that stuff up. Maybe the carpetbagger thing is just that same sentiment on a larger scale?
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