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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. I don't think so. I think anything that goes counter to how America thought in the "good old days" is woke. You know, back in that era where America was great. Whenever that was, in whatever parallel universe these fuckers live.
  2. I don't think you'll have to worry about that for a while.
  3. Or, I don't know, hang a huge tax on gun sales that goes strictly to improving the lives and futures of these kids, instead of raising them in a world where their easiest path to recognition or success is tied to a gun?
  4. They already sell backpacks with kevlar in them to use as shields. https://bulletproofzone.com/collections/bags-backpacks
  5. 2024 Slate for me: And I don't want to hear shit about "no experience." Not after Trump...no one who voted for him could ever use that against anyone else.
  6. Don't forget bulletproof busses with lexan windows. Yeah, no. We need a few old pissed off white fuckers settling disputes in the domino halls and friday night football games with assault weapons or handguns. You know some of those fuckers are packing open carry style. Let them start eating themselves leopard/face style. But then this happened with Covid and super spreader events and they seemed glad to play martyr for the cause...whatever the fuck that cause really is. I suppose it's librul tears.
  7. Going back to the Cruz race, Beto always seemed to want to win based on his being the best person for the job, not wanting to start slinging mud, like that took away, somehow tarnished him. Seems back during the 2018 race he answered a question in an interview about not wanting to do negative campaigning. Hopefully he's starting to realize there could definitely be some room for that in his strategy. The question is how negative will Abbott get towards Beto? Or will he just continue to ignore him, like a pesky fly that will go away? Abbott can stay above the fray and not claim he is slinging mud, while all along his minions are, and not so thinly veiled. That will probably fuel any retaliatory stuff from Beto.
  8. Maybe best to look at those places you mention and wonder why we are more like them violence wise. Male dominated governance backed by radical religious systems that support that dominance and also support the tactics said males use to retain power (read small arms and fearmongering about gender issues and women's rights). Which one of those guys Mrs Whiggins used for examples would fit better into Al Qaeda or a cartel in Central America, or corrupt African country? The one thing they all have in common? They all are strong patriarchal worlds that depend on lethal power for control. That's the whole crux of it, you do anything to diminish guns in our society, then you are leveling the playing field. And they have all along groomed women in their world to accept and fight for the patriarchy as well.
  9. I didn't see this addressed yet. So now it's pot that's the issue. Makes sense, I've certainly never heard of anyone getting boozed up and shooting a place up. All these people do is blow so much smoke, try to red herring the real issue into the backs of minds, until the news cycle resets. FOX NEWS HOST LAURA INGRAHAM: GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE, POTHEADS KILL PEOPLE Ingraham can’t believe everyone is demonizing firearms when marijuana, she claims, is clearly the problem. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/06/laura-ingraham-fox-news-school-shootings-guns-marijuana
  10. This is just whacked. I guess the next thing will be floor plans for the pinpointed schools. Simmons has a full thread on this latest bullshit.
  11. Let's help Collier drag Patrick out from under his rock to bear his responsibility in all this too:
  12. Be real. Can't hold a candle to this sexual dynasty:
  13. I think we've got a pretty good slate headed into November. I've met and listened to most of them, several more than once. Not a single one of them is inferior to any of the Republicans running. These candidates are well spoken and knowledgeable. I guess they just don't look "right" for some reason. It's really odd though how much these candidates have been disparaged, and how little is known about them, short of Beto and maybe Collier. Lupe is not running, neither is Wendy. Leave that in the past and reach out and educate yourself on some of the 2022 candidates. You might be surprised.
  14. Bobby Hill is a better man than a whole lot of people.
  15. You'd think. Just getting them out to vote is the issue. Lots of young rural folks are R. But they don't vote. They just blow hot air. Kompromat.
  16. 90% of the world's problems started with someone not being comfortable in their own skin.
  17. Those intros were the best part of the series, IMO.
  18. I liked Lincoln Lawyer, but did every other major character have to have vocal fry?
  19. How much harsher would his sentence have been if it could have been tried as "domestic terrorism?" I mean basically he got the same charge as if he'd lit a car on fire, or a dumpster, right?
  20. What's ironic about this is the chair of the TDP was a county judge from Cameron County before he took the chair a decade ago. You would think he would have a good read on the south Texas vote and how to not only hold it, but draw even more out. They've told so many lies they're beginning to get tangled up in them. No matter anymore. All politicians lie, but the Republicans will keep lowering my taxes.
  21. I'm a little surprised they didn't retire Steinmark's number.
  22. I think he's saying these things to motivate those Texans who don't vote. He's not going to win by being a fence sitter. The idea of doing away with those weapons in Texas is not ludicrous, it makes sense. He's telling people he's different and has the guts to speak up for them, so get off their asses and go vote for him. For years all we hear is 'they are all the same, either side, why vote?' Those people thinking that aren't as studied in this as most of us are. They need something short and sweet to grab their attention. Playing it safe to win isn't going to do it. Win or lose, he is right. So yeah he could lay out some really good plan to fix just about everything, but no one would listen. At least not the ones he needs to persuade. That takes too long.
  23. Constitution doesn't mention abortions either. Weird, huh? They run it because other people let them. They are much better at getting out the vote. The dildo war was instigated by Cruz right? the biggest dildo of all? https://www.thewrap.com/ted-cruz-sets-the-record-straight-on-sex-toys/ They wrote off pretty much all rural Texas. I have heard repeatedly where only 5 counties are needed to turn Texas blue. I think 2020 is forcing people to revisit that strategy, particularly in South Texas. Now they are trying to make it seem they give a damn, but the failures of 2020 haunt them in fundraising and support and they are backpedaling as quickly as possible trying to regain ground, at least in the RGV. I think both of you guys have good points. I grew up in south Texas and lived in Laredo for a handful of years. It's a different world for sure and still operates on a lot of old political machinery, see the Cuellar race. The Laredo I knew 40 years ago more resembled chainsaw's version. But I can definitely see where Brisket has a point, particularly on the overall macro view, and changes in attitude since then. My son graduated from a rural school in east Texas last year. He was in a group chat with maybe a dozen guys from his class. One of them has one more than one occasion spouted misogynistic shit like this guy was apparently doing. My son called him out in the group chat and not a single other guy in that group backed him up. In fact about half of them threatened him. The misogynist dude is all ready to throw down! Peer pressure is a hell of a thing. Like I said a couple of days ago, increasing funding for mental health won't help until you make mental health therapy acceptable. There's no way in hell assholes like this bully kid will admit to needing help, much less engage in any counseling. That group chat would eviscerate him for being "gay" or "soft." And then you got the preachers in line telling parents to save their kids they need to be getting back to god. And oh yeah, bring your checkbooks. Fuck that. In most any other age we could laugh this off, but Vinnie is 18..can buy a gun, no problem. Maybe he won't shoot up a school, but who's going to say he won't shoot up my house, then claim some "stand my ground, protect my freedoms to be an asshole" defense? He'd get off in this county for gunning down a lib. Are you talking about Biden's programs? Or did you have some in mind being promoted by Dems running for office here in Texas? Like serious agenda items, not those trumped up things like Defund Police or Take all the guns!! I mean I follow these folks pretty closely and don't see anything that's overly progressive. But then maybe I am too close to the action and could use a thump on the head to see a broader pic.
  24. After wading through the last half dozen pages of stanco dumbassery, I finally caught up. If we arm all the teachers, then they become prime target one every time. Most times the teacher is going to be concentrating on teaching, not defending, so to be in the perfect place to thwart a maniacal gunman would be pretty low odds. Yes, maybe they would be prepared after alerted, after the gunman had decimated an entire classroom. Too little too late. Like so many have said, who wants to sign up for that along with all the other shit teachers have to deal with? We are talking small town rural Texas. These people (and I know them well, since I am one) get the worst LEOs for employment. We're certainly not talking cream of the crop here. Think Barney Fife. They are ok with intimidating regular citizens, but too often wilt under threat themselves. So even with the best guy filling the chief or sheriff position, his pool of possible employees is pretty dismal. Having mental health issues is bad enough, but having them in small towns where everyone knows you is really hard. Already you are "different" and an easy target for those who need to tear someone else down to feel bigger. Kids are notoriously cruel. Word leaks out that you are engaging counseling then you are further stigmatized and targeted. Your pool of friends goes to nearly nothing. And that's assuming your parents and family are fully supportive. No the issue isn't mental health as much as it is the fear of the stigma of seeking it. And now you see these fools like MTG and her slimy ilk saying "we just need god, not counseling" and that gives people something to hide behind. So blaming it on mental health is a cop out. There's a lot more to it, but of course none of that will be considered, since it's all window dressing, what they are tossing out. As far as hardening targets, lets say that path is chosen. Use that figure someone put out claiming around 130,000 schools (schools alone). On average, say to get and maintain decent, non Barney Fife LEOs, you need about $300,000 annually for staffing. That's 39 billion annually. Not including any structural modifications or training. Maybe try something else then. Like paying legislators across the country a decent working salary and in so doing, invoke massive election funding and lobbying reform. Get the money out of politics. Without getting into the weeds too much, let's just stay general and see what that would cost our country. US senators 100 $1,500,000 $150,000,000 US representatives 425 $400,000 $170,000,000 State senators 1972 $500,000 $986,000,000 State representatives 5411 $250,000 $1,352,750,000 $2,658,750,000 Offer them all housing allowance, make their salaries non taxable, give them the finest healthcare and even toss in some retirement options and still all that costs maybe a tenth of what the most basic target hardening would do. 39 billion vs 3-5 billion? Seems like a deal. Not to mention you could tie in bonuses based on job performance. Let people vote on bills after they have taken effect a few years. Good bills? Bad bills? Let the public score them out and those who wrote, supported or voted for the good ones get bonuses for doing their job...others get black stains on their records. I know, it's all pie in the sky. But I figure winter is coming. After a long maddening summer filled with much more of this. But at least offer some logical options besides God and prayer. Give these people a salary they can live on and let them do their jobs.
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