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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. He'll ghostwrite a book about the dirty insider business in the GOP and try to sell it saying he and Trump will clean the swamp.
  2. At NRG in the 2020 early voting and election day, there were goons wearing Crenshaw gear intimidating the voters in those long lines. They worked from the 100 ft boundary and out. I'm not saying he directed it, but no way he didn't know it was going on and allowed it. He's no better than the rest of them, he just comes at being an asshole from a different direction.
  3. Nicklaus was always an unlikeable POS. Especially coming on the heels of Palmer.
  4. I wonder if they would have pursued Brisket's plan how the rest of the country would have reacted? I think there was some viable concern the whole thing would have erupted. I think this course was chosen to give them enough rope to hang themselves. I keep thinking that all this will come out in about a 2 or 3 hour special news release, with enough footage from enough different culpable parties to make a serious impression. Probably September?
  5. Imagine if they named a warship after this guy. Who would want to serve on it? Who would refuse? Would enemy fire or friendly fire sink it first? Or would it just ground itself on some sandbar far from any real action? Be retired out of service early and turned into a floating Trump resort for the deplorables?
  6. But yet the legal age to imbibe alcohol is 21, not 18. We need a MAGG group to mirror MADD. Mothers Against Grim Guns. Something like that. I mean if they can control the alcohol market, then they can handle the NRA and guns n ammo. But then how do you home school them. Their dumbass parents can't even teach them how to be semi literate, responsible humans, much less basic algebra or certainly not civics. I've thought a lot about this, since I am rural. The rural area produces the food. But most of the production is done by farmers and ranchers who are beholden to larger corporations. So starving out the cities won't work. About their only play is to disrupt transportation. Blockade roads and railways. I guess i am not sure where the corporations would land, but I would bet they wouldn't want their world rocked too hard, unless they could see more money out the back end of it. My county is littered with chicken houses owned by groups like Tyson and Pilgrim. They only lease the land. I don't see them shutting down to appease the rural folks. However we might see such operations sabotaged by angry rural folks. Surely those corporations have insurance policies to protect them against uprising caused vandalism and loss? It's an interesting thing to ponder, and I feel something will be coming, some reckoning. But I do think we are seeing the beginning flames of this fire, and it's going to get worse as the heat of summer ratchets up the crazy.
  7. I started watching How to get away with murder...it was ok at first, but it's like dragging out way too long now. I usually like viola davis, but this isn't a good vehicle for her.
  8. More likely the Dems would take measures to ensure the stability of the grid by conserving energy and the Reps would go full arctic air and crash the thing, then blame it on the Dems anyway.
  9. I don't see aggy as an upward trajectory. Money and contract wise, yeah, but not football prestige.
  10. It makes more sense knowing Wendy's dad is John Boy Walton. Apparently he made a few too many visits to the moonshining spinster sisters, got a taste for the debil's toxin.
  11. Don't care. Had vote.
  12. I'm going to predict we lose more Texans to heat related deaths this summer than we lost to the freeze. And our Texan voters won't care.
  13. Watched Mustang Island last night. Netflix calls it quirky. They got that spot on. It's like cinema minimalism. We went into it blind and it took at least half the movie to figure out what was going on, but by then we were hooked. I'll spoiler a review of it, if you feel you want to go in a bit better prepared than we were. But maybe the fun is in letting the thing come to you.
  14. I enjoyed it as well. However at points the dialog was so heavy it was hard to follow. I felt I missed some of the details of the plot, especially in Spain. But still it held together and got the point across. We had watched Imitation Game (again) the night before and that's another good movie about WW2.
  15. So a 16 yo can be tried for murder as an adult, but can't make a decision about having an abortion without parental involvement? Yeah, it's not about helping the kid make a hard decision, it's about controlling them. This whole argument about parents and parenting hinges on everyone's individual definition of parenting. I know mine is much different than the one held by the parents who raised me.
  16. Are the current private schools competing under UIL? Or do they have their own organization? Just thinking if UIL loses enough schools in the metropolitan areas, they lose that money and UIL becomes worse for the underfunding too. I know most people think the rural vote isn't worth the effort, but the Texas GOP is sure doing a lot to lock it down. Mainly because they know they are losing the urban battle. Seems there could be a way to expose them for the hypocrites they are concerning rural if someone could lucidly show a path they have been on for so long and are continuing to follow concerning education and vouchering. And yes they fuck with the small schools, they fuck with their athletics and that fucks with the communities' pride. I guess they've fucked with pretty much all the other aspects of small communities. Selling votes for Trump flags. Or maybe over time they just normalize people to shittier situations. We'll replace football with MadMax type jousting tourneys with 20 year old 4WD duallies rolling smoke on country roads.
  17. So curious about what happens to Friday night lights if things move to charter schools and home schooling? Small communities like mine live and die on their local high school sports teams. Seems this could be a big stumbling block for killing or at least maiming the public schools.
  18. Three Mile Island documentary is well done. I never realized how close they came to Chernobyling a huge chunk of New England. Not once, but twice!
  19. I binged it tonight. It was quick to get through and light like most of his stuff. Think Mike Myers does "Don't Look Up" Or "Idiocracy." It's a big swipe at social media and how it's been used to cultivate conspiracies. So not to CR anything, but if you didn't like either of the movies I just listed, you probably won't enjoy this one.
  20. Maybe more like re-direct it? Make it more Putin friendly by putting in Palin and using her like he did Trump.
  21. And they had to invoke superdelegates to get that chance. Should have been Bern all along.
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