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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. Pretty apt description of Abbott and his past 4 years. Overriding local authorities on homeless and covid matters Abortion bounties Trans bounties Voter suppression cloaked as vote integrity protection Operation Lonestar Redistricting Panel to determine how to get all teachers into private/charter schools He's def been on a roll.
  2. Or chest hair. Ask Immamac. You know that officer hugged him off camera too.
  3. One side is fighting for the average citizens and the other is fighting for the corporate citizens. He has been there so long his duplicity is wearing thin. People are beginning to catch him speaking out of both sides of his mouth.
  4. Catdaddyhorn said it best up there. Ramey showed a lot of maturity in his development and learning control, not always going for the hero shot. Brock and Shay Holle are still dating? That could lead to some pretty sweet basketball legacies around campus in a couple of decades.
  5. Here's an article that supports her some. It wasn't that she was pushing back on the left on everything she voted against, as much as it was she wasn't going to kill the filibuster as it currently stands. There were some who felt doing away with the filibuster was dangerous. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/01/10/democrats-filibuster-vote-526863 There wasn't much made of any of this though, and the NY Post and some other red rags did a lot of finger wagging about hypocrisy and such, but it was pretty short lived.
  6. He didn't want it the last time. He just wanted the attention. He seems to be immune to prosecution either in or out of office. I guess we shall see in the next year with all the cases bearing down on him. Right now he feels he has all the power he needs, being in charge of the GOP. And with that power he can be kingmaker for whoever antes up enough. I don't see him running because he already feels he has everything you mention, so why take on the headache of office?
  7. It should make it even easier for Beard to recruit into here either through the portal or HS. In one season he's been able to wash out the "soft" label. I have enjoyed seeing Disu starting to come into his own during these past two games and hope to hell it continues. That being said, I was very impressed and grateful for the steady improvement all year in Bishop's game. I think he was doing one of those 3 finger signs a lot of the shooters do after a 3, not a horns down.
  8. Trump is milking this as long as he can until he has to declare in writing. Some say he has already declared and what he is doing is illegal taking in and using campaign contributions without declaring. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-s-2024-politicking-looks-it-s-breaking-campaign-finance-n1292079 I still don't see Trump running. He'll go as far as he can then sell his endorsement to several of them right up until the primary. Might even hold whoever wins the primary hostage going into the general if they don't pay him proper fealty.
  9. They can't both sides and "whatabout?" if they don't have a Dem villain. They can't deny Trump and his grifting family, so they need that counterbalance on the other side of the aisle. Trump kids stole from charities. Biden kid used coke and lived in Ukraine. Same same, right?
  10. Serenity is running on Showtime right now. It's all borked who runs what.
  11. I don't imagine Smart would have gotten his version of the '22 Horns even in the tourney.
  12. I was referring to the Wiki citation that rage used: Should have added that in, I guess.
  13. Murder in the Bayou is depressing and rage inducing. But pretty well done and laid out.
  14. Watch the Florida Project if you are looking for something indie and gritty.
  15. There are those who look at To Have and Have Not as close to a Casablanca prequel. Treasure of Sierra Madre should be mentioned too. Each actor seems to carve out their own type of character. Bogart and Tracy were equally good, but I can't see Bogey playing the priest in the orphanage, nor can I see Tracy pulling off Sam Spade. As far as Wayne trying to enlist Ford's help in getting into the war, it seems pretty unlikely Ford would have denied him, considering Ford's own commitment to the effort. https://www.wideopencountry.com/john-ford-legendary-western-movie-director-led-a-film-crew-during-world-war-ii/
  16. Purdue has had some pretty choice cheerleaders in the past. Not sure what's going on with this squad.
  17. It's always fun to root for the underbirds. #teambluehens
  18. That's one awesome troll there. This guy understands alpha. Could have gone with Doug Edert, Sr. too.
  19. The guy who used to be a pretty decent friend who went full Q used to talk about Crypto a lot. It was the foolproof way to secure immediate and solid wealth. He got into about the same time he started into Q. So we drifted apart and I watched now and then from afar. Figured if he ever got rid of his mom's hand me down suburban and got a Hummer or something, then maybe I'd look into Crypto. He is extremely bright when it comes to computers and interwebs things. So if anyone I know can figure out Crypto it'll be him. We ran into him a month ago in a Thai place we all enjoy. It's too small to avoid each other, so we joined him. I tested the political waters: "Lance, I still can't wrap my head around you bragging about marching in the Juneteenth parade and then the next year you are the county's biggest Trump supporter. How do you reconcile that?" "Oh man, Trump's not a racist. The only reason you think that is because MSM tells you too." I didn't think to bring up the Central Park 5. He'd have shot it down with something else anyway. After a long story on his mom nearly dying of COVID but saving her with ivermectin, we just ate pretty much in silence, at least politically. We left and he got into his old suburban. So no crypto for me yet.
  20. Here's a good article on Manchin that really gets into his dealing with coal going back to his earliest days. It's a very long read but extremely comprehensive. It's also heavy leaning towards liberal progressive thought, but that' ok. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/joe-manchin-big-coal-west-virginia-1280922/ In Francisco style, I won't quote the whole article. Sidenote: New Texas Tribune article on SB13, which does exactly what the bolded part above lays out. "Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar sent letters to 19 financial firms Wednesday afternoon to determine whether they were violating a new state law that prohibits companies from “boycotting” fossil fuel companies. Senate Bill 13, which went into effect in September, prohibits the state from contracting with or investing in companies that divest from oil, natural gas and coal companies. The law defines divestment as refusing to do business with a fossil fuel company because that company does not commit to environmental standards higher than expected by federal and state law...." https://www.texastribune.org/2022/03/16/texas-fossil-fuel-divestment-ban-inquiry/ Back to Manchin: TL;DR: Manchin is dirty as fuck. And West Virginia is paying for it.
  21. I really don't like wasting time on the three stooges of MTG, Gaetz and Boobert...but there is something so drawing to seeing how they compete to out stupid each other. Hillarity in responses ensues.
  22. That looks more like an intimidation ploy/photo op on 77.
  23. You are right. For the sake of brevity I didn't go into it as deeply as I should have. The system of checks and balances did work, but that hasn't been the headline. It's only been about the original oversight.
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