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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. ICU nurse describes nightmare inside hospitals, pleads for Oklahomans to get COVID-19 vaccine https://www.koco.com/article/hospitals-on-the-brink-as-oklahoma-health-care-workers-stretched-to-the-limit-due-to-covid-19/37323232
  2. Took Brisket's lead and took some pizza to St Jo's trauma and ICU staff. Left it with the security guy at the front, he seemed pleasantly shocked. St Jo's is the hospital that gets the bulk of the indigent care work. Baylor Scott and White is in it for the bucks, and Caprock is a new popup overgrown ER Clinic. Thanks for reposting and pointing that out. I missed it the first time. That's some true Christianity there. Jones is fence sitting. He thinks peoples' love for his Cowboys can make them do the right thing. It won't. He'll shrug and say "I tried."
  3. Can you give some examples of those avenues? Part of the problem is our definition of success has been pivoted from how much good you can do to how much you can own or control. John Lewis vs Kelly Loeffler. Barbara Jordan vs Ted Cruz. Our whole society is driven to have things just a little better than everyone else. A nicer ride, a hotter sugar baby, a $20,000 purse. And social media has exacerbated that by daily moving the goalposts. Unfortunately we have a lot of politicians, and few statesmen. And those few statesmen are constantly harangued by the politicians. And the media eats it up, because it's attention grabbing. And people eat it up, because it supports their selfishness over others. And the church doesn't help, because too many of those are in on the grift now as well. TL;DR: We need intelligent successful people to help us out of this mess. We need Robert Reich, AOC types and we get MTG and Klannie Oakley.
  4. Silverado. One week left on Starz. I watched Shultze Gets the Blues lately. A very odd movie. But interesting, different.
  5. And pulled us and funding out of WHO too.
  6. Well he tried to check in to a Four Seasons first.
  7. This also explains a disconnect between rural counties and urban Democrats/TDP. Can't get more hick than Mo' Hick BBQ. But he's all set up in that commie town up there.
  8. Try living amongst them. The term arrogant ignorance runs through my mind a lot. As shocking as this sounds, this place is my touchstone of sanity. I also feel that many of them felt before Trump that this country was going to hell, and Obama was an indicator of that. Those guys with "Rather be Russian than Democrats" sums it up. It's a lost cause, so yeah, why go on? What do they call that? Suicide by cop? This is suicide by Covid. You simply need to look at the rates of suicide for middle aged+ males in rural and possibly suburban areas to see the potential. But fuck spending money on mental health or education, lets just keep militarizing our LEOs.
  9. Did he come in through the portal from ND? Because that's a pretty Irish sounding name.
  10. I'm sorry for whatever you've been going through, and since I really don't know much about it I won't dis you. But on the other hand, I have mad respect for Bama Chick, and she hasn't been hiding, as much as preoccupied recently. So here's some more random shit. *Cross posted from Covid thread.*
  11. They will make the real money when they start charging $100 a car for tows out of that inevitable mudlot.
  12. It's been about 10 years ago now, but if I remember right they had a sizeable amount saved up to build a two new fields and bleachers, etc. And it happened over several years. I don't remember all the particulars, but it was enough to send him to prison. VFDs are notorious for having funds pilfered as well. In things like that you seldom have much oversight by anyone outside and no safeguards inside. Often you don't have very many people interested in helping out. Especially the boring stuff like being secretary or treasurer.
  13. csb/ Guy who used to live down the street divorced his wife, hooked up with the daughter of some big Terra partner and was working for Terra. He's was arrested for embezzling 25K from the local little league he was running, and then a whole lot of other sketchy shit fell out of his tree too. TL;DR: Terra is known to hire sketchy people.
  14. He went there about a week ago in another Fox interview which I can't locate right now. He doesn't even try to bring any facts anymore. His job is simply to plant dumbass bombs for their followers now. I will admit that the last sentence in that quote makes little sense, so no telling if the first part is accurate either.
  15. Somebody has to sell those doublewides out in the ranchettes.
  16. TikTok keeps taking down the vid that shows his face. She posted another one. I tried to imbed it, but you can see it by going to the original link and looking at her posting history. I can't imagine who she told her plastic surgeon she wanted to look like. If I were part of a family that dumb, I might have a death wish as well.
  17. Actually, my county is divided between two different US Congressional Districts.
  18. #SoulslosttoCovid. Nope, this moron lost his soul long before Covid came along.
  19. I thought Trump made a comment about the piles of dead birds under the wind towers, maybe floating on the water, since it was the ones off the Scottish coast that bothered him most.
  20. Apparently this was one of the early Ivermectin blurbs. May of this year? I had wondered how this got started. It was probably posted here, but i missed it. I wouldn't doubt that Wood is talking about a treatment like this or bleach or something. Probably figuring there's a malpractice case if the guy dies and they didn't give him Ivermectin or hydrochloroquinine, or bleach, or lysol, or stick a candle up his ass or something. When they do listen to science, it's always bogus science. NEWS RELEASE 7-MAY-2021 Latest peer-reviewed research: Immediate global ivermectin use will end COVID-19 pandemic Peer-Reviewed Publication FRONTLINE COVID-19 CRITICAL CARE ALLIANCE (FLCCC ALLIANCE) https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/666564 Plus this: Thousands Of Fake Vaccine Cards Seized On Way To New Orleans From China: Feds Buying, selling or using a counterfeit COVID-19 vaccination card that features an official government agency seal can result in a fine and up to five years in prison.
  21. Fuck, this thread took a weird detour.
  22. The Dems don't have anyone declared for governor yet. That makes a difference. Collier and Jaworski are campaigning hard and have been down into south Texas several times already. Harris could have helped going there instead of El Paso. I like both Collier & Jaworski, but they just don't have the name recognition yet. I think they are all waiting on Beto to put his hat in the ring so they can all unite behind him. I really can't understand why this isn't done yet. I know there is a lot of criticism of him here, but Beto has really mobilized a lot of people and energy. He colors outside the lines of the TDP and there's some pissing match going on, I think. Covid fucked us too. One of the problems is the way the Red side fights. Every week it's a new fire. Collier was running on the grid debacle, and whoops, here comes voter suppression. Then the border/immigration war. Then Covid. It's like you go attack one of their fires, they start fanning a different one, or start a new one. That one guy who confessed that the R strategy was to fuck everything up and obstruct to insure nothing got done by Biden is very spot on. That's their playbook, and when the country is now stockholmed to not trust anybody or anything, it's way easier for them. Right now there are a lot of demonstrations going on along the border and south and west Texas in rural counties like Medina and Atascocita. It's a very concerted effort to take what's already 80-90% Red and make it 100% or at least intimidate any Dems to not show up. And it's working. They know they have lost the urban centers and are now working to hold the rural area. With gerrymandering and statewide elections, they can use the rural base to keep US senate seats, judicial seats, Gov, Lt Gov, SBOE and everything else. Using gerrymandering they keep control of the house and senate. It's the same argument of Wyoming vs California on a national level vis a vis the electoral college and Senate vote. And they ride that rural vote to push voter suppression to discount urban vote. Any ideas on how to fight that, I'd love to hear them.
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