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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. La Marque isn't in his district. Why isn't he doing this in his district? I guess it's the closest place to Houston that sounds like Mar-a-Lago? Have cover bands been describing themselves as "tribute" bands long? Not very Texan having some guy named Montana playing, is it? This just looks full on lame. I wonder how many TikTok'ers will register for this.
  2. I don't remember who added the bit about the "I know where you got your shoes," but it made me look pretty sharp in front of my boy when I knew the answer tonight on Canal St. End of a great day.
  3. Biff nailed it earlier. The only education we need is that white man always does what is best for the world, that's why god made him white.
  4. We did part of the Trace coming into Jackson. Did it at dusk and it got a little eerie by the time it was full on dark. But it was definitely a serene drive with a ton of wildlife and few signs of civilization. So far we've made the Civil Rights Museum of Mississippi, the Miss. Museum of Forestry and Agriculture and the Smith Robertson Museum in Jackson. Yesterday was the Hank Williams museum, the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. Stopped at Tuskegee, but the museum was closed unfortunately. He promised to support Trump's coup in August. Trump is a waffling lunatic. I can definitely see him doing something like this.
  5. I always make it with equal parts tomatoes to sugar. Lemon slices and a dash of cinnamon. The trick is to cook it to a good set point without burning it.
  6. Tomato Preserves Cantaloupe/Pineapple Preserves Dried venison sausage sliced thin on homemade bread with butter and pickles. Cinnamon toast with mini marshmallows browned on top. My grandmother used to keep root beer concentrate she'd mix with water. That was soda at her house for a long time. French fries on fajita taco with. Thought about this listening to podcast week before last. Bowl of cottage cheese with sliced strawberries or canned peaches. Sometimes just straight with salt and pepper. My dad forbade Spam and spinach in the house. The first from the war, and the second from growing up in the valley during depression. He also taught us the salt on the grapefruit thing, because they had lots of grapefruit and salt was cheaper than sugar. If mother was feeling especially cheery, we got this pear thing with a half (never a whole) maraschino cherry on top. And sometimes it was peaches instead of pears.
  7. Thanks for this. My son and I are about to make a two week run to ATL and back, hitting Jackson, Montgomery, Selma and New Orleans along the way. Bit multi theme with civil rights and music being the bigger items. Any suggestions like this will be appreciated.
  8. And your response is classic DT. TJ Hooker was the guy whose wife flashed her rack at his new doorbell cam, right?
  9. You sons of bitches are really bored, huh?
  10. All I can testify to is that I am more involved politically than I ever thought I would be a decade ago. I was of the school that both sides were equally crooked and self serving and my vote didn't matter. I think it was the Bernie campaign against Hillary, followed by Beto that changed my mind. All the sudden it seemed like my vote might actually count. Trump and Co came along and clearly illuminated the chasm between grifters and run of the mill pols. They killed off the both sides are equally bad for us argument and shone the light on the more despicable pols who only play the obstruction game to maintain a system weighted for them and the monied ppl they serve. If it stirred me to get involved, it definitely has and continues to stir others. Many others. And like Satchel and UpperWestside, I know there's going to be a strong movement to get people ready for and to the polls for the next couple of elections. All this voter suppression and scorched earth crap they are running is going to bite them in the ass and bring out a lot of votes against them in the future. The question is if they have instilled enough hatred in enough of their base to revolt when the popular vote doesn't count out the way they want? Will that base be strong enough to support their "fuck the common ppl vote, we'll put in who we want" program that Brisket identified?
  11. I would guess some of them are bringing some dual credit hours with them from high school as well.
  12. - the John Roberts Book of Judicial Logic Had to repost because this is so spot on. They know history is written by the victors. Decades ago history was stored in textbooks which took years to publish. With the internet they realize they need to be parsing and editing at a quicker pace, like in real time, but it's nearly impossible in this climate of sound bites. So instead of editing textbooks, they just banned the teaching altogether. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortgage_discrimination While not a specific law, it was and is still is a policy. Same pretty much for any lending situation for all minority races.
  13. Watch Inequality for All. So systemic Hitler education is ok, but systemic racism education isn't? Bet she's got one or three of these aids handy.
  14. If black athletes declared they wouldn't play another game until this bullshit was corrected, it wouldn't take long to set it right. These fuckers in red state capitols all over the country are going full scorched earth on their voter suppression, abortion, education agendas. They either know they can't be stopped, or they know it's their last hurrah. I'm just surprised none of them have tried to roll back abolition.
  15. This is why Liberty U and their ilk are booming, to have a place those homeschooling creationists have a place to send their progeny for higher degrees.
  16. Like their parents they are too busy trying to be popular to actually spend any time seeking truths about politics. I would daresay the youths of today are more brainwashed than boomers were at that age. That whole being popular thing is really important out in the rural areas to all ages. There isn't a big pool to draw your friends from and many people do a lot of going along to get along. Tie that to the richer people in the community are often those who run things like the school and places of employment, and it's not hard to understand why people and kids follow their lead. It's different in smaller rural communities than the larger urban and suburban areas. And from their schools. Since they are smaller schools, they can often break rules without much worry of being called for it. Just like having some bible thumper for a coach or band director. A prayer before every practice. It all ties back to that small community mindset. And that mindset gets more ingrained and illogical with every passing generation.
  17. Actually he's been rolling quite a while, or at least since that whole tree and gravity thing he got mixed up in.
  18. Not in the rural areas. The bulk of the youth is falling in line with their elders on this. And just like those situations, each beating is usually more severe than the last. It's like they need to test the limits of their power. Once the wife has endured several beatings without reporting him, he figures he has unlimited power, and every assault has to wound deeper than the last one to make an impression. It's the bully mentality. Not bright enough to solve any problems, but sufficiently powerful to block anyone else from solving anything. I think the Dems had to go for this commission to put a spotlight on the hypocrisy of the Trump enablers. They probably figured they wouldn't be interested in real investigation/justice, but had to give them enough rope to hang themselves. If they would have gone on with the investigations in whatever fashion without at least asking the Republicans for their input, they'd have been crucified as authoritarians, breaking democracy, etc. Now they can move on. They gave the right the chance to do the right thing, and they failed, as expected.
  19. I always figured that anyone can grow pot at home was a big part of the reluctance to legalize. If you can grow your own, then they can't collect taxes on it, can they? Lots easier to grow weed than brew beer or make wine, much less run a still. And I agree with Buck, I always told my first wife I'd rather the girl date a pot smoker than drinker. I never saw a mean toker, but I've seen lots of mean ass drunks.
  20. No way the title company or mortgage company or county clerk wouldn't have at least asked if they didn't have property homesteaded any where else. I'd guess either they expected the clerk in their original county to seal their records, or they filed one under her name and another under his. But there's no way they hadn't been apprised if not warned before they claimed the second one.
  21. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/14/us/politics/jessica-gonzalez-texas-voting-rights.html A good brief interview.
  22. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/05/heritage-foundation-dark-money-voter-suppression-laws/ Leaked Video: Dark Money Group Brags About Writing GOP Voter Suppression Bills Across the Country “We did it quickly and we did it quietly,” said the executive director of Heritage Action.
  23. Republicans are clearly struggling to blame anything on President Joe Biden, Jimmy Kimmel said on Thursday. Their newest complaint focuses on a shortage of dipping sauces at Chick-fil-A, which has limited sauce packets to one per customer as a result. That, Kimmel said, prompted a complaint from “Texas’ top Chick-fil-A-hole,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas): “Right, he’s killing us one zesty buffalo at a time,” Kimmel cracked. “Poor Ted Cruz, he’s still looking for something to distract us from fleeing to Cancun.”
  24. Triangular layers, no doubt. Well done.
  25. You must have been in the pointy cardboard closet when they announced it.
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