German people knew very little about Hitler before he rose to power. They only had papers mainly, and probably some radio. They also had more than two parties to deal with. Hitler was intelligent, driven, charismatic and evil.
America has had a steady stream of articles and documentaries about Trump for decades now. Television, streaming and social media are prevalent. There is no reason to not research and learn who Trump is and what he is like. But many don't. That's willful ignorance. If they did with open minds, it wouldn't take long for them to figure out Trump is an idiot in most everything. We dodged a bullet we got him instead of someone with an IQ higher than room temperature. Let's hope our fellow voters rise up and shake off their apathy to resist their shit one more time.
I also think Hitler did most of what he did for the good of the German people. Yes, he had a hierarchy of his henchmen and generals who were reaping the monetary benefit. Hitler wasn't into that. I think that mostly he wanted recognition for being bright enough to lead Germany from the depths of depression to a country that all the world envied. Someone who figured out how to build the greatest empire ever.
The only Americans Trump is concerned with are those who have a higher social status level than he does (in and out of the US). It's all about him, and he's willing to sell off America to do that.