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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by pyrohornIII

  1. The current wealth of bio-docs on musicians continues with the Tina Turner doc. Some of these have been formulaic, but this one breaks out of that some by getting more into how the past haunts her daily, how the press and public wouldn't let her relationship with Ike rest and how that constantly reignites all the horror scenes in her mind. How strong she had to be to power through all of that and keep pushing for positivity in her life. I now appreciate the music of some of these artists more, now that I know the backstories. PS: Ike was a very sick individual to the very end. I would expect his issues stemmed from shitty parents too. But it is interesting the divergent paths these two took and their views on each other and themselves at the end.
  2. What is "Something no one will ever say about DC for 200" Alex?
  3. Maybe because he knows he's met his match when it comes to twittering with the likes of Cornyn and his "brisket" and "Covid Corona in a shot glass" Clayton Williamnesque tweets. ORRRR maybe he's actually running the country instead of going for the low hanging fruit of the day.
  4. I love how she rants about how ugly the Egyptian woman is and how hideous her clothes are. So much every accusation is a confession with these people. The whole thing of tearing others down to make themselves feel superior is getting old and worn. Everybody sees it, but they just double down, because they know no other way to be. It's been the mainstay of white's maintaining control for years.
  5. He added the extra years to fuck over obama appointees. Once he knew he wasn't coming back, he withdrew it to help out his own lackeys.
  6. A big push to bring in some really good role models who took full advantage of their time and connection to UT. And I only did the ones they were interviewing. Pretty awesome all around. Cory Redding: Jermichael Finley: Lamarr Houston: Adrian Phillips: Jeremy Hills: Jordan Hicks: Joseph Ossai:
  7. Like the Cliff Notes of Machinator's posts. With a little levity tossed in. Keep going, all gas, no brakes!
  8. Them is good. Lots of plot twists. I'm sure there's a lot of symbolism that went over my head, but it didn't take away from the series.
  9. If you could combine high speed rail with local rail, it would be much more appealing to the rural people. https://www.hcn.org/issues/53.5/north-transportation-montana-counties-band-together-to-reinvigorate-passenger-rail?utm_medium=email&mc_cid=1fbdb446da&mc_eid=7a4361c408
  10. Because we deserve some calm. And this seemed as good a place as any to put this. In fact it should be spread all over the damn country. The Bob Ross Virtual Art Gallery.
  11. The less that worker takes home, the less they have to spend on products/services of both those who employ them and other goods/services providers. While it increases profits for the owner in the short term, it decreases them longer term. But a good conservative is only worried about profits in the short term, so it's ok.
  12. I saw on TV yesterday how Amazon had put all this anti union propaganda all over the factory, including framed posters under glass in the restroom stalls. Here's the link on the article from CNN on the mailbox controversy: https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/08/tech/amazon-union-mailbox/index.html
  13. But if you own stock in Amazon like the OP, you obviously don't give a fuck about it, do you? In fact you even come here to not so subtly thump your entitled chest.
  14. Until we have better broadband everywhere, including rural, I can't see how a digital passport works for a lot of folks who don't even have a smartphone or computer.
  15. Iola is Grimes County. Hits very close to home. Passed several troopers headed south on 39 around 4. That black and white doesn't look like it was riddled by a handgun.
  16. It shouldn't be illegal for anyone or any corporation to donate to something they believe in. What should be illegal is no accountability of those donations via dark money or PACs, SuperPACs, whatever. Or be they promises of jobs (or other non cash rewards) for family members, staff or anyone else associated with any politician. Transparency is what we need. Too much dark money.
  17. I hope about 20 of these dumbfucks decide to run for every office in the land and stretch that donor base to the limit just to get through primaries. Talk them up. Divide and conquer.
  18. On the left, from what I gather. I'm figuring the one on the right was a play-along for the weekend. Interesting choices of bootwear by both. No way there's not some Brazzers level stuff on one of their phones.
  19. I will give you that Drew is a good coach. But other than firing some people, what has really come out of the Briles/Starr/Title IX scandal? The Texas Rangers were investigating, that went silent. Where did the NCAA go? For all the furor that was centered on that, it's like it's just been forgotten and Baylor is back in good graces. Fuck that. They dicked around long enough and other things covered up their shit. And yeah, I liked the Rhule hire. It was a good move, but how many Bear fans were so solid behind bringing back CAB? You think what you will of them. I respect your opinion. Mine is different.
  20. I have a cousin who went to Baylor and who subsequently sent her daughters to Baylor as well. They are staunch Baptists and are constantly playing the David vs the big bad Goliath of UT, be it in sports or whatever. Poor little tiny Baylor is so smart for being on the same level as UT, and even besting them repeatedly at major sports! Plus not just anyone can go to Baylor, it's very expensive, don't you know? That makes Baylor like the Ivy League school of Texas. But with GOD! I hear this shit constantly, and never anything about the rape enabling, cat mutilating, drug dealing basketball players or the Dennehy murder. To this day they still slant things against Bliss, making him the scapegoat. I'm sure he played a part, but I doubt seriously he was the lynchpin of the whole thing. Baylor is dirty, top to bottom when it comes to athletics. They need money to pay off that gold and green toilet bowl on the Brazos. It's been this way since Teaff was there. People pulling strings behind the scenes to get and keep the athletes they need. Using money, drugs, co-eds, whatever. And the whole time they do this, the rest of the world just lets them do it. Like pretend it doesn't happen and all is good. Instead they hold Baylor up as that holier than thou institute and applaud their David act against the rest of the secular world. I'm sick of it, and they don't deserve to be in the Big 12, or any organized athletics. But then money talks more than actual morals. Drew and Mulkey are about as slimy as stewed okra. Cat torture case Example of recent Blame Bliss articles.    Lazy journalism plagiarizing a documentary from some time back.
  21. She's definitely got the tortured face of one in a life or death struggle with the demons within her subject. I feel so much respect for her. It's like she's dying for his sins or something. Who paid all those legal fees on that case, TwiceHorn? Taxpayers or Trump? I guess the case needed to be brought (in case of a second term) even though everyone knew it would be tossed because they couldn't hear it before the end of his only term?
  22. De Santis is too busy evading questions on Covid vaccinations to worry about Gaetz.
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