Right, but that's only an issue if they don't pay it off in time and incur fees, and even then, 1 month is probably too strict, some cards don't start charging fees for up to a year. CC debt isn't an issue in and of itself, it's if people can't pay the balance and get hit with fees, which creates a debt spiral sending them towards larger issues like being evicted.
I actually have a friend at work who makes very good money, but has something north of 6 figures of total CC debt across several cards. Him and his wife spend like drunken sailors, but he plays some stupid credit balance swap games to move the debt around every 6 months to avoid incurring fees and paying it off. He also gets millions of airline miles this way so they can go home and visit family in Taiwan several times a year, so maybe it's worth it. I personally cannot live knowing I owe that much in debt that could be hit with 20-30% monthly charges.