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Everything posted by Dutchrudder

  1. Current buildings are mostly maxed out, but there is a lot of redesign going on that will add more space by simply being more efficient. A lot of the spaces are now hybrid with 2 teams sharing it on a 2/3 basis. That's for the worker bees though, the C suite guys are getting some premium spots in the towers soonish. If the Hess merger ever closes, there is a giant tower next to Discovery Green that they will inherit too and I'm told it has an exceptionally long lease. Other options for space that make sense would be the old Continental Building, which CVX had leased about 25 floors for years until COVID hit. Now it's mostly empty, and just a garage for CVX and HPD. It's a nice building though, and it was the Omni HQ building in RoboCop 2 which is pretty cool. The old Exxon HQ is 2 blocks away and has been empty for years, which could also work with some significant buildout. There's also the empty green space from the old YMCA that they never developed, but I don't see them spending 100m+ to do that. That's going to be a decision for the next CEO, which will probably happen next year. The Bridgeland building is currently on hold until some other things are settled, it has not broken ground yet. I think the "move" is a bit overstated by people looking to shit on California though. The San Ramon campus was sold years ago and just exited officially in June. There is a new building with a 5 year lease nearby that will be the offices for those in California for the next several years. No one is being forced to move right now, and no relocation or early retirement packages are being offered to anyone outside the executive support staff. In the past those were the norm to encourage migration, but for now there is no urgency. I do however, know several people on SR that are actively looking for a new job elsewhere, because they don't want to move to Houston and they know it's coming. I can't blame them, but I think it's a bit early to panic. This is going to be more of a slow transition that ends around 2030.
  2. So far so good, just 1 to go...
  3. All that for only 1 run. Yikes.
  4. hahahaha what the fuck is going on?
  5. uhhh, wtf? That wasn't even close to hitting him lol...
  6. Kinda just have to laugh at this point.
  7. Loperfido could have made that throw...
  8. What 2 teams in the modern era had longer losing streaks than the current Chicago White Sox? Chicago will tie for second with a loss tonight at Oakland.
  9. Excellent movie, best of the 3 Deadpools. I can't believe all the cameos they were able to get, so many fun surprises if you went in blind. The Chris Evans joke was the best in the movie for me. Everything related to Gambit was so so bad, it really was like peaking into an alternate universe where some moron green lit that movie. It was hilarious, but also cringe inducing. So many laugh out loud moments, I can't wait to see it again! I don't know where it will go from here, or if the MCU will completely ignore everything that happened during DP3, but I don't think that they will ever reach this high of a peak again until they reboot the original Avengers characters. We are still probably 5-10 years away from that happening, but it will happen eventually.
  10. Lost in all this "DEI Candidate" talk is the fact that the fat fuck former gameshow host and real estate "developer" has significantly less relevant experience for being President than Kamala does. Even after serving as President for 4 years, his only years of public service or in government, he still isn't as qualified for the Presidency as Kamala is. One of these days some journalist needs to turn that around on him.
  11. Yes, she's the Vice President, breaking ties is the ONE thing she HAS to do.
  12. My money is on Tulsi Gabbard. Shes pretty, ethnic, a former Democrat, and she has the full weight of the Russian Government's Treasury behind her!
  13. This sounds like something a black woman would say at the "State of the Black Union." I think she just might identify as black (also she fucking kills it with this explanation). And this was back in 2006:
  14. They are doing great work by having him here and letting him publicly vomit all over himself for everyone to see. Really can't ask for much more than that, this will be all over the next news cycle. It's not like he's going to convince people to vote for him. I'm happy they did it, it's not an endorsement of him, and they aren't letting him say whatever he wants, they are keeping him in check and asking pointed questions. It's an excellent example of what journalists should be doing every day to our politicians.
  15. I really wish I didn't have conference calls all afternoon. Can't wait to see more highlights!
  16. Oh look at this: So that new website that Georgia rolled out this week allowing you to delete a person‘s voter registration if you have their drivers license or Social Security number and DOB had a fun little glitch on Monday that lasted for about an hour. The “glitch”? It DISPLAYED the social security numbers, drivers license info and DOBs for everyone registered to vote in the state. EXACTLY what Democrats worried could happen. An hour is a long time in the tech world. Everyone in Georgia is now at risk of not only having their voters registration deleted, but their identity stolen. 🚨🚨 If you live in Georgia, check your voter registration weekly. Congrats @GaRepublicans , you’ve taken weird a step farther.
  17. This. It's so much cheaper to spend 5-10m on a 1 year deal for a 5th starter than trading multiple prospects mid season.
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