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Message Board User

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Everything posted by Message Board User

  1. Episodes 4 & 7 were great. The rest of the season was aight, mostly because I found the Joyce/Murray adventure and the stuff in California just tedious. There are probably too many characters at this point I wouldn't be upset if the entire Byers clan met Barb's fate.
  2. Unfortunately, behind a paywall. But would love to hear what this father of the year has to say.
  3. Do these cops not realize that every interview and press conference they do just makes them look worse?
  4. Yeah and I gotta say I agree with her. My kids are my life and without them I have no reason to live anyway, so if I die trying to save them oh well.
  5. The irony is that the performance of law enforcement makes me want to buy more guns. You think I want to turn to and depend on these chucklefucks in a crisis? I could just see these cops at the WTC on 9-11. Citizen: "The building's on fire and there are still people trapped." Cop: "Yeah they're pretty much fucked." Citizen: "Aren't you going to try to help them?" Cop: "You see how tall these buildings are?"
  6. It's almost as if law enforcement here is desperately and clumsily trying to cover their tracks.
  7. I wonder if he's telling Ty Cobb to stick it
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