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Ogie Ogilthorpe

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ogie Ogilthorpe

  1. Vegas is beating the jets to the puck. The first half of the period was pretty even but then Vegas seemed to step it up
  2. The intermission couldn’t come soon enough
  3. This is from her Facebook. Ok, guys, I have some news!!! Today, May 14, 2018 - 48 days after Block drowned five innocent ducklings - because of our persistence and cooperation and as a result of an active search warrant, Bob turned himself in to the authorities today! Here are the facts: May 14, 2018 He was charged with five counts of animal cruelty. He was charged with a felony. He turned himself in (locally). He did not leave the state. His bail was 25,000 He bonded out. The FWC is still working on the wildlife endangerment charges, waiting to confirm the DNA of the species in order to pursue further charges. The records are now public. I will be obtaining copies of all case docs. This is now the beginning of the court proceedings and currently in the hands of the State's Attorney's Office. I will be asked to be a witness, which is very rare, according to the investigator, playing an essential part in getting the felony charges. We are so pleased with the hard work of this department. I will keep you posted on any new developments.
  4. Update on my neighborhood duck killer. This came via email but the post has been deleted so don’t know the full details of his charges.
  5. Looking good now. Sweep would be great but not likely
  6. Huge goal Scheifele
  7. Go Jets Go! Would have liked to go into the intermission up two, but will take one. Next goal is huge, Jets need to take the crowd out of the game.
  8. Agreed, they could have gone into the pc wars more. Also, a few weeks ago I listened to one episode - monster vs beats. What happened to that season? Was it just the one episode?
  9. Ear hustle is solid, top of my list now. whoever mentioned business wars, great recommendation also really into mafia
  10. My mistake. 1991
  11. Since someone posted Gowan here are some other Candian gems: and one from Alanis Morrisette before Jagged little pill
  12. Had some friends at the game, they said the only time it has been that loud was the first game back in Winnipeg in 2011. Probably louder last night.
  13. Jets tie it up! 2 quick goals
  14. Hellebuyck doesn’t seem to have it tonight. 2 of the 3 goals he should have had
  15. Well things changed quickly for the jets
  16. Well the preds scored quick. Still hopeful for the series, and for that matter this game
  17. Solid win for the jets. Hellebucyk could carry the team if he keeps playing like that. Like Hasek did for the Czechs in the 98 olympics
  18. Another great one by Peter Gabriel:
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