I live in SW Florida so a lot of people in my community are retired have nothing better to do than get involved with other people's business. However, last week i got an email from next door with the subject line "Baby Ducks Killed". I though someone may have run over one of the families of duck in the neighborhood by mistake, nope. It seems that a family of duck landed in one guys pool and instead of lifting the ducklings out of the pool the guy drowned them. His neighbor heard the mother duck quacking and went to see what was going on, the guy said he didn't want any pets so he killed the ducklings.
Well the neighbor called the cops on the guy, when the cops arrived he denied it, but the found five dead ducklings in his bushes. He is now facing felony animal cruelty and endangerment charges and they are trying to determine the species of ducks as it may be a federally protected species, so federal charges are pending. So he may be facing jail time, I believe he is also a Canadian snow bird and if he gets a felony he may not be allowed back into the USA.
The morning after someone put some rubber ducks on his driveway with a note clearly written by a kid saying "Get your Ducks in a Row Sir", the duck killer has since put up cameras on his property.
Now the neighbor who reported him is losing her shit, she planted 5 crosses in her front yard as a memorial to the duck, which are no down. I am pretty sure the HOA told her to remove them.