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Ogie Ogilthorpe

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ogie Ogilthorpe

  1. A good old french Canadian "tabernac" is always a safe bet
  2. I had read about this place so I was looking forward to the documentary. I was underwhelmed.
  3. It seems more staged this year, first 2nd stew gets fired and magically Bugsy is available and able to get there quickly. Chef fired, Malia's boyfriend just happens to be visiting.. Hanna (who was at the end of her yachting career and shacked up with some rich dued) fired Aeysha available and able to get there quickly.
  4. So Aesha is coming back next week?
  5. I thought the same exact thing.
  6. No cloak room, but I don't get people flying multiple Trump flags on their car/boat. I was out on the water last weekend and a ~30 foot boat had 6 or 7 flying. I get it you support Trump but isn't that over kill?
  7. Why can ant get COVID? because they have anty bodies
  8. SIAP - So is Bugsy the new second stew, then when Hannah leaves she becomes chief?
  9. Enjoyed it, but at times it seemed too much like a PSA for social distancing etc. I get it we need to take COVID seriously, but I was hoping for a bit of an escape with this.
  10. I watched some of it. I thought they were brutal on the guys while making Kate and Rhylee look innocent and perfect.
  11. I have been working my way through Cheers as well, I am part way through season 10 now. Definitely moving on to Frasier after.
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