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Ogie Ogilthorpe

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Ogie Ogilthorpe

  1. Continued Rocky Dakota Sierra Storm Bugsy Drake Kat Held
  2. In no particular order for reference Kate Chastain Rhylee Gerber Briana Adekeye Caroline Bedol Baker Manning Jennice Ontiveros Connie Arias Lauren Burchell Lauren Cohen Jen Riservato Jen Howell Malia White Jamie Jason Emily Warburton-Adams SAMANTHA ORME Adrienne Gang Amy Johnson
  3. Ohana is great, easy to get to with the monorail, good food served like a Brazilian steakhouse. Ongoing entertainment for the kids that isn't too over the top to be annoying. Basically they have a "Polynesian" person walking around with a ukulele leading the kids in hula dances. I have heard that it is booked up far in advance all the time.
  4. Latest forecast is exactly what the European model showed 2-3 days ago.
  5. Latest forecast is exactly what the European model showed 2-3 days ago.
  6. Furk, on the west coast but that has it going right at me.
  7. Any of the local experts (I am looking at you phdhorn) have any incite/predictions for Dorian and SW Florida
  8. I am working my way through Cheers now as well. Holds up incredibly well. Also I am watching with a bit of a different perspective now as the first time I watched I was too young to be in a bar. Its is a commitment, 11 seasons with at least 22 episodes per season.
  9. Yes you can do all the classroom stuff online through Padi e learning then schedule your dives with a PADI dive center whenever you want. If I remember right you get 1 year access to learn and complete everything including dives. Yes you can get your open water (basic) this way and do other levels on line later as well at you own pace, you can roll right into advanced open water from open water. Open water requires 4 dives, over 2 days. You can do 3 dives a day max. Advanced requires 5 specialties - deep, navigation and 3 of your choice. All are fun dives, classroom is not as intense for these as open water. Regarding cutting into vacation time, the skills part of a dive typically take 10-15 minutes and the a good instructor will spend the rest of a dive swimming around. let me know if you have any other questions
  10. I am an instructor (used to work for a shop in Houston) and I would say get the advanced level at least allows you a little more freedom and the additional training is valuable - I always recommend if people are going to dive a lot that they go up to rescue diver. The best way to get certified is to do the online book work and then do your check out dives somewhere other than lake travis or quarry in Texas - the best place to dive in Texas is probably blue lagoon in/near Huntsville (it has the best visability). as some one mentioned before the dives in Travis suck do your check out dives in the Keys or the Caribbean is a lot easier and more enjoyable. The PADI open water dives are a little more involved than the advanced dives but they are all not too bad and if you have a good instructor they can be a lot of fun. The advance dives are great Also most scuba shops are going to make you buy mask, fins and snorkel which adds to the cost (and if you don't like it you are stuck with them) if you do it with a resort or dive boat operator they will often rent or give you that equipment to use.
  11. I have an old Dell laptop and want to recycle/donate it. How do I completely erase the hard drive? Is it possible to keep windows but completely erase all personal data so it can be used by someone else?
  12. I live in SW Florida, if you have any questions about the area. If he is considering FGCU, it is a up and coming school with a great campus.
  13. Monroe had her first hair cut today. Here are the before and after pics. She’s starting to look like an Airedale. Here are the before and after pics .jpg[/img]
  14. She's not that kind of girl Booger. Why does she have a penis? Revenge of the Nerds Hey! It's all ball bearings nowadays. Now you prepare that Fetzer valve with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads, and I'm gonna need 'bout ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State - Fletch A man in my position can not afford to be made to look ridiculous! - The Godfather I love lamp - Anchorman Trade me right fucking now! - Slap Shot Owns Owns - Slap Shot I am listening the fucking song - Slap Shot Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton - Dodgeball Knock Knock. Who's there? Go fuck yourself - Catch me if you can.
  15. Stayed at excellence Punta Cana a few year ago, decent all inclusive, stayed in better but all in was a good experience.
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