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Everything posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. Another vote on Hannah. That's a bad bitch. Also, the guy impressed me as an actor. I thought he was fine in The Killing, but nothing above average. I guess I can't think of anything else I've seen him in.
  2. Is this a show that needs to be watched? I feel like it does but have never heard it talked about and just saw that it's been on since 2013. I do tend to live underground sometimes.
  3. Really liked Valley Uprising. It's something I would never think of. The aspect of the climbers that basically call that place their home, or at least home away from home, sharing it with the average tourist. Cool perspective on that part of it. Also watched the others mentioned. Free Solo, Dawn Wall, Valley, Meru. I have never climbed and am way too big of a pussy to ever attempt it, but I could watch these shows all day I think. Maybe I got spoiled because these 4 are the first and only ones I've watched, but are there any recommendations on other climbing shows like this? Or kind of like this?
  4. Wondered that myself. I thought it was 100K insured back in the day, but didn't know what it was now.
  5. Kinda curious about this because I don't know jack shit about money. My buddy's dad died a couple years ago and left my buddy's mom around a million liquid. I have wondered why he hasn't talked to a financial person because she just put it in her savings account at the local bank. No debt, house is paid for, a simple, small town life with no desire to spend money on anything besides gifts for her 1 grandkid. Isn't she really just throwing money away instead of putting into some low risk investment? What that is, I wouldn't have a clue, but it seems like it could be making her a little more than a savings account, without much, if any risk. I'm not going to stick my nose in someone else's business, but it seems really dumb to me. Then again, I ain't two bright myself.
  6. Yeah, I was thinking of a different girl and they don't even look much alike. But my brain has inept face recognition software.
  7. Next on my list after I finish the missing.
  8. Which shakes and snacks? Good work, by the way. I'm 42 and just finished up week 8 and am down from 220 to 200. Scale dipped down to 198 one day, so that was nice to see for the first time under 2 bills in a year or so. I feel great and will keep doing this keto thing. Really is a different kind of physical feeling than I've had in a long time. Jumpin' around all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree.
  9. The lack of sunlight I'm assuming? I moved from the Midwest to the South 20 years ago because of the gray winter's. Wasn't necessarily the cold, just the gray really affected me where I was. I was miserable the whole time.
  10. This girl kinda makes my tallywacker wilt, but where did she come from? Seems like she's a female Samuel l Jackson now. Not the black thing, ya know, the being in everything thing.
  11. Glad you chimed in. I didn't know if it was a good deal or not. Just seemed to fit his wants somewhat. I've only bought 2 watches on massdrop and I did some pricing first. It was a good deal on the particular 2 I got.
  12. https://www.massdrop.com/buy/seiko-core-skx-dive-watch?utm_placement=0&referer=8ANQE9&mode=guest_open&utm_campaign=Automated Daily Promotional 2019-03-27&utm_source=SparkPost&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Daily Promotional&utm_content=1553692082131.783909431194721110068160
  13. I'm at the beach right now with this glycine combat automatic and I dig having the rubber strap for that. I think I paid around 400 for it.
  14. Had a lab that was the same way. Luckily I didn't find out the hard way like you and only had to leave him alone for a few minutes.
  15. I was just fuckin around. Meant nothing by it, just to be clear.
  16. They are a squirrelly, unhinged bunch I tell ya.
  17. I'm about done with week 5 with no cheats. I ordered a pizza last night and just scraped off the topping. Hardest fucking thing I have ever put myself through. It tasted amazing, but holeee sheeet was it difficult looking at that crust. But, I did it and I'm down about 12 pounds just short of 6 weeks, so I'm liking that progress. Slow and steady.
  18. So best bet is a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit?
  19. Watched The Lobster last night and thought it was funny as hell. Super quirky, good writing and amazing timing between the cast. Really well done. Colin Farrell quietly became a good actor over the years. I used to think he was terrible.
  20. Keep it up, man and good work. 30 days is something to be proud of.
  21. Same here. After 5 episodes too. I'll probably finish as well.
  22. Bear, do you still feel a lot better staying on the keto that long? I feel great and I'm losing weight, but I'm wondering if the "lazy keto" thing would be better for me because I really can't and don't want to count everything I'm eating. I'd rather just have a good idea of what I can and can't get away with and not worry too much about staying perfect.
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