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Everything posted by BBQ2Bayou

  1. I just started watching it for the first time. I had heard it was solid. I like it. A little soap operaish, but entertaining.
  2. I used to skate a lot as a kid and thought about getting back into it, but then I decided to give inline skating another shot instead. I used to do that a lot, too. Figured if I could pick that up again, it would be a good, low impact, exercise for me. Didn't mean to derail, but how many threads on grown men falling on their ass with little wheels do we need? My friends refer to them as my fruit boots.
  3. D3 50 mcg (2000) IU. That's the OTC stuff my doc told me to take one a day. I have no idea how much that level fluctuates and I've only been tested for it twice that I can find.
  4. Season 1 is amazing and season 2 is amazing. That is fact. I was born in 77. I love this show.
  5. Thanks for that.. Yeah,she put me on it at 36 ng/ml, so that's what she called "a little low". That's why I wondering, I remember now. Because I noticed it was in the "Optimal" range >30 ng/ml, but she wasn't completely comfortable with that. It's at 57 ng/ml a year later, so I guess the supplements help show up on the test at least. Or maybe I've just been out in the sun more, but I don't think I have.
  6. You're like having a word of the day calendar on the desk. I like that about you.
  7. I don't know the answer but I'd like to know more about the Vitamin D role in this. I can't follow all this stuff. I wanted to ask @Newdoc about it a thousand pages back or so, but didn't get around to it. He mentioned he was really disappointed in some tests that came out regarding Vitamin D and Covid. I believe. Don't mean to put words in his mouth. I ask because my doctor before all this, put me on an OTC Vitamin D a while back because mine was "a little low", but then of course I read all about it and get the other opinions on it that says it doesn't do much in supplement form. I just keep taking it.
  8. Big 10 does seem like 10/17 start a good possibility, but I thought pac12 was currently weeks behind them? Read that somewhere today.
  9. I'm gonna go completely off topic because I rarely see you post and I wanted to join in the fuck you part of this thread. Fuck the Mopar, cocksucking piece of fuck website. That's all, and I have no idea your affiliation with them, but if you could pass it along, I'd appreciate it. Sorry to disrupt.
  10. AAA is like 60 bucks a year and are usually out to you within the hour. I've kept mine from shitty vehicles to nice vehicles, just for peace of mind. You can just hang out in the car while they do their thing. I don't need a husband with them.
  11. I'm looking for something for my fishing cabin to use my phone as a good hotspot. I have Verizon and my signal strength number is -110 dBm to -120. Would this be at all what I'm looking for? Would a good signal booster do the trick? It's also much, much worse on weekends.
  12. Ahh, electric start. It doesn't have digital controls or clock and that shit. Last one wasn't that fancy with an electric start. Tried to preface my stupifuckery for y'all.
  13. That's why I'm confused. Why doesn't the oven itself work when that other stuff is off if it's a gas oven.
  14. Yeah, they all went out on the same breaker. I'm not messing with that shit. Thought maybe someone would tell me I'm a dipshit and to flip a switch for worky. I really can't tell if the oven is electric or not. It's plugged into a 120 but has an inside light and the stove is gas. The inside doesn't have coils like an electric, but it doesn't work when all that other stuff is off, which is why I assumed electric. I am a dipshit.
  15. Well I just assumed it was an electric oven because it's going out at the very same times the wall outlets and hanging light are out. But I just realized it's a gas oven and stove. So is this some bad 2020 voodoo shit?
  16. Also, spoilers on the tv shows you drunk fuckers.
  17. Whew. Had one of the more vivid drinking dreams last night. I was so disgusted and disappointed with myself. I'm at a somewhat remote family fishing cabin by myself, sober for the first time here since I was a kid. Drinking and fishing has been my thing for years here. I haven't had a difficult time with it, but the drinking component on a trip like this hasn't been forgotten obviously. 840 days and gonna be 841 tomorrow. Promise you that.
  18. Thought for sure you were going to say from your dick cam.
  19. It's from like the 70s. So it could be a breaker problem and the breaker is not flipping on the box or before it gets to the breaker box? It's been back on for 2 days straight, so I haven't called an electrician.
  20. What is this going to tell me? Really don't know fuck all about electric.
  21. I didn't search because I have shit cell reception where I am. We have a double wide on a lake. It's remote, but has indoor plumbing and electrical, real nice like, Clark. I've been here a couple weeks and one corner (circuit I suppose) that the oven, kitchen table light and the 2 wall plugs by the table on 2 walls don't work. The breaker isn't flipping and it happened at first for a couple hours at a time, then it would come back on, on its own. It went out for 2 days straight and started coming on and off all day yesterday then came back on full time and today it's been working fine. I can't find anything specific of when or why it does this. However, a new electric oven was put in a year ago. All of last year the new oven was used without any power issues like the current one. Any ideas? Bulldoze and put a log cabin is my vote, but my dad and brother own it and they are cheap as fuck.
  22. I do too, but can you imagine the S&M she'd put you through? Gives me the strangest boner for sure.
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