I didn't search because I have shit cell reception where I am. We have a double wide on a lake. It's remote, but has indoor plumbing and electrical, real nice like, Clark.
I've been here a couple weeks and one corner (circuit I suppose) that the oven, kitchen table light and the 2 wall plugs by the table on 2 walls don't work.
The breaker isn't flipping and it happened at first for a couple hours at a time, then it would come back on, on its own.
It went out for 2 days straight and started coming on and off all day yesterday then came back on full time and today it's been working fine.
I can't find anything specific of when or why it does this. However, a new electric oven was put in a year ago. All of last year the new oven was used without any power issues like the current one.
Any ideas? Bulldoze and put a log cabin is my vote, but my dad and brother own it and they are cheap as fuck.