Ok, , I will be the anti-doom human. Gonna tag a few. If I forgot you, well meh.
We are UT. What starts here and all that shit.
We fight with kindness. We fight with what we were raised with. Open a door for someone at a cafe or bar. Be kind.
I ran an experiment today. I bought flowers and walked through a diverse crowed. I handed out flowers to people who seemed sad, perplexed, alone. I had one dude get pissed, he backed off (I did not see him but his "date" wanted to give me her number). And yeah, I had a big ass friend with me who backs this concept. And he is an Aggie (only time I will spell it that way.) Yeah, a simple act.
We are in this together.
So here is my challenge. Let's not be doom. Let us walk off the ledge @Brisketexan and realize, we win if we smile while silently thinking. Let our neighbor know I am here. Go give someone a flower. Just that.
Lets get ready, but right now, lets be kind and wow them with kindness. MLK, Mandela, Ghandi.
Let us hold hands. Simple shit.
@BurntEyes @bolverk @atomheartbevo @Nivek @Rex Kramer @Schulz2.0
Bring on the negs. Don't care. I like Bolivia.