I think I found the problem. Where we get them. And notice, this is from a pretty well respected publication we both utilize. So there is a path. Fleece the public as a lawyer, serve the public using said lawyer experience, open business, run for office.
CQ.com provides data on occupations declared by Members of Congress in the 118th Congress.
The most common professions are law, business, and public service/politics. For example, 30% of
House Members, and 51% of Senators, have law degrees and have practiced law. Three hundred
fifty-two House Members (80% of the House) and 82 Senators (82% of the Senate) have served
as public servants or elected officials at the local, state, or federal level before arriving in
Congress. CQ data also indicates that at least 136 House Members (31% of the House) and 26
Senators (26% of the Senate) have been owners, founders, or executives of businesses or