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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by InkaUtexas

  1. Maybe I am missing something, but posted earlier. Hindu vote has way better representation than hispanic or african american. Not even a crazy doctor or cuban on there. But does pretty good in the punchable face department. Starting with miller.
  2. Nipple in not listed in the Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus.
  3. Navy sinking like a russian sub.
  4. How does Bama get Mercer, that old powerhouse, this late in the season? How come we never do that?
  5. Then tell that chick audrey to show him some taco. Or is the lack of Taco a sooner plot?
  6. I wonder what audrey's tits look like.
  7. good drive. now hold them like they hold their sisters.
  8. can we please now get rid of our fucking minister of culture?
  9. Yep, just send our quiddich team to college station.
  10. So we are recruiting Brazilian Soccer players?
  11. Quinn is a mercenary. Couch burners out front should have told ya.
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