Yeah, I have been there. Don't want to make this thread about work. My industry is a lot of bravado. If I have to remind a colonel I have lived in more war zones than him I am going to kick a puppy.
Accents- Picture them shaking their heads as they talk. There are sound waves I think that make it easier. Came up with that in the ME working with a lot of Indian clients and staff. My whole pricing team was from Bangalore of Mumbai.
Bananas- Draw cute figures with honey. then stick the bananas to them. They stay in place and lets the artistic side of you out.
Yeah, yesterday the entire quick launch team I was brought in to unfuck came in hung over. Our planning room is enclosed. Smelled like the Hole in the Wall at closing. I have been onsite there for 5 days and we got a call from FEMA. Um, yeah, how fast can you get all this gear to NC. Team froze. The not hung over one who had a good night sleep read it, assigned it out, notified the other department leads, not knowing who the hell was in charge of each, and started the response document. IT can kiss my ass after yesterday. Fuckers invent tools to invent tools I think. (and I am not allowed to use my personnel laptop, the one they issued sucks and had to be reformatted, and all my planning tools (on excel) are on my personnel one.)
Goods were shipped last night and should all consolidate for distribution by tomorrow morning. In the past I would celebrate with a beer or 10 and get little done tomorrow. Today taking the wife to test drive cars. She asked how we are going to cover the added cost. I laughed and showed her how much I now put away not drinking. Shit adds up yo.