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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by InkaUtexas

  1. Shit on a shingle? Man, I liked that stuff. Was great on a winter morning.
  2. Numbers do not equal capacity. Again, they cannot project that force. A lot of their army is designed for internal shit. And it has never been tested. As we are learning with the Russians. Yeah, looks good on Parade, but what about sustained in the field? Can their navy project? Can they land 2 divisions in Panama? Not even LA. I overlooked the second. But then so do a lot of other groups.
  3. They have experience. Is it the right experience? A strong retreat is not what you want. Don't get me wrong. It is impressive what they have done, but I did not think they would capitulate. It still took the Russians almost 3 years to get to Berlin from Stalingrad. And that was with the added bonus of full mobilization and western support. 4M are going to be shells of humans when this is over. No one with standing armies could continue after ww1/ww2 except for the US. It is a mistake to think this is how all wars are going to be. Concerning expansion. What the EU is proposing is what we have been asking them to do for a long time. For instance, Strategic Air. They do not use the same aircraft across services. So maintenance is an issue. They do not have enough to sustain medium operations. The Brits has 6K troops in Helmand and were stretched for support. It comes down to four countries and maybe if Scandinavia works together, they equal a 5th. Poland, German, France and the UK. Italy and Spain participate, but they are not leaders. Luxembourg? Slovenia? Greece? Concerning the Turks. They are a wild card. Yeah, they hate the Russians, want to be in NATO, but they are not, and never have been, a threat to Russia. Fuck shit up? Yes. Take Moscow? No. TL:DR. EU should have done this already. Ukraine is not typical. Best EU can do is contain. Now was the chance to neuter the bear and we are fucking it up.
  4. And they can be the lead of the tribes in the Caucus.
  5. Exactly. No matter what Elon is going to decide. With you or for you, but it is still "your" cabinet. Look at first time around The Greatest people lasted how long? Pence made it 4 years and they then tried to lynch him.
  6. I don't buy it. It is cover for Elon. The damage has been done and the mistrust is there. The cuts are going to happen. Now All elon did was ID who MIGHT be able to be cut. But you Mr./Ms. Secretary are the one who will do it. He is the one sleeping in the White House using tax payer dollars to take care of his kid when he is off getting high. He is the one flying his mom into DC. Guess she is taking care of the kid? The Cabinet will have to deal with the fall out. VA fails? Who gets the blame? Bird Flu? Nope, elon did not "cut" those people. This is not DC. This is St. Petersburg and Elon is the evil monk.
  7. Careful. Don't push him. He will tell you to go fuck your mother. Yeah, that is fine. Mods did not ban him for that, yet here he is whining.
  8. See, but if they were rich and had $5M we would welcome them. It is there fault for being poor and in need. Ok, gotta go, some burmese generals want to look at some Florida properties.
  9. MuskMail. Pay for postage via X. Self Driving Tesla will be buy to pick it up. I mean it is one way to make those two profitable.
  10. Yep. We tend to look at Europe as East vs West. We overlook the South. Want to fuck up EU? Cause havoc in the Balkans while Europe is focused on Ukraine. They cannot handle more than 1 crisis without US Support. Logistics mainly. Couple of hundred refugees, etc.
  11. Fine. Damn avatar police.
  12. That better?
  13. That is the fear. Hey look Ma, a cloud, fire up the grill and lets burn that massive cedar brush pile and shoot off those old tracer rounds uncle slayton left us.
  14. So M$ will be sending out refunds? Minor I know, but why? And yes, I do occasionally use skype and publisher. Publisher mainly to read old files I still have. Beginning March 03, 2026, you will no longer have access to 60 minutes of monthly Skype calls to mobile phones and landlines. Learn more in these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Beginning October 01, 2026, Microsoft Publisher will no longer be supported as part of Microsoft 365. Many common Publisher scenarios are available in other Microsoft 365 apps, including Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Designer. Action Recommended: Before October 01, 2026, convert your existing Publisher files to PDF or Word format. After this date, you will no longer be able to open or edit these files with Microsoft Publisher.
  15. I just saw that. I just can't. 240K. Meanwhile I am sure Russia will be sending a trade delegation to MaL soon. Probably be sponsors at the NRA. The hate. It is so fucking pathetic.
  16. Real time or Putin time?
  17. And held the line in East Africa while we went west. Part of operation fuck up ISIS. And never forget Yorktown. They are the best ally we have had. Yeah, they collapsed as a traditional fighting force in WW2. So did many others. Even then a shit ton never surrendered. What saved England? Germans suck at water sports. Well, not according to some magazine kiosks around the Frankfurt train station. Or so I hear. They migth want to send in some "watchers" to see what it is really like. Last war they fought was vs. Vietnam.
  18. Yeah. I know. Sorry for partying.
  19. The fuck did I do?
  20. yeah but they throw like non-softball playing girls. Their molotovs go like 15 feet.
  21. Yes. And he is getting frustrated. Migrants and destabilize other areas.
  22. And your parks are closing.
  23. He would want Dubai and Riyadh. He was supposed to be the anchor for palm dubai but they said nah since he wanted, insisted, on a casino. The reason the palms don't "touch" Dubai was that. They technically were free floating. The Umma said nah. But at least they had a plan.
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