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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by InkaUtexas

  1. 4 minutes ago, Parliament said:
    16 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:
    And Donkeys. They Rival Nuevo Laredo. 
    Growing demand for donkey meat and skin in China is causing a sharp decline in the animals in Kenya. Animal rights campaigners warn that donkeys could soon disappear in the east African country, where they play a vital role as beasts of burden, especially in rural areas.

    Since 2014, four abattoirs have been set up in Kenya to meet demand. The meat is considered a delicacy in China and the skins are processed to create ejiao, a traditional remedy used to treat everything from anaemia to dizziness. However, according to a recent report by the African Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), the slaughterhouses are operating at below half their capacity.

    Not sure if serious, and I don't care. Funny stuff.



    Abattoirs in Kenya will be banned from slaughtering donkeys from next month, the agriculture minister has said. 

    The East African nation legalised trade in donkey meat and hide in 2012 to meet growing demand in China. 

    Minister Peter Munya said the decision had been a mistake as it had caused the donkey population to fall.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Bevo said:

    There must be some important minerals there.

    And Donkeys. They Rival Nuevo Laredo. 

    Growing demand for donkey meat and skin in China is causing a sharp decline in the animals in Kenya. Animal rights campaigners warn that donkeys could soon disappear in the east African country, where they play a vital role as beasts of burden, especially in rural areas.

    Since 2014, four abattoirs have been set up in Kenya to meet demand. The meat is considered a delicacy in China and the skins are processed to create ejiao, a traditional remedy used to treat everything from anaemia to dizziness. However, according to a recent report by the African Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW), the slaughterhouses are operating at below half their capacity.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hate said:

    I haven't kept up with this thread other than to read about the last page.  Are there really some of you "prepping" for this as if you are going to holed up in your home for an extended period of time? I'm not making fun, but am genuinely curious.

    Agreeing with a few others. I do anticipate widespread issues. I do not want to add to the problem, so limiting exposure by advance buying food stuff I usually use is my approach. 

  4. 1 minute ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Austin has around a million people in and round it.  We only have around 5,000 or so hospital beds according to the Chamber of Commerce, and a big chunk of those are in use already (accidents, serious illnesses, etc.).  With a hospitalization rate of around 10-20%, it would not take many people at all to completely overwhelm a city like Austin.

    Let's talk about Houston - around 20,000 hospital beds for an area with 4 million people.

    Are you seeing where this becomes a problem?

    At this point Schools become usable. Not like little Johnny is going anyways. Now think about the people it will take to staff these places. 

  5. Just now, TXSG8R said:

    But what is the process?  Are you bleaching all your mail/packages?  Dunk station for all your non-perishables?  Drop station for your clothing with a bleach scrub before going into the house?  Im not shitting on the idea, just genuinely curious how people think this will function.  If this thing lives on surfaces as long as they say it does, masks are barely a band-aid to the problem.  

    Spray bottles. Soak anything to be eaten raw. And what Atom said about masks is true. If really worried get some gore-tex coveralls for outside. saves your clothes. Get the reusables and pay a bit extra. 

  6. 7 minutes ago, TXSG8R said:

    So the virus is supposed to stay active on surfaces for 9 days I think I read?  If thats true, what are all our preppers doing to deal with disinfecting all the stuff they will come in contact with?  Costco pallet of Lysol to spray down every package and non-perishable item?  Wash station for all your veggies prior to letting them in the house?  Gallon jugs of hand sanitizer for everything you touch outside your home?  

    Clorox bleach becomes your best friend. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Goredho said:

    We live in a mountainous region, near tree line.  We are on a Private well that requires electricity to pump.  The climate is extreme here, and we’ve lost power 3 times already this year.  Once, it took 13 hours to restore with whoever repairing the line having to do so while it was snowing, in the teens and with a significant wind.  Now imagine that context happening when a significant amount of the population, including the utility workers, are sick if not hospitalized.  Does that 13 hours become some days?

    Luckily I bought a backup generator to power the main part of the house and well pump earlier this year and have a large gas tank on our land, so we’ll be ok for a couple weeks if the grid is disrupted.

    Could be weeks. Think of how long it can take to recover from an ice storm. Now say there are only 25% crews. 

    One thing coming out of HK and China is maintenance was halted in building to stop the spread. 

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, woohorn said:



    Why water?

    How often do you need to cycle/replace masks? I figure the outside of the mask gets contaminated pretty quickly, but I don't know.


    Water- If there is a disruption utilities can be impacted. 

    Masks- Depends on how often you wear them and where. Keep them for just opening the door to the Amazon drop off, they last. 

  9. 44 minutes ago, TexasGolf said:

    IMO get enough for 60 days for your family and 2 other families/neighbors who did not. 

    This. I stocked up for my college son and girlfriend as well. I mean someone has to man the tower at night when I am drinking right? 

    Had a friend tell me she would just come over with her kid if it got bad. Sent her the FEMA be prepared list and told her for food and water multiply times 5. People always think someone else has their back. Nope, not in an emergency. Unless she brings that real good looking female friend. Damn this goes down the post the pic rules will be glorious. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Trey3216 said:


    Either way, probably bad hangovers. Fuck General order #1.

    We are just going to let ya wander from an epidemic zone, but call us if you feel sick. And great spelling. Honor grad? 

    The aircraft was only momentarily delayed. All other soldeirs on the flight have been notified about symptoms of concern and how to connect with Army Public Health Nursing.

  11. 5 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Yeah, no telling how many people started getting a symptom or two and thought “oh fuck, I may have it, got to get back to my home country before I get quarantined here!”

    Thats partly what worries me about how we dragged our feet on air travel bans and lack of testing - how many people thought they were getting sick and decided to either travel here, or return here (students/foreign workers, vacationers) because they thought I’d they had it, their chances were better here.   

    Just check out FlightRadar24. 

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