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  1. On my tv, you have to search for/open the ESPN app and then there’s a sports menu. “College baseball” then lists a shitload of games, including sec plus.
  2. Awesome. Pregame time. I expect you to be so blasted we can hear your antics through the tv.
  3. If he was still alive, Augie would have to live with that pick off for the rest of his fucking life.
  4. Did my first century on the bike today. Coincidentally the eight year anniversary of being diagnosed with stage 3 colorectal cancer. Now I need to find motivation to swim, and do bricks.
  5. So are we sucking each others’ dick’s because we made a 64-team tournament?
  6. Always the same bed, although we were perfectly happy sharing a twin way back in college. That would not work at all now. Anything less than a king and we have territorial disputes. And we’re 275 pounds combined.
  7. I’m on spring break in an Rv with a bum knee. No bike and no running. I can feel my bony ass getting fat - even though I’m not.
  8. Pardon me for stepping in what I assume is two or three years late. But that's the Furk guy with the limp hoe, right?
  9. That's an awesome story! But it looks like you are, in fact, wearing their shirt.
  10. Aww, those aggy miss our coach.
  11. I guess it’s painful? I’ve lost at least five nails in the last few years and not really missed them.
  12. How is the Terry era working?
  13. Yeah, gonna have to disagree here. Most federal judges don't tolerate bullshit and all the more so if it comes from a brain damaged idiot like Musk.
  14. So it looks like the US has buddied up with North Korea and Russia in opposing a UN resolution condemning the war and calling for Russian withdrawal. It's consistent with the insanity coming from the White House but still has that "wow" factor when you see it in an actual UN vote.
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