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  1. I would just like to announce that the whole pissing blood after long runs thing was just a benign runner’s condition. But I had to have a camera shoved up my dick to confirm it. Avoid at all costs.
  2. Do not a doctor shove a camera up your dick. That goes about as well as it sounds.
  3. Strange timing. I’m in stirrups with some asshole about to do unholy things to me because I started pissing blood a while back. It’s benign, a side effect of running, but here I am. Not fucking happy right now. Congrats on the kidney news! That’s awesome!
  4. If your not under the influence of something, you’re going to need to go to a doctor.
  5. O/U before Trump boot lickers in the house try to get a Trump statute erected in DC? That seem like a oretty good canary, if the writing is not already on the wall.
  6. Too much. I do not like the amount of sugar it takes to fuel a three hour run. Sounds like its similar on a bike.
  7. Some of us are the opposite. I hate lifting. I like to run and cycle long distances. I find endurance cardio to be a reset button on all the stress and BS that builds up. Keeps me skinny too after years of being fat.
  8. 300 calories per hour seems miserable over 4 hours. What do you use? I usually use gatorade and granola bars on rides but I'm not training for anything.
  9. That's an awesome time. Still, you owe it to yourself to break 20 before moving up.
  10. I have a friend who is 30 minutes faster than me at the Houston marathon and one of my wall coping techniques is to cuss him out for being finished. Cause fuck that guy and his no longer running ass.
  11. Question: In most marathons there's a bunch of folks running 5-6 hours. Are there a lot of these types of athlete's in a 70.3 or, by the time you get to that types of race, with the expenses, the multiple disciplines and training schedule, is it mainly a bunch of nutters?
  12. Well, that's how it starts, doesn't it?
  13. Well that’s awesomely fast. Congrats. Are you on the highest gear you have? That’s where I’d have to be to maintain 22mph plus at low cadence.
  14. That bear is going to fuck the rest of them up something terrible.
  15. And one more question - do you all ride on the drops? If so, is that a significant/worthwhile speed advantage vs. the hoods?
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