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Everything posted by Basil

  1. You can’t call people retarded anymore. You have to refer to him as a smooth-brained, mongoloid waterhead.
  2. Are you drunk?
  3. A1c’s? Like blood sugar markers? Why?
  4. Sounds like a solid commit right there. Hates aggy.
  5. I was released from surveillance at the end of 2022 after five years of clean scans all around. Likelihood of a recurrence is - according to MDAnderson - the same as being unlucky enough to get it in the first place. I’m down a lot of weight and ran a 10k this morning. Only lingering effects of cancer are the surgical scars. Spot news: team hemangioma, cross-checked and verified.
  6. You mean like the Frye Festival folks re-knocking on doors trying to raise seed money?
  7. Oh dear Lord, are you one of those dumbasses who wears shirts a size or two too small? Those people suck.
  8. You was wrong. Do you feel much shame?
  9. Concur. The “Sharp is a Democrat” is just the chef’s kiss on such a lovely meltdown post.
  10. Who is this dumbshit color guy? Someone should run him through with a sword.
  11. Yeah, you're a modus penis.
  12. Notre Dame defense sucks.
  13. Could these dipshits stop hyping this fucking game up like we’re watching the fucking noon landing?
  14. I had that happen last fall. Got the call, "hey come in for an MRI cause we need to look at something some dipshit thought he saw on the CT." It was nothing. So hope for that.
  15. When I got diagnosed, I immediately googled everything and found out I was a coin flip to live or die. When I got to MDAnderson, my docs said to knock that shit off because those stats are way outdated and I didn't know what to really read or how to understand it in any case. Turns out they were more knowledgeable than me. Don't google; ask doctors.
  16. Eagles attack from the air? No shit?
  17. Don looks like a little bitch.
  18. Current foxnews headline should read: “Unnamed Former FBI Agent May Confirm Unspecified Important Hunter Biden Whistleblower Details, Unnamed GOP Source Says.” That’s quality journalism right there.
  19. I went from 233 to 170 over the last 8 months. Waist is 32 and I'm close to as skinny as I can get without looking sickly. 2-3 pounds of belly fat will not go away.
  20. You’re going to be one of those CrossFit dudes in a few months.
  21. I recently ordered an Ironman. Haven’t work a watch in 15 years.
  22. To be fair, you live in Granbury. Odds are people renting there are going to be some beer-swilling rednecks looking to party and stir shit up.
  23. I used three air BnBs in Paris and Rome earlier this month and they all rocked. got a 4th floor apartment on St. Louis island, one on Cite and one on the Spanish steps. Only met the Spanish steps guy; the other had lockboxes or downloaded e-keys. All three apartments were clean and spacious. Having a full kitchen and washer/dryer were awesome. A+, would advise.
  24. Rather have Putin than Pringles in charge. Lesser of two evils. And it’s in the world’s best interests to have stability at the top of a 150M person insane asylum with nukes.
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