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Everything posted by TSipper

  1. I thought he was fired by DeLoss when he refused to make staff changes after the 5-6 1991 season.
  2. Do you have anything intelligent to say or not? Do you really think we weren't cheating in the 80s? Or 90s? Or at any point in our history? We had aggressively mediocre to poor coaching from 5 of our last 7 head coaches (pre-Sark) and that, more than anything else, is why we've had mediocre to poor results. Look at Ohio State as a counter example. Beginning with Woody Hayes through Ryan Day, they've made only one mediocre hire - Earl Bruce. That's an absolutely amazing run of great hires and it's exactly why they are a dominant program in college football. Hopefully, Sark will be our Ryan Day and we can win big moving forward. I hate to say it's just that simple but it kinda is just that simple.
  3. And absolutely Sherrill cheated, so? Everybody cheats, we just didn't do as good a job of it. We're about to enter a conference whose acronym is "See Everybody Cheats," so now is not the time to find religion on cheating. We need to do whatever it takes, just like everybody else, and leave the ethics for the classroom.
  4. I don't know if I buy this if only because the timeline doesn't match up. Look at the 3 coaches post-DKR. Akers, McWilliams and Mackovic. The moment the program slid beyond their capability, they were fired. We fired Fred Akers after his first losing season, we fired McWilliams the season after the "Shock the World" tour and we fired Mackovic the season after "Roll Left." Does that should like a lethargic/complacent athletic department that didn't care or one that just couldn't get it right? I think the explanation is that we simply hired 3 bad coaches in a row and Jackie Sherrill made us pay for it. We've been dog shit since 2010, doesn't mean that we don't care, but the Mack Brown era ended with a thud, Charlie was a glorified DC and TH was more asshole than Mensa. If you hire the right coaches, you will get the right results. If you don't, it makes it very hard, even at a place like Texas. The jury is out on Sark, but he should be given every opportunity to succeed/fail and if he does fail, then we just throw him the gutter and go find another.
  5. You're going to bring me a Vox article? LOL. Ok, let me respond something equally worthy. https://www.fairus.org/issue/publications-resources/fiscal-burden-illegal-immigration-united-states-taxpayers
  6. The same liberal white guilt that creates private beaches in Malibu. After all, we wouldn't want the riffraff that we fought so hard to get into America to actually be near us.
  7. 1) They are willing to break the law to do it, so if they are willing to break the law to get in, why should I have any faith they won't break the law once they do? I support legal immigration and I sympathize with the amount of time and effort for those people to do it in a legal manner. I have no sympathy for those that will break the law and that type of person isn't someone who can be trusted. 2) When you mention "improve their situation" are they also looking to add to America or add only to their own bottom line? Once again, if you're willing to break the law to get here, I don't have much faith you care about the social contract. Is this now the time where I ask you "why do you love them so much" and you go all Demi Moore on me?
  8. You're the one willing to give away the keys to the castle to assuage your liberal, white guilt. Sorry if the rest of us don't fall in line, pal.
  9. I am never leaving nor am I ever running. 1st Amendment gives me the right to tell you to fuck off and the 2nd Amendment gives me the right to defend myself should your anger at being told to fuck off manifest itself physically. So, fuck off. The bill will come due, we're at $21 trillion and counting and the bleeding has to stop and this is a step in that direction.
  10. I stopped reading at "us citizen", the people in question are not "us citizens" so your situation is in no way comparable.
  11. I'm not religious in the least, take that weak shit somewhere else.
  12. Law enforcement is never pretty, it would seem that it worked out for you. Send the message that we don't want illegals in this country.
  13. Clinton signed the 3 strike rule. Hillary coined the term "super predator", not the repubs.
  14. Either you have kids in prison with their adult or you separate them, which would you rather have, prison or freedom? Are we even sure that every kid that is brought to the border is done so by a parent? No moral hazard for kidnapping or anything.
  15. We owe this girl and her family nothing. I do not care if they are fleeing violence, that is not the responsibility of this country. 7 billion people on this planet, is it our job to take all of them in? Go fuck yourself.
  16. Go fuck yourself.
  17. So, children should be in prison with their mother? That's cool, let's put them all in prison and then put them on a paddy wagon back to wherever.
  18. No, it's not and you know it. By not doing anything about it, I can see why you liked the War Criminal. Our immigration policy should be the same as the rest of the planet, put the fuckers back on a boat and get them out. You mad, bro?
  19. This has never been nor will it ever be, a compelling argument. If America cannot or will not maintain our border, then we deserve the upcoming Hobbesian State of Nature that will be headed to us. We will fail and will be replaced by whatever society comes after this. Nobody is America is owed anything and sure as fuck nobody outside this country is owed anything.
  20. and I am telling you, I don't care. They all need to go home and stay with their families. It's that simple.
  21. Little known fact, Ellis Island was closed in 1954. Why can't we close the SW in 2018?
  22. Wage suppression, education, resource allocation, etc. It's all depressed with each and every illegal that is added to the system. I love American citizens, you don't. Burn in hell with Laura Bush, asshole.
  23. Then don't come to America, stay where you are currently and you will not be separated from your kids. Pretty simple.
  24. I will never understand why white libs love foreign browns and blacks instead of American browns and blacks. Hillary would rather dig water wells in Africa than worry about the water in Flint. Illegals depress the wages of the black and brown working class and soak up valuable resources for all lower class citizens, but hey, fuck those people, right? America has no responsibility to them, right? Four more years, Trump, four more years!
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