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Everything posted by MixtyMotions

  1. Who thinks she will testify? Who thinks she won't? I believe she won't. I think they said yes, knowing that there was no downside to doing so. I believe they will insist on renegotiating things they agreed to and then not show, saying the GOP is unfair. This is the best way they have to keep this in the news for another four days. This is all about the midterms.
  2. I REALLY hope she testifies, but I don't think she will.
  3. Ford has until 5 p.m. ET to respond to Senate GOP offer From CNN's Man Raju Christine Blasey Ford and her legal team have until 5 p.m. ET to respond to the Senate GOP offer, a source says. The offer... Proposes Wednesday as the hearing date. Calls for the use of an outside counsel (instead of having senators ask the questions). Calls for Ford to testify first, before Brett Kavanaugh.
  4. They have stuff better than that. What did they use on those kids trapped in the cave in Asia?
  5. I would bet the family farm that Mitch McConnell knows the position of each GOP Senator. And I'll further bet that he has been assured by all that, absent damning testimony by the accuser (something backed up by facts which can be corroborated), they will vote to confirm Kavanaugh. If this were not the case he and Grassley would be acting very differently. The signals are clear to anyone watching. They have the votes and they are plowing forward. It is also clear to anyone watching that this accuser isn't chomping at the bit to testify. She's looking for any excuse not to testify and blame it on the GOP. In fact I think it's likely she has decided not to testify, and her lawyer is trying hard to create such an excuse.
  6. Committee will likely propose Wednesday for hearing with Ford From CNN's Dana Bash and Phil Mattingly Two sources say the Senate Judiciary Committee will likely send a proposal to Christine Blasey Ford’s lawyer proposing a Wednesday hearing, with Ford testifying first and Brett Kavanaugh second. The proposal would have outside counsel asks the questions. Ford had asked that Kavanaugh testify first, but congressional aides, said that is a non-starter. It’s not how the committee works, they said, and given Kavanaugh would need to respond to Ford’s testimony, it will not occur.
  7. Which Senator on the Judiciary Committee might change their vote because of a hearing? Answer: none. This will go to a vote in the Senate. Which Senator in the full Senate might change their vote because of a hearing? Answer: possibly Manchin, Heitkamp, Donnelly and Tester. The hearing will decide whether Kavanaugh gets 51 votes, 55 votes or something in between. Which races in the midterm will be affected by the hearing? Now we're getting to the real question.
  8. We need to have a hearing on it. Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick need to have an opportunity to have their say. We need a four day extravaganza and Hillary needs to testify under oath about what she did to try to silence these women.
  9. The argument for current economics and future economics are clearly different. Nobody with sense precludes the possibility that technological advancements can/will change the economics.
  10. There was an earlier poll that had Manchin winning by 2 points if he voted no, and 29 points if he voted yes. I certainly don't know what those numbers would be today, but you can bet that Manchin will know when he votes and it will be an important consideration.
  11. Roe is not going away. Roe will lose some punch. (The definition of "undue burden" will become higher.)
  12. I don't know. I think: - the drama for the midterm has not run its course. - the way it will play out in West Virginia is not the same as the way it will play out in Nevada or Arizona. All nine Senate seats in play will have their own story.
  13. I think the nomination issue is over. Everything now is about how this plays in the midterm. But anybody analyzing this on a national basis is making a mistake. Well, that may be ok for a vote here and there in the House. But the real game is in the Senate. And how this plays in each state is very different. A national analysis won't work for, say, the West Virginia race.
  14. An article: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/06/dumb_energy.html A book: https://www.amazon.com/Dumb-Energy-Critique-Wind-Solar-ebook/dp/B07FDLM8JX
  15. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/09/20/toobin-brett-kavanaugh-christine-blasey-ford-testimony-ac-vpx.cnn
  16. As I posted a day or two ago, Susan Collins will decide all of this. I see no scenario where her vote doesn't decide. And I think she sees it the same way I do.
  17. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45577079 The Senate has given a woman who accuses Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault until Friday to decide if she will testify.
  18. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/407422-grassley-willing-to-send-staff-to-california-to-speak-with-kavanaugh-accuser Anything is good as long as we keep on track to put Kavanaugh on the bench by Oct 4.
  19. I propose both. Confirm Kavanaugh and let Professor Ford take her case to the state of Maryland.
  20. https://hotair.com/archives/2018/09/19/wapo-say-feinstein-lot-answer-kavanaugh-debacle-huh/
  21. In this forum she's not a complainant; she's a witness in a confirmation hearing. Witnesses in a confirmation hearing are not in charge of background checks. They provide testimony in hearings. That's it.
  22. The FBI investigates federal crimes. The investigative agency for this crime is the state of Maryland. Professor Ford should take her case to the state of Maryland, not the Senate Judiciary Committee.
  23. Grassley said that the hearing Monday will not be rescheduled. The FBI said they won't investigate without direction from the White House. Trump said ... well, you know that part.
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