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Everything posted by MixtyMotions

  1. It's not a legal argument or even a Senate rules argument. It's my fairness argument. I think that in a political fight both sides need a fair bite at the apple. Then it's time to move on. I think, assuming she declines to come Monday, the opponents had their chance. I think this argument will carry the day. We'll see.
  2. Is the objective to give "justice" to Professor Ford or to the Supreme Court confirmation process? If it's to give Professor Ford her "justice" there is no reason it needs to be tied to the confirmation process. Or any reason why the Senate needs to be involved. She she get her justice the same way any other citizen does. If the objective here is to do the confirmation process correctly then the ship has sailed. The opponents of Kavanaugh had their chance and they passed it up.
  3. I could go with that if we could do it right. We need to solve the problem of a 4-4 Court in October. A Ginsburg resignation would address this issue. A Breyer resignation is also acceptable. Even better would be a resignation by Kagan and best of all would be a resignation by the Wise Latina. If the new plan produces a better Court by October 1 I'm all for it. Out of curiosity, who on Trump's list, is better than Kavanaugh? Would you preser, say, Amy Coney Barrett?
  4. I have a solution: Proceed on two paths. Path One is to go ahead and confirm Kavanaugh. Path Two is to conduct a full FBI investigation and then hold a full hearing on the matter. I believe the hearing could be held some time early next year.
  5. It seems to me like he made a smart trade.
  6. Yeah. Here's what he'll say: Oh, I remember that! That was the party at Steve's house. Jim and Joe were there too. The four of us used to get smashed together all the time. And Steve told her his name was Brett. Any time Steve was up to no good, or even ordering food he'd say his name was Brett because Brett was such a goody two shoes. ... Yeah, Steve did that. I was there.
  7. Susan Collins will decide this. If she thinks he's lying he's done. If she thinks he's telling the truth he's in. It's that simple. I can't see a scenario where her decision doesn't determine his fate.
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/09/17/sen-orrin-hatch-says-kavanaugh-denied-being-at-party-described-by-accuser-ford.html I think the process starts by understanding how she knows he was there - that he was the one. And there is a very short list of people whose opinion matters - two of Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Flake and Bob Corker.
  9. https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/kavanaugh-sexual-assault-allegation-dle/index.html Senate judiciary chair: I'm working to hear Kavanaugh's accuser out From CNN's Ariane de Vogue and Manu Raju Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman for the Senate Judiciary Committee, released a statement Monday where he pointed to the standard procedure for updating nominee's background checks. Grassley goes on to say they are "working diligently to get to the bottom of these claims," but does not make any indication about the possibility of delaying the vote. This needs to happen before the vote Thursday.
  10. Whatever approach Grassley takes you can bet he's done it after making sure he has the votes. If he goes forward Kavanaugh is gold. The only issue is how it plays in elections.
  11. The accuser should be heard before the vote this Thursday. I recommend a closed door hearing tomorrow.
  12. The Masculinity Coordinator should be a former Marine drill instructor credited with the creation of the successful "Zero Tolerance for Pussies" program. His (and it needs to be a man) mission needs to be to implement his program for dorm weenies who don't have the benefit of a good fraternity hazing program.
  13. Surly Clearlakehorn seems different from Shaggy Clearlakehorn, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
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