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Everything posted by MixtyMotions

  1. The selection of the next Speaker will likely be very interesting. If the GOP wins, their margin will almost certainly be tiny. If the Dems win most scenarios have their margin fairly small too. Right now RCP predicts the Dems will pick up 25.5 seats. Call it 26. That's 221 to 214. They can have 3 members get pissy and still select their person. More than that have already said they won't vote for Nancy. If the GOP wins the Freedom Caucus is not behind McCarthy. But will they vote for him anyway? There is a small chance that the Dems win big enough to put Nancy in over the defectors. And there is muttering about having Nancy as a "transitional" Speaker, whatever that means. What happens if the GOP wins? What happens if the Dems win with a small margin?
  2. There are three choices: 1. Not tricky - It's Debbie - she's being upfront. 2. Kind of tricky - tricky about the return address but not about addressees - It's not Debbie, but they are upfront about their politics (they're a right wing nut) 3. Real tricky - It's not Debbie, and they don't want any harm to addressees, but they want you to think they do (they're a left wing nut) I'm going with number one.
  3. Weiner-Holder
  4. The most obvious explanation is often the correct one. The bombs were mailed by Debbie. It says so right on the package.
  5. What was the military strategy Jesus advocated for dealing with crazed dictators?
  6. Worse than even Hildabeast or LizardBreast: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-avenatti-eviction-20181022-story.html
  7. You could compare Solicitor General to live-in nanny.
  8. It's amazing how many people just occupy space and count that as an achievement. I remember Steve Jobs famous recruiting pitch to John Scully: "Do you want to change the world or sell sugar water to kids?" I think elected leaders should be people who can make something happen. I think if you want somebody who can make things happen you should look at people who have done that. Beto is a talker, not a doer.
  9. So, what exactly has Beto accomplished? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beto_O'Rourke When I was in the eighth grade I was on the student council. My dad asked what we did. I started telling him about electing officers, taking minutes and so on. He said, "Well that just perpetuates your existence. What did you do for the students not in the student council?" Of course, we had done nothing but meet and "perpetuate our existence". So, what has Beto done? I mean, besides being a live-in nanny and having an accident while drunk?
  10. Nah. It means he FINALLY figured out he was engaging in a pointless discussion.
  11. Justice Democrats is just being dishonest. But what's new in the politics of judicial confirmations. The "deal" was for the full Senate. It was between McConnell and Schumer to have those 15 votes and no more. The deal was honored. Justice Democrats is pissy because the Judiciary Committee did not go home too. There is nothing to suggest that the deal included that. And McConnell doesn't say when the Judiciary Committee meets.
  12. Pissed isn't really the right word. I feel like I'm watching a little kid in Wal-Mart throwing a temper tantrum while his mom mishandles the situation. At first I'm amused. After a while I get annoyed. Not really pissed, but I feel like telling mom to spank the little asshole. That's how I feel here. Usually I get tired and just go away. There are way too many tantrums from posters. They aren't mad at other posters. They are mad at political events. I'm not mad about political events. Everything doesn't go my way, and the noise has a bunch of problems. But, pig picture, -Hillary isn't Prez (the only alternative was worse) -we've got massive progress in the third branch of government, - the economy is booming, and - the regulatory bureaucracy is getting fixed.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnTnpN2H34A&t=
  14. You can even watch old videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jtNd8BRYWE
  15. Fuck off. You are wrong.
  16. There are good solutions to the problem. But there isn't a good solution that can get 60 votes in the Senate. One of the sad things about politics is that most politicians use problems as leverage to get something they want. Just solving the problem misses an opportunity. In this case both parties are using the issue. When both parties would rather have the issue than a solution it won't get fixed.
  17. I think we should find a place for them. Some place safe from the gangs. How does Chad sound? Or Cameroon? Maybe Bangladesh?
  18. When I moved to Houston in '74 West Gray and Waugh was very different. Every place is, but that much more than most. Gentrification is in the air.
  19. Donald Trump is unpopular. Look: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/?state=nwa Of course he's nowhere near as unpopular as Nancy.
  20. The GOP's best voter suppression tactic in states with large Black populations is not to run a candidate in Black districts against Black nominees. For example, in Houston, do not put up a GOP candidate against Sheila Jackson Lee. The Dems try to motivate voters by hollering racism. Just take that card away. Sheila Jackson Lee will win anyway. But if the GOP runs a candidate against her the Dems will run through the Black neighborhoods asserting some mortal threat by White people against Blacks, and the need to ge defend Sheila and the threat to Blacks. If a candidate has opposition they campaign more than if they are unopposed. All candidates do this. If a candidate like Sheila Jackson Lee has no personal reason to campaign, she'll campaign a lot less. It will affect voter turnout in her district. Voters who would come to vote for her, and then vote straight Dem while they're there, don't come. That affects candidates like O'Rourke. One year I worked to support a candidate for a minority district in the state House. He had been a football star in the community (and played at Michigan) and was active in local politics. Promoting him drove up turnout in that district and probably cost us a key countywide race. Another good voter suppression technique is to push an issue which splits the Dem electorate, forcing a candidate either to choose or wimp out. For years the gay marriage thing worked. It was popular with the true Left but not with Catholics, minorities or Billy Bob - all big Dem constituencies.
  21. https://nypost.com/2018/10/20/count-on-hillary-clinton-running-again-in-2020/
  22. We should replace Sotomayor with Garland. You'd be happy. I'd be happy.
  23. I love the name on that building: Bizness Tsentr Good Russian words!
  24. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/17/opinion/hillary-clintons-master-class-in-distraction.html Great stuff!
  25. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2018-midterm-election-forecast/senate/?ex_cid=midterms-header
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