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  1. I have a long way to go
  2. Post some lessons please
  3. Hammer

    Two of my guitars

    I have a Klema acoustic but no pictures of it
  4. Hammer

    Two of my guitars

    Start posting guitar pairs, that’s a good idea
  5. If I could play better it would be nice no skills on my end
  6. Trying again. Here are two of mine Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Hammer

    Two of my guitars

    Well obviously I am computer illiterate this was supposed to be in guitar pron thread
  8. Hammer

    Two of my guitars

    Epi Les Paul and Fender HSs [/img] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Here are two of mine. Epi Les Paul and Fender Hss Can’t get them to post. I will keep working on it.
  10. In. Mostly followed at the other site but will post up my cheap ass guitars later.
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